I am not sure about agreeing to disagree in this situstion. I am also not sure about people reading all the hype hype hype then reading Linda's portion which serves to slam the hypsters. I do think that people will of course read as described, but I also think that we are talking about sheeple and not people.
There is no way of knowing which advice the sheeple will follow. they could very easily see Linda's advice as the wrong advice and follow that advice of the majority in the E-Book.
I said we would have no way of knowing but I could be incorrect in that assumption, after all look at what we see people following in Aldands. They join adventures that have no real H.O.P.E. of showing them any true level of success unless, splitting profits and earning 11 to 15 cents a sale is a road to success, if they are indeed even able to make any sales. They often fail to heed the warnings on what is sound business knowledge, something they claim to be seeking and yet they still jump on each and every bandwagon hoping to get rich overnight or with little to no work.
In regards to the E-Book I fear that by people reading 6 to 1 they might tend to see more from the six than from the one.
If you were only able to sit and listen in to our morning coffee conversations, I think you would gain more of education in that one hour than in a week of reading posts.
Of course this only my opinion and not everyone might agree.