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Cash Unlimited

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Re: Government
2/15/2006 1:16:04 PM
I love it good stuff.
My offer to you: When you get time take a look at my sites, Let me know which one you like BEST.
Re: Government
2/15/2006 1:51:55 PM
Hi Linda This is a perfect copy how administration doubles up and explains how they are inevitable. Excelent Zvonimir Rakigjioja
Re: Government
2/15/2006 1:54:03 PM
In New Zealand this very thing is true, our Government will cut back some service's especially anything to do with the elderly. Our older citizens from the world war era's deserve to be looked after, well you would think so, but the Government see different, these people are getting old, so they are no use to the country anymore, so they cut back on their allowances such as Social security benefits etc.. Sad, very sad, these elderly are having to lose their life's earnings to subsidise Government expenditure, is it right or is it wrong? Really speaking, it is hopeless trying to save money for your retirement the Government will only take it away from you either through taxes and,when you get too old, you are regarded as a liability, so they cut back on more of our elderly citizens allowances and force them to sell their homes and live in Government housing estates and are made to pay high rentals. The money that is taken away from these elderly people are being given to Government officials to give these people a hefty pay packet while our elderly suffer, does this seem right to anyone? No, not to me but, what can anyone do, the worlds Governments have their own rule's which over-rides public demand for better conditions and service, it as though in this instance they had sacked the night watchman and kept the higher paid in employment, crazy i reckon. This is a very good subject Linda, if only our Government authorities will come in here and read these excerpt of their bungling efforts to increase productivity, while they increase productivity, the people of the world are having to pay dearly for our Governments bungles. Thanks for inviting me to comment on this forum, i love your forums Linda.
Verna ZdarskiKeeble

142 Posts
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Re: Government
2/15/2006 2:46:03 PM
Hi Linda, Very interesting reading your post, always with interest in a day. Thank-you for sharing. Enjoyed. Sincerely, Verna ZK.
Re: Government
2/15/2006 4:32:06 PM
Hi Linda :) Lol good one. Have a great day!!:)

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