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Re: Re:Wosat Site and forum in use...
4/29/2006 6:26:48 AM
Thank you Shannon, It was the only place that opened to me and where I could signe up?! Anyway looks it's ok now. I have already sent to Larry a "Non-Discloser" agreement this way you have now two of them. Anywhay better later than never :-) Looks that I have to delete my other account with Adland! LOL I do not need two of them. In case I have to do something more than let me know. One more thing: I used my Internet provider email in the nondiscloser agreement -as you suggested me to do - but I signed up with my yahoo because that one I use more. The other I visit only very seldom! Wish you a wonderful weekend.
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Re: Sorry For The Delay - I Have Resigned
4/29/2006 2:54:11 PM
Dear Sean, Thankyou for taking the time to come and say your farewell to Wosat, but I won't accept a farewell as friends. It was a great honour to work with and alongside you in the early months, and you certainly did your best for the team as well as being a great support to me as Board Member. It was sad that you had so many problems with your computer and was never able to enter the meetings. I know you did your best to listen in on Skype, but it's not the same. Your effort's were to be comended but it is understandable that there are only 24 hours in a day, and when you are already working 23, you can't give up that hours sleep that remains. Give Tracey my love too and we all wish you success, and if you are lucky, more time to spend as your AKA Mr Jaccuzzi :-) Still miss you here, and will alway's remember you, but sad also that you are not with us as we reach our Launch. We did it!!! Hope some day you might find time to re-join us and share in the success you helped to create... Best wishes always Kay
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Re: Sorry For The Delay - I Have Resigned
4/30/2006 3:40:57 AM
Hello Kay and Dr King, Thank you very kindly for your comments and to the other friends who sent me private e-mails, it is so nice to know there is so many good people in the world. My Regards Sean I will gladly stay in touch Kay have removed skype due to it slowing my computer so much.
Sean Peters Nutritionist Let Me Help You Make Money
Flag of Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Sorry For The Delay - I Have Resigned
4/30/2006 3:48:33 AM
Hi again Shannon. Sorry for being such a "pain.." for you :-) Still I didn't get my activation mail! Is this ok or is something working wrong? What should I do now? Wish you a wonderful weekend.
Re: Wings of Success Advisory Team
4/30/2006 8:57:13 AM
Dear Ana Maria, Go ahead and try logging in. It may be that, since this is being done individually, one was never sent. I think you are activated though. Have a great day! Sincerely,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol

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