WR will be a 100% PASSIVE company. You CAN of course earn extra by sponsoring, but there is no REQUIREMENT to do so. LINK - https://goo.gl/xIOlB3
BLOG - http://wp.me/p7OMbt-4U Register - https://goo.gl/27kmVn income proof - https://goo.gl/f31gBy
Wealth Rising Recorded Call Thursday, Feb. 16th https://youtu.be/JTcdpsWYUS4
#WEALTHRISINGWEBINAR #WEALTHRISINGhowitworks The concept behind WR is a peer-to-peer or member-to-member payment system. So the "company" does not hold the money --- they actually just provide the platform. Funds are sent directly from one member to another. It works like this: You can PA (Provide Assistance, also known as deposit) to somebody and after a fixed period you can then RA (Request Assistance, also known as withdrawal). THAT IS IT actually. It is a 100% passive income. SO how can we make the most of it?