Okay so he's from Ireland. And they spell organization with an "s" instead of a "z". It looks very foreign spelled with an "s", and now I know why, it is foreign in its form. But, when it is pronounced it is pronounced with a "z" here in the states.
Pronouncing it as though it is with a "s" sound makes no sense really. Organisation pronouncing it this way is 1.) showing in my auto spell checker it is wrong that it is being spelled this way, and 2.) pronouncing it with the same "s" sound as sensation, is well in my humble opinion kooky.
And why don't we spell as with a "z" we pronounce it as a "z" sound? Languages are kooky, no matter what language American English, European English, Dutch, Irish, Spanish, you name it just kooky as kooky can be.
Have a great speaking/writing day today everyone. And remember, if your speaking/writing to an American audience you spell organization with a "z" not a "s". And you pronounce it with the "z" sound not a "s" sound.