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Luella May

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Put an End to Seasonal Allergies and Chronic Respiratory Issues.
8/13/2018 7:10:21 PM
Put an End to Seasonal Allergies and Chronic Respiratory Issues.

Asthma Picture

What is Asthma?

Pollutants and other factors in the environment, called triggers, can bring about an asthma attack. Triggers of asthma attack vary from person to person, but common ones include cold air; exercise; allergens such as dust mites, mold, pollen, animal dander, cockroach debris; and some types of viral infections.

A very effective treatment for asthma is nebulizing with colloidal silver, lobelia extract, and mullein extract. Colloidal silver strengthens the lungs and prevents infection, lobelia extract relaxes the airways and mullein extract expectorates congestion.

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