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Tim Southernwood

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Quotes from the Peace Pilgrim 190? - 1981
2/15/2006 2:28:18 PM
Peace Pilgrim 190? - 1981 You are within God. God is within you. Unnecessary possessions are unnecessary burdens. If you have them, you have to take care of them! There is great freedom in simplicity of living. It is those who have enough but not too much who are the happiest. The purpose of problems is to push you toward obedience to God's laws, which are exact and cannot be changed. We have the free will to obey them or disobey them. Obedience will bring harmony, disobedience will bring you more problems. There is something to that old saying that hate injures the hater, not the hated. People see themselves as the center of the universe and judge everything as it relates to them. On the anger habit: Do not suppress it-that would hurt you inside. Do not express it-this would not only hurt you inside, it would cause ripples in your surroundings. What you do is transform it. The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace. In my life, what I want and what I need are exactly the same. The valid research for the future is on the inner side, on the spiritual side. Make food a very incidental part of your life by filling your life so full of meaningful things that you'll hardly have time to think about food. If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. I don't eat junk foods and I don't think junk thoughts. As I lived up to the highest light I had, higher and higher light came to me. I've met a few people who had to change their jobs in order to change their lives, but I've met many more people who merely had to change their motive to service in order to change their lives. Anything you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you, and in this materialistic age a great many of us are possessed by our possessions. Worry is a useless mulling over of things we cannot change. A pilgrim is a wanderer with purpose. You're in a much better position to talk with people when they approach you than when you approach them. This is my peace message in one sentence: This is the way of peace-overcome evil with good, and falsehood with truth, and hatred with love. We have all the light we need, we just need to put it in practice. I pray without ceasing now. My personal prayer is: Make me an instrument which only truth can speak. Praying without ceasing is not ritualized, nor are there even words. It is a constant state of awareness of oneness with God. Many people profess Christianity. Very few live it-almost none. And when you live it people may think you're crazy. It has been truthfully said that the world is equally shocked by one who repudiates Christianity as by one who practices it. Humanity has only scratched the surface of its real potential. For light I go directly to the Source of light, not to any of the reflections. My appointed work is to awaken the divine nature that is within. Keep your feet on the ground and your thoughts at lofty heights. Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission: "While the world perishes we go our way: purposeless, passionless, day after day." Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return. We are all cells in the same body of humanity. We are that which activates the body. Before the tongue can speak, it must have lost the power to wound. ____________________________________________
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Larry Parsons

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Re: Quotes from the Peace Pilgrim 190? - 1981
2/15/2006 3:55:30 PM
Tim, Thanks,I agree prayer doesn't have to be ritualize.It just hanging out with God. No matter were we are at. we can have little talk with God. Tim,I like the whole thing Larry
Re: Quotes from the Peace Pilgrim 190? - 1981
2/15/2006 9:43:45 PM
Tim ,, Thanks ,, Really Well said. Your Friend Elbert L ( gouardhead ) .
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Donna Zuehl

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Re: Quotes from the Peace Pilgrim 190? - 1981
2/15/2006 11:25:21 PM
Wow Tim. The article makes my wants seem superficial. I guess it puts things in perspective. Not thinking about food is very difficult even when I am busy with meaningful things. I do like the thought of "before the tongue can speak, it must have lost the power to wound". I try to live by that concept. DonnaZ
Re: Quotes from the Peace Pilgrim 190? - 1981
2/16/2006 1:15:20 AM
Hi Tim, I enjoyed reading this. Thank you
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