I just try to be the best person I know how to be. I try not to look down on anyone, except those who do harm to others.
I choose not to see the misfortunes and challenges in my life as an attack from satan, but rather an opportunity to become stronger, even a gift from God. I know that God will never give me more than I can handle, even though, in the midst of crisis, I may think he has greater confidence in me than I have in myself.
I choose to believe that satan cannot harm me, no matter how hard he tries, because through faith and love, I will be protected.
Challenges in life are meant to be lessons. We either become stronger, having learned from them, or we weaken, through self-pity. Anguish only comes to those who lose faith, because tomorrow is always a new beginning.
Any challenge can be overcome. Just look at Hellen Keller. Satan did not create the disabilities she suffered. God gave them to her as a challenge, not only for her to overcome, but for those who shared her life, as well. Her parents, her teachers, etc..
You should not blame satan for all of the evil in the world. He may have offered the apple to Eve, but he did not force her to eat it.
Human beings were given free will by the Lord. We either choose to embrace goodness, or evil. God lays out for us what we will gain by choosing a path of goodness, and satan lays out the path of evil. We, as human beings make the choice as to which path to follow.
All religions, Christian or otherwise, believe that the righteous will survive, and the evil will be their own undoing. I too believe this to be true. Therefore, I strive to be a better person today than I was the day before. I do everything I can to teach my children to be good people. That is all I can do.
It is not my position to damn anyone, regardless of who they are or what they've done. That is God's right. I know I can't save the world. All I can do is live what I believe and hope that perhaps someone else will learn from my example. After all, isn't that what Christ's purpose, here on earth, was? He did not force others to follow him, damning them if they did not. In fact, he asked the Father to forgive those who would crucify him. Christ was not a warrior, he was a teacher. He was not an evangilist, screaming to the masses to repent or be damned. Christ taught by example. He lived his life as a good person, and many followed him.
The best thing that we can do for the world, is to live as good people and hope that others will follow our example. You cannot save those who do not feel the need for being saved.
My two cents...