Mooch knows how to get a totally fabricated story line into the narrative you’re presenting as if it’s fact; she’s the domestic partner of one of the best liars around. You simply say something along the lines of, “I know there’s some folks out there that have commented” and no matter what it is, it’s given the presumption of fact without ever having to get the NSA involved in providing documentation. Providing documents is not something the Obamas are very good at. They’ve struggled with it since before day one.
She used that tactic on Thursday when campaigning in Winston-Salem, NC for Hillary Clinton. Not only is Hillary as big of a liar as Mooch’s domestic partner, but she’s coming there to say good things about her. Get ready Democrats, your customary falsehoods and misleading half-truths will be everywhere.
The comment that Mooch supposedly overheard was one in which someone said, “It’s been unprecedented for a sitting first lady to be so actively engaged in a presidential campaign.” Nobody said that. Aside from it being a long and convoluted foundation to introduce a point that a speech writer crafted, what are the chances that someone would actually refer to the Mooch as a lady – sitting, squatting, first, last or otherwise?