Official Position Statement
- is but one agency of international financier George Soros, from which it has received millions of dollars. Soros, who calls the United States a danger to world peace and blames Israel for anti-Semitism, wants to subordinate the United States to the United Nations or some other international government.
- Most of what anti-Semites say about ZOG (the so-called Zionist Occupied Government) is true of SOG (the Soros Occupied Government). SOG is like a world-spanning octopus whose tentacles reach into numerous governments and non-governmental organizations. Rebecca Peters' IANSA (International Action Network on Small Arms), ACT (America Coming Together), and the Tides Foundations are but a few of the other tentacles of the Soros-Occupied Government.
- Any politician like Bob Casey (D-PA), Ned Lamont (D-CT), John Kerry (D-MA), or Bill Nelson (D-FL) who accepts MoveOn's money and support must be suspected of serving two masters: George Soros and the United States. One cannot serve George Soros and remain a loyal citizen of the United States.
- Real Democrats do not accept endorsements or money from anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, or racist organizations.
- Candidates cannot control who endorses them but they can reject endorsements from unsavory groups, as Ronald Reagan did the Ku Klux Klan's.
- tolerated and sanctioned anti-Semitic and in some cases racist and anti-Christian hate speech in its Action Forum. The Action Forum is also full of 9/11 conspiracy theories that could have come straight from the Jeff Rense Show.
- lied to Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League and to the public as a whole when it said it could not control what people, even unnamed conservative operatives whom it accused of posting the material in question, wrote in its Action Forum.
- MoveOn's exercise of editorial control over the forum, as shown by its diligence in finding and removing postings critical of itself and of the racist and anti-Semitic material makes it 100 percent responsible for the racist and anti-Semitic material that its moderators saw and chose to let stand.
- For comparison, a totally-unmoderated Internet newsgroup cannot be held accountable for racist hate speech or poor-taste ethnic jokes. It is in fact up to the other participants to report spam and criminal conduct like violent threats to other users. It is the exercise of editorial control that makes responsible for the content of its Action Forum.
- Other Action Forum participants voted overwhelming approval, usually ranging from 70 to 95%, of the racist, anti-Christian, and anti-Semitic slurs along with the 9/11 conspiracy theories. We doubt that 70-95% of the Action Forum consists of Republican operatives, especially given the left-leaning but non-bigoted material that also is posted there.
- No matter who posted the material, though,'s moderators saw it and chose to let it stand while censoring other postings. This makes MoveOn responsible for the content, and therefore an anti-Semitic and to a degree racist and anti-Christian hate organization.
- An official MoveOn bulletin from Noah Winer hints at "Jews with divided loyalties" so maybe the Action Forum is taking its cue from MoveOn itself.
- MoveOn candidate Ned Lamont accepted an endorsement from and is campaigning with a known racist and anti-Semite named Al Sharpton, whose mobs perpetrated two separate acts of anti-Semitic violence in which people were killed (Crown Heights and Freddy's Fashion Market). Sharpton was also central to the Tawana Brawley scandal in Wappingers Falls NY in 1988.
Chronology of the Destruction of by legal, nonviolent, and socially-acceptable methodsIt is our full expectation (and intention) to destroy by legal and nonviolent methods, the same way we destroyed the Million Mom March in 2000. We are posting here for the record the chronology of events to date and our strategy. We intend this to be our second success in "killing" an entity more than ten thousand times our size in terms of person-hours and financial resources through the legal and nonviolent application of organizational psychology and organizational science. Our allies should take this as a reassuring sign that they have a powerful friend who stands with them and who stands for principles. To our enemies we say only, "Odirent dum metuent," "Let them hate as long as they fear."
Ethical Considerations We have been accused of Action Forum participants as well as others of trying to "silence" our adversaries by destroying their organizations. Gun control supporters also may be unhappy with what we did to the Million Mom March. We remind anyone who has ethical qualms about our methods of some excellent wisdom that Rudyard Kipling quoted in his Holy War:
"For here lay the excellent wisdom of him that built Mansoul, that the walls could never be broken down nor hurt by the most mighty adverse potentate unless the townsmen gave consent thereto." BUNYAN'S Holy War
A considerable amount of folklore supports this observation. Some vampire legends say that a vampire can never enter a dwelling unless someone invites him across the threshold. The city of Troy could not be taken until the inhabitants opened the door for the wooden horse. Christian theology says that Jesus stands at the door and knocks, thus asking to be let into the believer's heart. The corollary is that the Devil also must stand at the door and knock, but his prospective minion must let him in before he can guide the minion along an evil path.We cannot destroy an organization until it opens the door through actions contrary to common decency (allowing its discussion forum to become a platform for racist and anti-Semitic hate speech or, in the case of the Million Mom March, lying to prospective donors and volunteers) or even the law (using 501(c)(3) tax-exempt money to support Al Gore's and other political campaigns).
Now (13 October 2006), we're going to tell what it should have done, now that it is far too late. The mistake (and lack of ethics) that will cost its existence was to reply to the breaking scandal with an easily-disprovable lie and an attempt to blame the hate speech on agents provacateurs. This is what has exposed to the total (and rightful) destruction of its credibility. Eli Pariser should have stepped forward with an abject apology: something like, "We fouled up big time, screwed the pooch, and blew it completely. By allowing our Action Forum to be used as a platform for this kind of behavior, we did an enormous disservice to ourselves, our members, and our candidates. We have accordingly deleted the entire Action Forum to prevent further dissemination of the hate speech in question." It's like cutting off a diseased limb but it denies the enemy (us) the opportunity to inflict further damage. It's considered bad form to continue to berate and criticize someone after he makes a sincere apology and takes actions to prove its sincerity. We are not sure how we could have pursued this further had taken all its lumps up front and cut the Action Forum loose. As it was, however, MoveOn's dishonest attempts at damage control presented us with an indefensible target into which to pour one attack after another-- like shooting fish in a barrel.The purpose of this chronology, or diary if you will, is to document clearly the strategy and methods that have brought about the destruction of and serve as a testimony to the overwhelming and unstoppable power of organizational science and psychology.
People really tend to forget who this organization is a front for, George Soros. Wake up foolish folks, please.