but what makes a website appealing - Graphics?, layout content? Colors? all of the above? I presume its layout, because I doubt whether anything else is going to register in that time.
It is a combination of all of the above and then some. While the layout is near to the top the colors can be above them. Your eyes will register a poor color choice before you even get to see the layout. The "COLOR PSYCHOLOGY" is something that is studied and reported on yearly by Pantone and the "Color Think Tank" ,yes this group really does exist. They dedicate a lot to just this area of expertise and there is a huge conference every year in Toronto that discusses what will be the colors of the next year.
Color is light and light is energy. Scientists have found that actual physiological changes take place in human beings when they are exposed to certain colors. Colors can stimulate, excite, depress, tranquilize, increase appetite and create a feeling of warmth or coolness. This is known as chromodynamics. If you are designing your own site, think about the disadvantage you might be at when you don't even know about this field and someone else does. I know about it and understand a bit but once again Linda would have even greater knowledge on the subject. That is one reason why I charge less than she does for website design. That isn't to say my sites don't look as good or fair as well, but there is a knowledge base that you have to pay for.
Now I have only scratched the surface on color, and it is the same with each component used to design a website. The knowledge base employeed in designing sites in always growing and changing. I wouldn't even think of doing a design today like I did even two years ago.