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Cheri Merz

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Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
3/1/2006 12:42:29 AM
Just found something interesting and on point in my email, thought I'd pass it along: NO AUTHORITY IS HIGHER THAN REALITY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Truth isn't a matter of your personal viewpoint. Learn to see things as they really are, not as you imagine they are. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or who says it. No matter what you believe, it never changes the facts. If they are there, the facts always speak for themselves. The truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of people. If sixty million people say a foolish thing, it's still a foolish thing. The sky is no less blue because the blind man does not see it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2006 by Max Steingart Reproduce freely but maintain © notice
Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
3/1/2006 1:12:35 AM
Hi Cheri ========================================== You're a better person than I am, then. I do take satisfaction in the feeling of vindication when I'm right. So I'll take satisfaction in your behalf in regard to those who attacked you and Peter. I have a strong sense of righteous indignation over any injustice. ========================================== Sometimes I wish I could feel that satisfaction. Instead, it makes me deeply sad. That's why I say it so seldom. I share that sense of righteous indignation, but I don't seem to be able to apply it to myself. When it comes to me, it seems to roll off like water off a duck's back. Like I'm fine with taking my lumps for saying it like it is. But, when I see people misleading others, righteous indignation kicks in big time. Hence the almost savage post. Good word. ========================================== Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or who says it If sixty million people say a foolish thing, it's still a foolish thing ========================================== I liked that verse. A lot. : ) Linda
Mark Hodgetts

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Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
3/1/2006 3:06:36 AM
Hi Linda I'm not sure that we're talking about the same lady, but I suspect we are. I didn't get involved in the debates - mainly because I was on holidays and missed them. As I've said before you posess uncommon sense, regrettably it takes events such as these to underline the fact. Actively encouraging people to put more than they can afford to lose into something is tantamount to criminal. If as you say people are losing their homes over this than that's so sad. I've been there when people have been evicted - its not nice at all. Maybe these events will shake out the entire Internet Marketing Industry. I know that sales through TE's and safelists have basically dried up over the pasr 6 months as the Autosurf juggernaut took off.
Gary Simpson

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Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
3/1/2006 6:25:03 AM
Hi Linda and Peter, I guess I'm the third musketeer in the "I TOLD YOU SO!!" brigade because I had some very strident comments to make about those autosurf cons (and MLM's - check out the threads). I too was attacked over what I said about them. But I couldn't care less. (Plus I have flak jackets, kevlar helmets and a bomb shelter to retreat to... sigh!) You see I just saw them for what they were - DOPEY! Let's face it, if the returns were so outstanding then why weren't the greedy banks investing in them? Huh? Honestly, I shake my head in utter disbelief at some of the crapolla that I see on the net. Er, and a lot of the stuff that I see in some of the other forums. That is why I restrict my time here to viewing and participating in Linda's forum because she talks sense. Peter said something a while ago that really amused me. It went something like this: "If it looks like dog poop and it smells like dog poop then don't ask me to taste it because two out of three ain't bad." Hey, Peter, I'm still laughing over that. Just way too cool. I've used it a few times over here and it always gets a laugh. By the way, I think the bear pic was better Peter. Can you put that back up? Linda, now that you have admitted your age. Happy 46th birthday!!! You should get the Order of Adland for what you do here. The fact that so many people choose to ignore or even attack the resources and advice that you provide only serves to show how ignorant they wish to remain. I can respect a person who has the courage to say: "Hey, sorry. I was wrong." Those people have the capacity to move ahead. I wonder if we will see any of them here? Hmmff, maybe they will be too busy seeking out their next scam... or telling any who will listen how badly they have been treated. "All for one - and one for all!" Best Wishes, Gary D'artagnan Simpson
Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
3/1/2006 6:59:26 AM
Hi Cheri, I do agree that being charged andbeing found guilty are two issues and as I said in my posts "I am not saying this is what will happen but it can and it might". Not everyone thinks of the repercussions that they could face and those were facts that I I felt if not said they might not be understood by those that were involved. I would also like to point out that not all of the past discussions took place in Linda's or my forums but they also took place in the forums of those trying to recrute people into the fold. Advice was given and for that we were told off, to put it mildly. Whatever happens now is up to the powers that be, and if we look at history, and as we know history has a way of repeating itself, the big dogs usually somehow get to run free and usually it is because they gave up the small dogs. That might be why the laws state that it doesn't matter what level you participated at, the rules are the same and the punishment can be equal to what the big guys should get, even if you were a small player. Let's face it the small guy more than likely will not be able to pay a big time Lawyer to defend them and that will also effect the outcome. The one really strange irony in all of this is looking at the top of the page as I type out some of these responses and seeing banner ads for 12 Daily Pro still running here.

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