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Cheri Merz

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Re: If you want to achieve financial success, where is the REAL opportunity today?
2/28/2006 11:30:26 AM
Peter, ============================================ Small carts, low shelves, sounds like it might suit the "shorter" shopper as well. ============================================ I agree! At almost 5'3", I take my life in my hands reaching for a can of something two feet over my head, lol. Unfortunately, the population seems to be getting taller. I used to be able to spot my 6'4" husband anywhere in a crowd, as he was head and shoulders above the rest. Now he is dwarfed by hordes of teenagers, including the girls! Cheri
Re: If you want to achieve financial success, where is the REAL opportunity today?
3/4/2006 10:30:02 AM
Hey, I am one of the tall people (but alas, no longer a teen). Then again, being a teen wasn't all that great. As to real opportunities, I think they are all around, but the Internet does make it easier to reach more markets for many kinds of businesses. It's just finding the right one for yourself; one you're interested in and can learn enough about and set up a suitable business model. As to financial sucess, being independent and not having to worry about what happens sounds nice in theory, but everyone has their own risk zone and an idea of how much disposable income they want and what price they want to pay to get it. One of my previous clients in Hong Kong told me I should have been working 100 hours a week in my 30s to set up my financial success (like he did). To be honest, he was wealthy (Rolex on his arm, moving to Hawaii from Hong Kong) but I'm not sure he was happy (often quarreled with his wife and seemed restless). So was he successful? Financially yes, but otherwise, sorry, didn't seem like it (and he seemed at risk for a heart attack, overweight). As to myself, I'm still plugging along, but hey, I'm in there for the long haul!
Good points, Walter... (Re: Real opportunity)
3/5/2006 6:23:30 PM
Hi Walter You made some excellent points... ========================================== the Internet does make it easier to reach more markets for many kinds of businesses. It's just finding the right one for yourself; one you're interested in and can learn enough about and set up a suitable business model. ========================================== The internet allows us to potentially reach more people than we could without it. What we do with it counts. Each person needs to find the right business for THEM. And I don't mean pie in the sky promises of quick riches. A real true fisherman isn't going to buy from some quack that doesn't know the difference between bass and walleye. Each person needs knowledge -- and a suitable/feasible business plan. Failing to plan is as good as planning to fail. ========================================== One of my previous clients in Hong Kong told me I should have been working 100 hours a week in my 30s to set up my financial success (like he did). To be honest, he was wealthy (Rolex on his arm, moving to Hawaii from Hong Kong) but I'm not sure he was happy .... So was he successful? Financially yes, but otherwise, sorry, didn't seem like it ========================================== Once upon a time, I would have agreed with your friend. Heck, I did it. I worked a lot of hours in my youth. By 22, I made more than my Dad. At 37, I lost everything when I got divorced. Today, I think there's a smarter way. I think people need to realize 5 things. 1) Wages don't create wealth. Profit does. Residual income does. And assets do. Wages don't. Wages just work your fingers to the bone. 2) If you don't know how to manage small amounts of money, you'll do even worse with large amounts. Learn to manage money or it will manage you until you die. 3) Pay yourself first. Always. Take 10% off the top. More if you can. Pay off debts first. It's dumb to put money into savings at 2% if you have debts at 16%. When the debts are paid, then work on building savings or profit or assets. 4) The Internet opens the doors to entrepreneurs around the world. But they are the doors of communication. How you use it matters. What you say and do will become who you are to everyone else. 5) The best business lessons still come from a farmer. First you plant. Then you tend. And weed. And water. And tend. And weed. And the minute you stop, the weeds take over, so don't stop. And then, finally, you harvest.... and it feels very, very good to enjoy the bounty of your own hard work. : ) Linda
Re: If you want to achieve financial success, where is the REAL opportunity today?
3/5/2006 6:29:55 PM
I have to tell you, "thinking out of the box" for these two really paid off. The only problem 5yr old is now a shopaholic. Doesn't matter what the occassion is, now she wants to "buy" her own gifts.
Re: If you want to achieve financial success, where is the REAL opportunity today?
3/9/2006 4:06:03 PM
Leave Canada. Become a citizen of another 3 rd world country. Apply as a refuge and come back to Canada. You would be better off.