A couple of days after the election results came in with surprising results for most of those who don’t have a clue as to what is going on in America, Gloria Allred and one of her “clients” went before the public to do a little damage control. It’s really bad; so bad that it can’t be ignored, if for no other reason than to help clear Mr. Trump’s name and reputation. The smear merchant broken-nose parasitic attorney Gloria Allred stepped in it with both feet and her lying clients have found themselves now covered in it from head to toe – deep doo-doo. The Donald Trump victory blew the heck out of their plans to extort money from the man who will now soon be president. We can imagine the preparation for this theatrical presentation that went on between Allred and Summer Zervos, the embarrassing, pathetic gold-digger and really bad actress sitting next to her. Allred probably told her, “We’ll go out there and warn Mr. Trump, with all of these sympathetic media types on our side as witnesses. He’s president now, so this is beneath him. Don’t worry; you just act like you’re on the verge of throwing up and losing your mind. He’d never dare attack a woman in such a fragile condition. If he does the media will play this tape incessantly, so make it look good, this is our insurance policy.” http://rickwells.us/allred-smears-trump-failed-issued-laughable-warning-retaliation/