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Don Evans

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Americans Are Dreamers Too! *** (Brandon Tatum, 3 Minute Video)
2/5/2018 11:40:10 AM
You Can Help To Make America Great Again!
Please see: "How Can You Help" below".

NOTE: 1 - This message is posted in my Make America Great Again forum where you will find lots of articles & videos that I just do not have time to post in other forums. AND we welcome your comments there!

NOTE: 2 Remarks below links are from those who watched the video. What do you think?

Brandon Tatum - 3 minute video
Americans Are Dreamers Too

I was blown away when he said that. That statement was JAW dropping. I had never felt more prouder of our President Donald Trump that Day. Yes this is a statement made for history, it's been awhile since we have heard so much compassion in a statement. Some of our greatest leaders have gone home already. Dr. Martin Luther King, along with our President John F. Kennedy. Now our President of the United States of America.... American's have a dream too. Well said. God BLESS America and our President Donald Trump too.

Yes. It was the first State of the Union address I had ever watched. He said that and I almost cried. 😥 I thought, "For once someone is thinking about us!"

THANK YOU, Brandon!! I have had enough of this 'Divide and Conquer' the progressive Left has been playing w/the AMERICAN PEOPLE......I've watched them do this **** my whole life!! 1st they tell the 'white man' to be afraid or to 'look down' on the 'black man'~while at the same time, they tell the 'black man' to hate and to blame the 'white man'.....AND FAR TOO MANY FALL FOR THE IDENTITY POLITICS OF THE POLITICAL ELITE!!

Trump said many great things in his SOTU address. However, off the top of my head, I can think of 2 key statements that were powerful: I thought that quote was a brilliant addition to his speech. "Americans are Dreamers too." A message full of hope and optimism. Yes we have compassion and love for humanity, however we also have to prioritize our own issues. I'm sorry as an American citizen, DACA is not a priority, boarder security is. Economic issues are number 1, hence his awesome tax reform bill.

How Can You Help?

The Make America Great Again forum is a Not For Profit business. In other words, I do not get paid for what I do here. I do it because I think of it as my civic duty to help support the President and his Make America Great AgainPolicies. Think of all he has accomplished just during this first year in office! NOTE: You might not be able to do that if you have been listening to the major news networks, especially CNN. You won't get the whole truth there. That is all FAKE news. You will get the whole story here, the story behind the story of what is really going on in the news on a daily basis.

You Can Help To Make America Great Again! All you have to do is forward this message, AND any other message in the forum to other people to let them know that we are taking our country back from the politicians and those who control them.

Don Evans
The Freedom Loving Country Western Cowboy


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