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Flag of Ana Maria Padurean

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Why WE Need Friends! Friendship Week!
2/28/2006 5:37:24 AM
Hello My Dear Friends! Because I learned something new and I liked it, "FRIENDSHIP WEEK", I want to dedicate some forums to this topic. I just hope that my time will alow me to do that everyday at lest this special week ;-) (we do not have a friendship week here :-) - you know! ) why we need friends We need our friends for many reasons, No matter what the day or season... We need friends to comfort us when we are sad, And to laugh with when we are glad! We need friends to give us good advice, Someone we can count on to treat us nice. We need friends to remember us when we have passed Sharing memories that will always last. We need friends to help us solve our troubles And to share good times so the joy is doubled! That's why we need friends... That's why I need YOU! Author Unknown
Flag of Nick Kitchen

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Re: Why WE Need Friends! Friendship Week!
2/28/2006 6:07:41 AM
Hello Anamaria , thanks for the invite and for sharing the lovely poem Take care Nick
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Flag of Lisa Westberry

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Re: Why WE Need Friends! Friendship Week!
2/28/2006 7:03:17 AM
Hello Ana, This is Beautiful and filled with love and caring and dedication. Thank you for the Forum. It has a powerful message and really reaches out to say....We Need Friends. Love what you did with the Happy Place!!! Great Work Ana my friend and team mate.
Flag of Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Why WE Need Friends! Friendship Week!
2/28/2006 7:36:43 AM
Welcome Nick! Thank you for coming. Lisa, thank you my dear for your apreciations. It is an honour for me to be one of your team mates.
Re: Why WE Need Friends! Friendship Week!
2/28/2006 9:41:44 AM
Their is nothing more powerful in our lives than friends. They are the liquid gold that flows in our spirit when we need to give of ourselves and when in turn we need them the most. Great subject Ana Maria thank you. God Bless, john
John Schaak