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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
3/31/2006 5:25:42 AM
Hi James Welcome to wosat wings of success advisory team glad you are here so come on board and fly with us to the stars and beyond
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
3/31/2006 8:53:22 AM
Hello, Isn't it time you made the income you've always dreamed of? Of course it is! And here's how: Long-Time Internet Marketing Guru Jim Daniels (the man who helped Bogdan Fiedur, the owner of Adlandpro get his start early in his online business and earn nearly 3 million dollars!) has just released his most powerful CD System yet which will give you the ultimate edge in the world of Internet Marketing. Please welcome Jim Daniels, JDD Publishing Co.
Bogdan, Intelligence Inc GodSpeed Ambassadors
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
4/1/2006 4:57:56 AM
Hey there Wosat members, I have created a New thread for our New members only Forum! Which is only to be used for Directing our New members to once they have been invited to come on board and join us in "Wings of Success" This is there first Entry Stage as a New member! Here is the Title and Link to the Forum: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success. For our New members to Enter this Forum, they may first have to be a friend of Dr David's, if they have trouble Entering that may be the case! God Bless!
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
4/1/2006 9:42:27 PM
Hi there! My mom, Luella May invited me to join WOSAT. It sounds like a great thing. I would love to be a part of it. Please let me know what I need to do. Thanks!
Veronica - Entrepreueur National Electronics Warranty- N.E.W. / Atlantic & Pacific Real Estate
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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
4/2/2006 4:14:40 AM
Hello Veronica, Glad to see you after so long. Hope everything is OK with you. Welcome and wish you the best.

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