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RE: Let's Network #New_Community_Members #SFI_International #Earnings
7/2/2017 7:02:20 AM
P.S. If you do use my link for any of the deferred membership payments, I will refund your money when you get set-up and I receive my $500 - TCC are currently offering a big value bonus which you do get instantly. Please take a look here
RE: Let's Network #New_Community_Members
7/2/2017 7:14:42 AM
That's very good, but I highly recommend that you continue what you are doing and use the $50 for the one time payment for deferred membership of Turnkey Cash Cow. Its a completely done for you program and you will get set up in 12 months time and start receiving guaranteed minimum MONTHLY payments of $190 from month 13. When you are set up and they make a sale for you (not guaranteed) you get $500 and your monthly income will rise by around $60. If you use my referral link I will get that in 12 Months time. Its a great feeling, I will get my 5th monthly payment in a few days time direct to my Paypal account and no further payments ever. I have just used my income to buy the $265 deferred membership for my wife. In 6months time I will get the $500 commission and increased monthly income and she will start getting her $190 per month.
Nada ... I will use earnings to Purchase TC Credits to give to Veterans (giving away TCredits is my added activity that will excel me to Executive Affiliate), who do not use computers ... as an incentive to personally coach new users to acquire his/her 1st email account and playing Free Eager Zebra games ...

I will share SFI forum posts via sending to their email ... possibly inspire some to join my SFI Team and learn how to earn as a FREE Affiliate ...

My SFI Leadership blog is set up to help PSAs, I personally invite ... at least accomplish what I have accomplished

"Earning Commissions without spending a penny"

RE: Let's Network #New_Community_Members
7/2/2017 7:19:35 AM
P.S. If you do use my link for any of the deferred membership payments, I will refund your money when you get set-up and I receive my $500 - TCC are currently offering a big value bonus which you do get instantly. Please take a look here

Believe it or not ... I do not need money ...

I am still working in waiting for several minor medical issues to be addressed

... while waiting ... I just like keeping mentally busy
... after recovering from the last medical issue

... I will be pursuing Radio Broadcasting Licenses ...
RE: Let's Network #New_Community_Members
7/2/2017 10:44:08 AM
Good for you, I hope everything goes well
RE: Let's Network #New_Community_Members
7/8/2017 12:49:45 AM
P.S. If you do use my link for any of the deferred membership payments, I will refund your money when you get set-up and I receive my $500 - TCC are currently offering a big value bonus which you do get instantly. Please take a look here

Consider creating a SPLASH page and pin it to your twitter profile ...
