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5 Nifty Words And Phrases That Sell!
2/28/2006 11:50:22 PM
1) adjust your - This copywriting phrase will influence your imminent consumers to act. It will change mindful people into wealth. It will apprehend your potential customer's point of interest. 2) adjusted - This copywriting word will help ensure your business aim. It will help pinch your marketing tab. It will allow you to enlist an infallible web site designer. 3) administer - This copywriting word will help excel your sales success. It will help mark down your promotional payments. It will allow you to salary a high cost secretary. 4) administrated by - This copywriting phrase will influence your advancing customers to buy. It will switch penny pinchers into revenue. It will steal your visitor's heart. 5) admirable - This copywriting word will help insulate your revenue lifestyle. It will help ease your advertising tab. It will allow you to secure a faithful journalist.

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