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Re: Do you have a minute to give me your opinion on this?
2/25/2006 10:46:19 PM
Linda, First, do I have a minute to do something for you? PLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSEEE woman, I'd find, make and create one for you after all the help you and Peter have given me. Second, my very first reaction, honestly: Yeah, a rebel, I love a rebel. Dear Pinhead, being as sarcastic as I am, applealed to me, then, because I am an insecure woman in some respects, was lured to the weight loss. It looks like it is going to be a wonderful source to get information and give opinions.
Re: Do you have a minute to give me your opinion on this?
2/25/2006 10:48:46 PM
Ummm, when will those buy buttons be installed?????
Re: Do you have a minute to give me your opinion on this?
2/25/2006 10:57:48 PM
Hi Linda :) thanks for sharing, I think your site looks Great, and very informative. I wish you all the best!!:)
Re: Do you have a minute to give me your opinion on this?
2/25/2006 11:07:28 PM
Hi David: ========================================== What is the purpose of the site marketing weightloss products or a new way to advertise or both or am I just missing the whole thing? ========================================== I'm glad you asked. That way anyone that has the same question doesn't have to wonder if they should ask. lol. Having worked "inside" the marketing arena for 25+ years, I've had people ask me to do some pretty crappy things that essentially add up to walking the line between ethical and not. Those are the clients I fire. That's not to say that "all" people selling diet products (or internet marketing, or any other) are selling crap - but too many are. So, I look for areas where consumer misinformation is widespread and hit those areas. Consumer advocacy, if you will. That's the point of the site. Right now I cover only a handful or areas (internet marketing, weight loss, pet care) - but will grow over time to include more. In some areas, I will create the info reports and/or products myself when I have the experience and knowledge to do so. In other areas, I'll point to other people and companies that I recommend. : ) Linda
Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Do you have a minute to give me your opinion on this?
2/25/2006 11:08:03 PM
If it's about consumers revolting by buying certain products, then it might be similar to many others who would use this site. We are looking for true ways of fighting the war consumers fight to keep our hard earned dollars from disappearing due to useless taxes and price hikes that line fat cats' pockets. Most consumers are also brain washed about how they take care of their cars by car manufacturers and oil companies. One oil change outfit in particular has admitted that just influencing car owners to change their oil by something like fifty or 100 miles sooner would result in millions of dollars increase in their profits. These are my opinions but are based on people smarter,and more famous and richer than myself. Of course they don't like to have the consumer know that he has options that can result in keeping his car longer and only need an oil change once a year without compromising his warranty. Using a product like that would really start a revolt that would have some interesting results.

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