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The next mult-million dollar business #HEMP claim your opportunity!
12/14/2017 7:43:54 PM
"Hemp Cannabis Product Sales Projected To Hit $1 Billion In 3 Years."

Join The Hottest Wellness Trend & Next Billion Dollar Industry

Be Part Of The CBD Hemp Oil New Product Line Pre-Launch

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Cannabis Coconut Oil – Easy Recipe
12/16/2017 2:42:26 PM
Combats Pain, Nausea, Seizures, and more

Farm Bill legalize hemp production for research
12/16/2017 2:46:46 PM
President Obama Signs Farm Bill Legalizing Industrial Hemp

Vote Hemp, the nation’s leading grassroots hemp advocacy organization working to revitalize industrial hemp production in the U.S., is excited to report that President Obama has signed the Farm Bill which contains an amendment to legalize hemp production for research purposes.
Originally introduced by Rep. Polis (D-CO), Rep. Massie (R-KY) and Rep. Blumenauer (D-OR), the amendment allows State Agriculture Departments, colleges and universities to grow hemp, defined as the non-drug oilseed and fiber varieties of Cannabis, for academic or agricultural research purposes, but it applies only to states where industrial hemp farming is already legal under state law. Sen. McConnell (R-KY) successfully worked to retain and strengthen the hemp research amendment during the Farm Bill conference committee process.

Learn how to make your own medical cannabis salve
12/16/2017 3:00:35 PM
Poor man's Salve: Medical Cannabis Salve

Healing Cancer with Cannabis
12/16/2017 3:04:05 PM
The Rick Simpson Story: Healing Cancer with Cannabis
