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RE: #Good Morning from Jan aka Jaz
7/3/2017 7:59:29 AM
5 Reasons to Be Yourself at Work

Do you have a “work self” that’s more polished and calculated than your off-hours personality? If so, it might be time to rethink. While it’s important to maintain an awareness of appropriate professional boundaries, there’s also a lot to be said for authenticity. There are so many benefits to deciding to be yourself at work.

1. It helps to build trust.

It’s important to demonstrate trustworthiness in any industry. When someone is relaxed and being themselves, you can feel it. Being authentic at work helps to show others that you’re someone who can be trusted. And, it encourages others to be relaxed as well as honest and direct with you. When you have the courage to share your real thoughts, feelings, and ideas, others are more likely to respond in kind. Having open and straightforward communications with coworkers, clients, and bosses is important — and authenticity helps you get there, in a big way.

2. You’ll feel good about what you do and say.

When you feel one way, but act or speak in ways that suggest you feel another way, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Feelings of cognitive dissonance are no fun — and they’re sure to arise if you’re being less than authentic at work. You’ll feel much better if your words and actions are aligned with your true beliefs. Of course, we all need to make compromises. But, it’ll be a lot easier to walk that line if you feel that you’ve expressed your ideas and thoughts on the matter at hand.

3. It will help you be stronger, not more vulnerable.

By definition, authenticity means that you’re not only comfortable with yourself, you’re also comfortable connecting with others. The thought of being authentic or “truly yourself” at work can feel a little scary at first, as if it will leave you vulnerable. But, just the opposite is true.

When you have the courage to act and interact in ways that align with who you really are, you’re showing others that you know yourself and that you’re confident enough to be yourself at all times. This demonstrates a strength of character, and a confidence, that reads as anything but weak. Showing others who you really are doesn’t make you more vulnerable — it helps you become a stronger and more secure version of yourself.

4. You’ll contribute more.

The only way to give your coworkers, clients, and company the full benefit of your perspective is for you to contribute. Research suggests that traditionally underrepresented groups find it harder to be fully authentic in a workplace setting. A Deloitte study, reported on by Fast Company, found that some people felt more of a need to “cover” aspects of themselves at work. White men felt this way at a rate of 45 percent. But, 66 percent of women felt they needed to hide parts of themselves at work. And, LGBT workers felt this way at a rate of 83 percent.

However, it has been proven again and again that diversity is good for business. Diverse teams are better at problem-solving, they’re more creative and innovative, and ultimately are a greater benefit to a company’s bottom line. Without the benefit of your contribution, your coworkers and your business will suffer. So, be yourself and share your ideas and perspective. The more authentic you can be, the more of a contribution you’ll make.

5. It’ll make you happy.

Research has found a real link between authenticity and happiness. When the two are measured side by side, they are found to be intrinsically connected. After all, how could you be happy at work without being yourself? So, if you want to connect and thrive at work, trying being just a little bit more authentic. It’s tough to really find professional fulfillment when this crucial piece is missing.


Sharing complement from #SFI_International #Forum

"Hi Jan,

The only good I see in you is the fact that you do read, but, I don't see any ACTIONS.. The BADGE under your profile picture tells it all!!!

This link is for affiliates like you:
"Leading by example works in the negative, too, of course. Want a downline of affiliates who do nothing? Then do nothing and that's what you'll likely get!

So...the rule is real simple: Whatever you want THEM to do, YOU do, because they are following your lead!"

Jan Green
RE: #Good Morning from Jan aka Jaz
7/4/2017 2:09:17 AM

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My Favorite YouTube "Good Morning Video"


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#Vote_Yes for FollowLike #JazLive

God in the machine: my strange journey into transhumanism
According to Kurzweil, we would soon reach the Singularity, when we would be transformed into ‘Spiritual Machines’

I first read Ray Kurzweil’s book, The Age of Spiritual Machines, in 2006, a few years after I dropped out of Bible school and stopped believing in God. I was living alone in Chicago’s southern industrial sector and working nights as a cocktail waitress. I was not well. Beyond the people I worked with, I spoke to almost no one. I clocked out at three each morning, went to after-hours bars, and came home on the first train of the morning, my head pressed against the window so as to avoid the spectre of my reflection appearing and disappearing in the blackened glass.
At Bible school, I had studied a branch of theology that divided all of history into successive stages by which God revealed his truth. We were told we were living in the “Dispensation of Grace”, the penultimate era, which precedes that glorious culmination, the “Millennial Kingdom”, when the clouds part and Christ returns and life is altered beyond comprehension. But I no longer believed in this future. More than the death of God, I was mourning the dissolution of this narrative, which envisioned all of history as an arc bending towards a moment of final redemption. It was a loss that had fractured even my experience of time. My hours had become non-hours. Days seemed to unravel and circle back on themselves.
The Kurzweil book belonged to a bartender at the jazz club where I worked. He lent it to me a couple of weeks after I’d seen him reading it and asked him – more out of boredom than genuine curiosity – what it was about. I read the first pages on the train home from work, in the grey and ghostly hours before dawn.
“The 21st century will be different,” Kurzweil wrote. “The human species, along with the computational technology it created, will be able to solve age-old problems … and will be in a position to change the nature of mortality in a postbiological future.”

Read more

~~♥♥♥ Independence Day Coding and Things We Can Do | Flat Earth | The Mandela Effect | Transhumanism ♥♥♥~~

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OCMA Kidz Funky Town Performance



Gregory Cole is a community member in the AdlandPro community. He has a site that allows link shares to blogs, social network pages, business, and more.
RE: #Good Morning from Jan aka Jaz
7/5/2017 5:51:49 PM
Morning Birds singing (no music)

If/When YouTube is now showing here's YouTube URL

New Quantum Theory Could Explain the Flow of Time

RE: #Good Morning from Jan aka Jaz
7/5/2017 8:33:06 PM

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My Favorite YouTube "Good Morning Video"


Click "Good Morning" if community YouTube of the same does not show

#Vote_Yes for FollowLike #JazLive

Thanks #Voting_Fellas ... for getting my site on 2nd page #33

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Rev. Melinda Ross
Rev. Melinda Ross1 week ago (edited)
Well, I knew Marvin Gaye and Gene Page and I know for sure, they'd get high on cocaine, so that has to be it. No one acts like that normally.

Marvin Gaye HIGH, In LOST 1983 Interview...HONESTLY Talks About DEPRESSION and MOTOWN!!

YouTube link in case video does not show

Inner City Blues - The Music of Marvin Gaye (documentary)

YouTube link in case video does not show

Marvin Gaye 'What's Happening Brother' Soul Soldiers video

Published on Nov 19, 2006

A visual montage taken from photos in the SOUL SOLDIERS exhibit and the film directed by Chris Ivey at the Heinz History Center.

RE: #Good Morning from Jan aka Jaz
7/5/2017 8:38:54 PM

Enjoy drone flying indoors or out with this tough little machine

Frankie Gaye - My Brother

Four Brothers 2005 : I Wish It Would Rain

Published on Sep 28, 2011

Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, André Benjamin & Garrett Hedlund. "I WISH IT WOULD RAIN" Performed by 'The Temptations'. OST.


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