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#Just_for_fun #Gery
3/17/2018 8:38:17 AM
Which one of the blank community profiles is YOU?

How is it possible for an affiliate to 'hi-jack' promoting an affiliate page?

RE: #Just_for_fun #Gery ???
4/22/2018 3:32:49 PM
My SFI Class will be declaring "Class Champion" on 27 APR 2018

I am feeling too special by direct comments to my SFI forum posts by founder

I hope I am not going to be duped for the time I have spent in SFI via being blocked from accessing my SFI account like I was with google .... some years ago

... for the 1st time, I got the following error msg -
Connection failed
Error code 20
The proxy failed to connect to the web server, due to TCP connection timeout.
2018-04-22 14:58:58 UTC
Your IP [Jan aka Jaz deleted]
|Proxy IP [Jan aka Jaz deleted]
Origin Server IPX.X.X.34
Powered by Incapsula

NOTE: I edited sensitive info in this post, it is saved in the event I need to submit a complaint to BBB

after attempting to post the following in a forum
[quote=1400649]Good morning. I have been really struggling lately. Mainly in not having enough time to do research and try to get ideas. I have a full time job, and have distractions at home. It's called family life. While I'm trying to work on to do list here and so on, I am also trying to blog and work on new website, which I purchased through TC. I also joined a couple of traffic places, in hopes of getting my sites out there. I have been here, at SFI for roughly 11 months now and am getting very discouraged and overwhelmed. I have made no sales, and have a hard time getting people to join. Can someone please help me?[/quote]
I can identify with multi-tasking
* family (I am a blended Mother of 6 (my spouse 3 from previous marriage my two from previous marriageand our baby [who married a year ago this month and moved to Colorado with his wife]; am now celebrating Empty Nest, since January 2018
*work (my spouse has been retired since 1999, I resigned from 17+ years of employment from VAMC-ATL in Dec 2004 and started self-employment in Feb 2004)
* self-improvement (earned a BS Business Operations degree - DeVry 1994, had to drop out of Master Financial Analyst program at Keller Graduate School ~ pending 3 courses and 3 certifications to earn that degree in 2007 for declining health crashed (digestive issues)
* health ( 1/3 thyroid [non-cancerous]removal in 2010 and gall bladder [ossified] removal in 2013
* me time ???? (I am a functional insomniac recovering from declining health that began in 2000) just started in January 2018
Since signing up for SFI, believe it or not, I am getting more rest because, I have giving up some of my self-employment activities
I have published site(s) since February 2005 ...
[b]My personal recommendation to you is to prioritize and force yourself to manage your time and include time to rest[/b] ...
SFI is the best on-line opportunity I have discovered and I am so new, I have several ideas that will make this opportunity work, in the near future ...
For this opportunity, I check in daily; have created a Eager Zebra League and am in the process of heavily recruiting league members, who also will be TCMembers
Work is challenging; however,
Your Health is Your Wealth
If you do not take care of you ... you will not be able to do all that you do
Stress will diminish your health
Network Majic Queen


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