Ken, if association with Commission Junction is a bad thing, then what about association with Sony, Verizon, Payless Shoes, Marriott Hotels, and Ritz Camera? Those are the latest additions to GreenZap's merchant list. Each and everyone will be accepting webcash. But don't look for them in the GZ Storez just yet, they only just signed the contracts and the ink isn't dry yet. But just as GZ said back in June of 2005 that they would provide a list of merchants who accepted webcash and who knows how many people left because it didn't happen till mid-November, so there will always be nay-sayers who will dig up all sorts of "Facts" and cast all kinds of dispersions on both the integrity of the company and the character of it's founders.
Did you know that Commmission Junction was bought out by Value Click? Did you know Value Click is a billion dollar company?? Did you know that GZ has also done a deal with Link Share and that this resulted in another 150 merchants who willingly accepted webcash as a way to drive customers to their online stores? This was in addition to the 500 they originally contracted with Value Click for. Oh, don't bother going to the GZ site and counting up the list of stores and then saying, "Aha, there's only 343 there, so I knew they were liars and cheats"!
I have had personal conversations on numerous occassions with the President of Greenzap, Alex Sonkin, and I regularly emailed both him and GZ's CEO, Damon Westmoreland. And I can tell you with certainty that these are men of character and solid ethics.
When I first joined they talked about sharing the wealth and I thought that was nice, but doubtful as to whether or not it was sales hype. Then they offered their Gold members the ability to buy their stock at 50%. I sat up and took notice. And when there were many complaints from people who didn't have the $1,000 of cash up front to take advantage, they made a second offer, to accept payment over 10 months, allowing each participating gold member to add up to $1,000 in webcash as part of the purchase price... AND GZ would throw in another $1000 of webcash to boot. That means $3,000 of stock for $1,000 investment. How many companies would do that? Yes, you could look at it from the negative side and say it's self serving... but isn't all business... isn't YOUR business? What they've done is encourage those with limited funds to participate in the American dream. They have said, in essence, if you'll work hard and bring in more memmbers to use our services and buy our merchants products, we're going to reward you too, just like we're rewarding our merchants. Right now their stock is under 10 cents in value. But what will happen when those people who take advantage of this offer buy their stock in 10 months when they've finished paying down that $1,000? First, they'll get the stock at the going price then. Maybe it will be worth 20 cents by then. So they get $3,000 worth of GZ stock at 20 cents a share. That's 15,000 shares. Now I know they are working on some technologies that are going to rock the financial world. They are creating a payment switch that will move money between banks in 3-5 seconds instead of 3-5 days. What do you think will happen when the world discovers they can move money faster (remember, time is money!)? That's right. I can see this stock soaring... maybe not to a Google level of over $400 a share, but I could imagine $20. Now, those people who have never owned stock in their life suddenly have $300,000... that's over a quarter of a million dollars!
There are some recent additions to this whole
GZ saga that you all should know about. Veretekk is widely acknowledged to be one of the best and most knowledgeable Internet marketers on the planet. They have recently joined forces with GreenZap, creating for them an amazing promotional site, due to launch this Tuesday, Feb. 21st. Here's a preview:
Oh, and in a week or two GZ will be officially launching a corporate cash-back program. Members will be able to give away $100 1/2 webcash and 1/2 real cash. Is there a catch? Yes, but it's a small one. People who will take time to fill out a banking survey will get the $50 cash, and if they don't want to give out their info, fine, they can use it as webcash and purchase from GZ's StoreZ.
Before I end this message I want to copy what I posted to another forum. It gives a better undertanding of webcash, so you and others can understand just how valuablle it really is. Here's what I wrote:
Karen, I understand what happened with StormPay, but GreenZap? You speak of them together in a negative way, but I challenge you to say exactly what is wrong with GreenZap and prove it. I'm getting fed up with all the people on this service who bad mouth what they do not know or understand. Before I joined GreenZap I thoroughly researched all the scam reports on them and found they were without merit.
I can speak from experience, not just mine but the several thousand people I have in my downline. Many of them, including myself, are making good money. In just 2 and a half months, that's how many people have joined my GZ Community. During that same period, I've made $1,976 in both cash and webcash (and webcash IS cash, because you get it back as cash, just like a rebate, after the purchase).
David, I'm a bit confused by your lack of willingness to back GreenZap, yet you jump right in with Alertpay? Why would I want to get this "Deal" of paying only 2.5% transaction fees with AlertPay, when I can pay NOTHING with GreenZap??? Well, there is a $1 fee per transaction, but GreenZap gives every Gold member who puts up the one-time $100 member fee, $300 in webcash ($50 when you join for free and another $250 when you upgrade)... and webcash can be also be used to pay the $1 transaction fee! Does AlertPay provide over 600 stores that accept webcash? Did Alertpay put together a deal with Expedia and Travelocity, whereby their members can spend their webcash and get another 30% discount off the lowest prices everyone else pays for travel?? Does Alertpay pay back bonuses of up to 52% of what their entire downline pays to Alertpay? Does Alertpay offer to build your downline for you with 20+ orphaned members that signed up at the company site rather than your site?
Well, GreenZap did all that and more! Yesterday I had 1000 members and today, after I got the 20+ members promised (actually, I got 32) my downline has more than doubled in size. How can that be? Because GreenZap has an irresistable value proposition that no other company can touch and I have between 50 and 60 gold members in my downline and ALL of them got their promised 20+ members at the saem time!!
So, please, if anyone here wants to send out unfounded dispersions on the character or integrity of GreenZap and it's management staff, back up what you say or risk appearing uninformed and lacking in intelligent investigation of the facts.