* AMERICA IN MORE TROUBLE THAN BEFORE - SO SAD ==============================================
After investigations were opened on you know who, at least five states offered voters the chance to change their early votes knowing supporters of you know who, may want to change after the recent EFBE.EYE findings.
At least three of these states have now been caught, AGAIN, either disregarding the changes or guiding the voters to the machines who automatically change any Republican vote to Democrat.
IT GETS EVEN WORSE! :( --------------------------------------
Border authorities have confirmed, the epidemic of illegals coming through our Southern Borders has gotten so bad, they do not have enough space to hold them before sending them back. So, instead of sending those who were caught back to Mexico, they are being released into American communities where many are met with buses paid for by George S. (biggest supporter of you know who), and then taken to the closest polling stations that do not require ID to vote.
Many who were not caught crossing the border illegally, knew in advance where these buses were waiting with money and food for their vote.
SORRY, BUT IT EVEN GETS WORSE! =================================
Two of the buses caught, we are sure there are more, actually went back through customs to return the Mexicans to their country who only crossed illegally in order to get paid food and money to vote. Once they voted, the buses brought them back to Mexico.
I am 100% sure these people were NOT voting for Trump, Johnson or Stein. The cost for George S. is almost nothing for him, but the potential cost to America is more than it can handle.
Border patrol is "NOT" the issue here. Right now, "ISIS" is not even the issue. Our National Security is "NOT" the issue right now. Emails are "NOT" even the big issue right now. If you know who is allowed to remain on the ticket, then it may take tens of millions of votes against you know who just to skirt by and even then . . . . . who knows exactly how many of those votes will even be counted. Voter F.raud "IS THE ISSUE" most important RIGHT NOW!
NOW I AM REALLY SAD, . . . . Yes, even WORSE! =========================================
November 1st, it was discovered by an American hacker who found the election results already completed for the nation and ALL 50 states. Yes, one week before the actual election, reports were already completed showing a very close race, but with you know who the victor on both popular vote and with electoral and a record number of voters turning out. It was made this way to make it believable by both sides.
This is shameful to our country and our own future. You know who must be removed from the ticket before the other you know who can pardon the whole mess because that other you know who is very guilty of you know what and more.
===================== > > JUST HOW SAD? < < =====================
My father was a great man who loved being a cop and is very much my hero. As sad as I was when he died earlier this year, I am even more sad about what will happen to "MY" country. I love America and spent 15 years of my life defending this great land. I would be even more sad, angry, frightened and more if you know who is allowed to continue what she is doing to America and much of the world.
Yes, I am begging anyone reading this to do ALL YOU CAN to ensure you know who is not allowed to get away with the horrible and numerous crimes against our wonderful country and thousands of people around the world.
You know who has already put millions in danger with her support and arming of many of American's enemies.
Tyranny must be stopped at ALL COST!
Evil can only prevail when good men do nothing
Hillary Clinton is guilty of espionage over her email scandal, and the president is an accomplice... If the FBI doesn't recommend indictment soon, important people are going to get suspicious.. If anyone can watch this, and still vote for her, you need your head examined, and you hate America.