Bombshell: Susan Rice Seeking Immunity Deal
 Trump said that he would drain the swamp and much to the surprise of his detractors, he appears committed to his campaign pledges. Comey’s unceremonious but well-deserved firing was a warning shot across the bow, and it appears that former National Security Advisor to Obama, Susan Rice, has heard the shot loud and clear. For the record, let’s be very clear here. Regardless what nonsense the Democrats or the mainstream media will be spouting in the coming days ahead (and there will be plenty of it), make no mistake, it will all be pure B.S., and it will all be in an attempt to distract Americans from what is easily going to be the largest scandal in our nation’s history… In the following video, Right Wing News looks at reports which claim that Rice is now seeking immunity in exchange for spilling the beans on higher ups. The stakes are high for Rice; she stands accused of ordering illegal wiretaps on Trump and disseminating the information to journalists, a very serious offence. If someone as high up as Rice testifies, who will she implicate?