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5 Entrancing Words And Phrases That Sell!
2/28/2006 5:21:09 AM
1) a few success stories - This copywriting phrase will succeed even in a fragile industry. It will sway self-restrained people into advocates. It will give you the liberty to duplicate money. 2) a free & easy way to - This copywriting phrase will profit even in a delicate economy. It will convert suspicious people into wealth. It could be used to build amazing advertisements. 3) a fresh approach - This copywriting phrase will generate income even in an unstable economy. It will transform traffic into revenue. It will give you the authorization to publish checks. 4) a full (no) day guarantee - This copywriting phrase will make dough even in an insubstantial economy. It will sway visitors into profits. It could be used to construct astonishing blog ads. 5) a full archive of - This copywriting phrase will peddle your merchandise, support or expertise. It will shift ad viewers into obtainers. It will help make you a sensational professional.

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