Thank you for your comment Cyril, I recently accepted networking on a Traffic Exchange site and have seen several sites with the graphic logo ... decided to do some #SCAM research and found shared article ...
I no longer participate is pre-Launches for I am focused on new connections at this time for in the near future, I aspire to earn Radio Broadcasting Licenses ...
To date I am pleased with International Visits to my networking page:
Quote: Yes Jaz Have seen this post quite a lot of late,how ever if you track back to the person who wrote it you will find that it is a pdf file that anyone could have written.I think if the Rothschild's with there Notoriety would have there Seal or David Mayer de Rothschild's share the Info you sent me. There is no Investment as stated which is Supposedly done through a email, incorrect. Why would they release a warning as such when they have control of Media Globally. Surely it would have made Headlines around the World with at least a spoke person representing the Rothschild's. Jaz there are going to be a lot of Companies that will be effected by this Merger and they are feeling it now. We've had a lot of Company Reps challenging the Authenticity of LCF Crypto Currency and when you see and understand whats going on Globally there is a need for them to be worried. All that aside Jaz what we are doing is Sharing and it is FREEDOM of CHOICE. Cost ZERO, not what was posted in your message and YES you will receive 3000 coins value $1500 usd and your own Back Office during the Promo period. By the way Jaz there is going to be a fee to Join LCF Crypto Currency, as to what that fee will be, we won't know till after the Launch in April. Where's the PAIN in this? NONE Whats the GAIN? All that you want it to be. So I hope this has helped Jaz. If you need more info, Message me