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~ ~Update~ ~ Computer Challenges, but I'm still alive! * * * Alive, but tired! ;-)
2/26/2006 12:37:04 AM
(This is a repeat of a thread I just posted in another forum. Not all of my friends are members of both forums.) Hey, I wanted to give you an update since I've been rather quiet lately. Well this week has been rather unique to say the least. A few days ago I probably had one of my most frustrating, exhausting days ever. It started with me being awakened earlier than I wanted to by a noisy neighbor. I have this flaw in my system where once I wake up I usually can't go back to sleep even if I am really tired. I was so tired I almost felt sick but I wasn't able to get back to sleep. What I thought was a bad start to my day was actually the best part of my day! Ha! To try to make a long story shorter, I couldn't get my computer to work right or get past a frozen Windows screen. I spent countless hours talking to Gateway support, Comcast support, and Norton Support. (Gateway's advice caused my Norton and Spysweeper to be disabled and still didn't help the solution, I did eventually find a way to get to my desktop thanks to a tip from Comcast, but there were still some system errors that I was told would be best to not ignore.) I've only had one real computer in my life, my dear laptop, Windows Millennium Edition, arrived in my life in November of 2000. While it hasn't been working perfectly for awhile, it was faithful enough to allow me to get done what I needed to get done and that was good enough for me. It was my plan to get a new computer before the end of the year after I had built up some serious cash flow again. However my computer didn't seem to be aware of this particular game plan. Anyway at the end of the day I hadn't gotten one piece of work done, it felt like I had further messed up some things with my computer and I wasn't sure rather I felt more exhausted from mental or physical exhaustion but it was a really, really horrible combination. I've never spent so much time on the phone in one day with customer support in my entire life. I ended my day feeling quite discouraged and hopeless about the entire situation. It was truly a true bummer of a day from start to finish. I woke up the next day determined to do what ever I had to do to come up with a solution, without a computer I'm out of business. So I got back on the phone the second day spending hours talking to computer service technicians, people who worked in computer departments and computer geeks. After talking with several people, we reached the conclusion that it was probably going to be better, to just get a new computer. Of course I need to think about buying a new computer right now, like I need a hole in my head as far as the financial expenditure goes. But since I don't have a job being online isn't a hobby for me, it's a serious business and I didn't want to spend more time and effort tying to take everything off and then load everything back onto a laptop with limited memory that is over 5 years old. So the next day, (day 3, which was Friday) I spent several hours going to Best Buy. So now I have a new beautiful computer and a new printer. They are both still in their boxes on my floor. Someone from the Best Buy geek squad is coming Tuesday to transfer (import, or whatever you call it) all my information from this computer to my new computer. Right now I'm using my old computer in a very limited way to try to get a few things done. I'm kinda at risk because it's not operating at 100%, but I can't stand the thought of losing several more days without getting something done. I also can't fully concentrate on work because I have to get all my questions written down to ask the geek guy when he comes, this is brand new process for me and I'm rather lost to tell you the truth. I'm also going to have to spend some valuable time cleaning up my work area. They said it can take as much as 4 hours to transfer information from one computer to another, so I need to have plenty of space for him to be able to work on 2 computers at the same time. So I won't really have a regular work day until maybe Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully it won't take me too long to adjust to a modern computer, I know my computer is from another age and era. It will be nice to have faster speed. I also need to take care of several other tasks that I've been neglecting for way too long. Anyway I have several things and programs I need to update you on, but it will probably have to wait until Wednesday or Thursday. I just wanted to let you know why. This entire process has been and is as time consuming and taxing as moving. It's just costing me a lot of time that I sure didn't want to have to spend. I don't even want to think how far behind I am in even looking at emails. But I'm going to start much as I can to start working towards growing a few different income streams and I'll do my best to try to give you an update on things by Wednesday or Thursday of next week if things go well on Tuesday with getting things safely moved over to my new computer and then becoming adjusted to a brand new machine and system. Through this entire process I'm still tired, which isn't a good thing. I'd love to get a couple of nights of 8 hours of sleep. (or even one night) For example this morning, I woke up after less than 6 hours of sleep. My brain wakes up before I want it to, even when I'm still tired thinking of everything I need to do. (yawn) Oh there is one funny story that came out of all of this. One of the times I called Best Buy, I was talking to the head of the Geek Squad. I happened to mention to him how my primary income was stopped because of a payment processor and he said, Stormpay? I was so surprised, I said yes! Then he said you were with 12 Daily Pro, and I was like, well yes. It turned out he's a 12 Daily Pro member as well, who was making a few thousand a month until the Stormpay storm. It was just too funny to run into another 12 Daily Pro person at Best Buy. He's even created an auto surf website. I got to meet him the next day when I went into the store to choose my next computer. It was just rather funny to me to run into a fellow 12 Daily Pro member at the Best Buy Geek Squad. :-) Well, I'll try my best to give you a real program update on Wednesday or Thursday. This is a very big transition for me and right now since my computer isn't at 100% I have to pull back in what I do online. After I have everything safely loaded onto my new computer, I'll let Gateway walk me through wiping everything off my computer, which they said will completely take care of the problem. So I'll have an empty computer, that should work as well or maybe a little better than before all of this happened. So I'll need to sell this old laptop and my printer that goes with it. I'll have to decide rather to sell it on Ebay or locally. That of course will take quite a bit of time as well. It seems like everything takes so much time. Have you noticed that? Well, hopefully I'll talk with you in the next 5 days. By then I'm hoping I'll have several potential income streams set up that I can share with you. Oh I haven't forgotten about my 12 Daily Pro referrals! I'll be sending you a private email update in the next 5 - 7 days.

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Re: ~ ~Update~ ~ Computer Challenges, but I'm still alive! * * * Alive, but tired! ;-)
2/26/2006 3:57:50 AM
I don't want to add too much to your email list but just to say, I know how it's been. It is like having one arm tied behind your back. But hey, you're a resourceful lady and I'm sure things will get much better. Good Luck Roger Macdivitt
Re: ~ ~Update~ ~ Computer Challenges, but I'm still alive! * * * Alive, but tired! ;-)
2/26/2006 4:24:04 AM
Hi Linda, I'd hate to be without my computer. We do so much on it like making friends and making money. Just a note about all that you went thru to try to get it to working. Well you're not the only one that goes through that because I to have had that experience. I've been with a service for over 2 years. They trouble-shoots and repairs my system, right from home. In fact once a month I call them to tune-up my system even if I've had no problems. If your system has never had a tune-up, it remarkable how much better it runs. They service in 12 languages and many countries but are based in San Diego, Ca. I recommend it especially to anyone who is remote and/or it would be difficult to dismantle their system, load and take it for repairs and set-up the system again, or just don't want to be bothered loosing the time and just the hassel of it all. I've also received help from them when I had software issues. It sure is nice you're back online! Levester
Flag of Douglas Grounds

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Re: ~ ~Update~ ~ Computer Challenges, but I'm still alive! * * * Alive, but tired! ;-)
2/26/2006 7:11:20 AM
Thanks for the invite to this forum Felica.
Douglas Grounds
Re: ~ ~Update~ ~ Computer Challenges, but I'm still alive! * * * Alive, but tired! ;-)
2/26/2006 8:19:39 AM
Dear Felicia, Oh yes, this is all too familiar! Bless your heart and just remember that this too shall pass. Margaret

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