Up To Date Motivation
Conscious living includes controlling your environment, taking charge of things
that you really do have power over, and USING these things to help you out.
I'm sure you have lots of motivational devices of your own, especially over the
years; posters or screensavers, lucky hats or special T-Shirts, a meaningful key
ring, souvenirs, that kind of thing.
Today's 60 seconds we will spend wisely in taking a brief stock of your most
important motivational items and we'll check if any of them need to be updated
and brought up to speed with your development.
For example, you might have a coffee mug with "Fire Your Boss!" that you bought
when you were still working a 9-5, to encourage you to get your own business
going, but that was in the past and now you ARE your own boss - and clearly, the
mug needs to go!
You need a new mug with "Self made millionaire" as a motivational device.
Get the idea?
Alright, now find something that when you update it, it will help you with the
NEXT goal and "update your motivation" for the future.
Kathy Martin