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Brad West

221 Posts
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Re: General OFFERS Corner: Let's SHOUT :O About It! Show us what you' have.
3/13/2006 3:27:03 PM
Thanks for the gracious Offer. I will start with the Free ones!!! Free Ad sites for you Everything for Success With this site you can post your ads for Free on 70,000 with just one click. Everything for success is just that this is also Free and works very well. This site is New and Free to post ads. Forum Group for Admin to post your sites. This is also Free it is an article I wrote the other day I hope it is for some use to someone. I also have this posted on our forum mentioned above Brad West Onomoney Get a Group Mentality!! What Expands Attracts!! This concept is an old one but somehow it has been lost in the selfish modern world of today, with it is everyone for themselves’ mentality. Part of my quest as a community builder is to educate and help people to realize the harm they are doing to themselves when they have an all for me and just worry about me attitude. I would like to point out a few advantages to working with and together as a group. It is also powerful and healthy for you as an individual to work and play together. Sharing with an open positive heart is one of the strongest assets to a community. If you realize how powerful your thoughts were you would never think a negative thought. So when I say open positive heart I mean act with out the, you owe me attitude. But still believe that some where down the line you will receive payment for your kind gestures and then some. You never know where they are coming from and you don’t have to dwell on them, just know they will happen. An example of this is I just started a forum for advertising one of the issues brought up in the planning stages of this project was if someone from reefers a lead to the site and the lead ends up signing up with someone else that is not right I lost my prospect. This is a negative thought and I can understand the feeling. But on the other hand if you look at a situation like this with the open heart concept it may make some sense. First If your prospect joined with someone else that may be a good thing if they feel more comfortable with them, they maybe more productive for the community. Second If they joined the community under someone that you have not met, this gives you the opportunity to contact them, congratulate them and networking with them. Exchange contact information share what you are doing and who you are. You have just gained more power. Third You can expect this prospect to help you out a little more. If they signed up because the forum had sufficient information they must have felt comfortable enough to act. This means the dynamics of this source is enough to send others to get their information there. You can expect another 10 or more people to collect more information. Then think about the next 10.More attracts more. Think about this for a moment. If you are driving down the road and you see a person standing on the side of the road looking out over a lake. You don’t think twice about it you may notice them but you don’t even think twice or slow down you just drive on by. On the other hand if you are driving down the road and you come across a group of people looking out over a lake your curiosity gets the better of you. You slow down and do a little rubber necking yourself. You may even stop and get out joining the group to find out what you are missing. Bigger is better, more attracts more and that is a fact. This is just part of the rewards of working with a community in a selfless manner. It maybe hard for some to grasp this concept at first but if you can act in faith and practice this you will be a winner. To achieve anything great it takes great faith. To accomplish this faith takes work and a battle with your subconscious. Beat those negative thoughts in your subconscious, replace them with positive thoughts. Work from the inside out, live from the inside out. When I say making heaps of money is a spiritual experience I mean it. Change your mind and prosper! Brad West Onomoney
Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Brad West

221 Posts
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Re: General OFFERS Corner: Let's SHOUT :O About It! Show us what you' have.
3/13/2006 3:30:48 PM
The Wholefood Farmacy SUCCESS FACTORS No Risk: Free Membership Free Personal Website Unique Whole Foods & Safe Non-Toxic Personal Care Products Transfer Buying Low Monthly Personal Volume Requirements No Group Volume Requirements Retail Profits & Wholesale Enroller Bonuses No Personal Sponsoring Required Strong Home Office and Upline (Field Leadership) Support 30-Day Repositioning Privilege Full Dynamic Compression No Risk: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee Take a look it’s FREE!!!
Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Brad West

221 Posts
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Re: General OFFERS Corner: Let's SHOUT :O About It! Show us what you' have.
3/13/2006 3:33:29 PM
New Marketing Trends for 2007 These predictions have been in the wind for a couple of years now and the reality is starting to hit. The new online movement is to lead with inspiration, not money. These communities that inspire prosperity are going to be all the rage in the near future. People are getting fed up with being demoralized by corporate America. Things like the drug companies, Enron, World Com, and the fleecing of Americans by the government itself are disturbing many people. The new word in marketing is an old concept, Network!! Trust and integrity will produce a network that will work for the good of all. This is too powerful to ignore and will produce profits greater than ever before. The commodity is everyone’s individual network that is the bottom line. Personal networks have become “bank”, this is the new economy. Gather your intangibles and hold on to them. Things like your reputation, your word, helping people with out asking for reimbursement, and performing like the good old days on just a “hand shake”. These things will be worth more than money. But will in turn cause money to roll your way like never before with less effort. Integrity will sell whatever your product is. I am involved with a community right now that has been perfecting such a concept for about three years now and we have unleashed it for all to join. Plan4Power will be one of the biggest communities of the integrity movement. It will also set the standard for internet marketing. It is a stand alone, hands down original concept. I call it the underground honesty movement. Join me in this trend and prosper. Brad West Onomoney
Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Article Cash eBook - How It Can Help?
3/14/2006 7:06:21 AM
Here is just a small list of what you will learn after you get your hands on the “Article Cash” ebook… The absolute fastest and easiest way to pump out as many high quality, rich content articles as possible (this technique will have you pumping out dozens of high quality articles every single day…imagine all the things you will be able to do with all that content!) Exactly where to go to find inspiration, ideas and knowledge for your articles (these are some great resources you can use in order to never be stuck for things to write about) The easy and simple way to insure your articles look like they were written by professionals, and insure they get accepted to all the ezines and newsletters you want to submit them to (if you don’t do this, you could be loosing out on A LOT of publicity!) A proven way to make over $1,000 with just one article! (This worked for me, there’s no reason it should not work for you :) Exactly how to write great, content and key work rich articles to generate huge profits from Google Adsence. Exactly how to use your content rich articles to profit from affiliate programs and how to write these articles to make sure they get maximum response from their readers (this section of “Article Cash” is great for those who don’t want to create their own products) How to and where to find the best affiliate programs you can promote with your articles (if you are going to become an affiliate you need to know this!) The simple and extremely easy way to use your articles to create a free report, so you can promote the affiliate programs you signed up for (this is a great way to get people to buy what ever it is you are promoting) Exactly how to write great articles to generate a viral monthly income! And many, many other ways you can profit from writing high quality, content rich articles! NOTE: The above is just a small list of everything you will learn in the “Article Cash” ebook :)
* New* Spend 7.00 This is worth it and Nifty Advertising.
3/15/2006 8:59:56 PM
Neat new way to get traffic to your site for $7.00 $7.00 That's it! Nice traffic generator and you can win the lotto too. Next draw is March 17th This is great advertising and fun and a super idea. NO HUNTING FOR LEADS. NO TIME CONSUMING TASKS. ONLY 5 MINUTES! You just join up and list your websites to get advertising - IT IS THAT EASY. a unique method of getting people money, of getting people the visitors that they dearly want. All you do is add your websites and how to pay you, into DeedNetwork ADVERTISER and you will become one of the many members who WILL get visitors and can earn money with tickets TWO TIMES A WEEK This is nifty I put my sites in here. Yours should be there too. 7.00 I can't believe it! Marzlan

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