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Re: Grandparents And Grandchildren
2/15/2006 8:35:09 AM
Hi Linda! Great story! I never knew my grandparents becuse they passed before I was around. What happened recently is that I just found a picture of them from the 1930's while going thru a cleaning project at my moms' house. And to make it even better I found a picture of my greatgrnadparents form the late 1800s on an old 'tintype'. I will have something really neat to pass on to my grandchildren! Is that cool or what ? Dave
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Len Berghoef

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Re: Grandparents And Grandchildren
2/15/2006 10:52:42 AM
Hi Linda, Love this one! Thank you! Have a great day! Leonard
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Re: Grandparents And Grandchildren
2/15/2006 12:39:55 PM
Linda, That was a darling little story. Keep it up.
Dixie Thomason
Verna ZdarskiKeeble

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Re: Grandparents And Grandchildren
2/15/2006 2:37:02 PM
Hi Linda, Well done & said. Thank-you for sharing. Sincerely, Verna Zk.
Re: Grandparents And Grandchildren
2/15/2006 8:29:25 PM
I hope my grandchildren tell me that when I get older. I have my second on the way sometime in May!