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Re: * * * Stormpay Feed Back * * * Computer Security Tips ~ ~ International Powerline Program!
2/13/2006 10:36:32 AM
Thanks Ben and Felicia for the info. I went into my StormPay account yesterday and a $5.00 balance I had there for quite some time was gone. So, I cancelled my account. It doesn't look good.
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Re: * * * Stormpay Feed Back * * * Computer Security Tips ~ ~ International Powerline Program!
2/13/2006 12:11:10 PM
You're welcome Larry.

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Re: * * * Stormpay Feed Back * * * Computer Security Tips ~ ~ International Powerline Program!
2/13/2006 2:27:57 PM
Felicia I called my bank and there were no withdrawels so I canceled Stormpay. Do you feel assured that they still don't have our bank account numbers? I'm praying they don't. I took my money I had in Stormpay and I sent it to my bank a week before I closed my Stormpay Account. Stormpay in turn took it as a chargeback. They are really scary people. I looked at the pictures of there building, you had a link too. Nice car. The office needs some makeover. Hopefully they will be moving to the state pen. When I canceled them they said you can't rejoin. I hope 12 Daily does not use only Stormpay after all this. Or 12 Daily will be holding my money forever. I keep praying. I treied changing processers in 12 Daily but there is no option to do that. I joined EMO and EGold. Lonna
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Re: * * * Stormpay Feed Back * * * Computer Security Tips ~ ~ International Powerline Program!
2/14/2006 2:09:52 AM
Hi Lonna! I'm sure Storm Pay does have access to all bank account and credit card numbers. Because of that some people are just closing out their accounts to protect themselves or doing a stop payment with their banks so that no charges from Stormpay can get through. I'm sure 12 Daily Pro will never use Stormpay again after all that has gone on. I know I for sure don't want to join or market a program that even has Stormpay as an option. It just isn't worth the risk. 12 Daily Pro isn't holding your money, Storm Pay is. Even though the charge backs says it's from 12 Daily Pro, StormPay froze 12 Daily Pro's accounts, 12 Daily Pro can't access any of the money. Stormpay is sitting on millions. And it's not just 12 Daily Pro, there are countless records of other auto surfs, HYIPs and even other type of programs that have all shared the same experience, so it's obvious what is going on here. Right now 12 Daily Pro isn't open for upgrades so there is no need to change processers. All we can do is wait, which is why I'm concentrating on earning with other programs, because I have to continue to earn an income. Thanks for visiting my forum.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

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This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Re: * * * Stormpay Feed Back * * * Computer Security Tips ~ ~ International Powerline Program!
2/16/2006 12:01:14 AM
Hi Felicia, Thanks for that I feel I'm all caught up now! Leanne Busby

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