JOHNNY DONOVAN: Live from the Left Coast at our satellite studios in Los Angeles, it's Open Line Friday.RUSH: Yes siree, Bob. Here we go, folks! All ready to have more fun than a human being should be allowed to have. Your host -- your beloved host -- is being impugned, lied about, unfairly criticized all over the Drive-By Media. It's typical, and I can't wait to play for you the examples. It's great to have you here. Open Line Friday. Whatever you want to talk about is fair game, fine and dandy. It can be anything at all. It's 800-282-2882 if you want to be on the program. Email address,
Have you ever noticed, ladies and gentlemen, how the... You know, I call them the left, the liberals, the Democrats, whatever. Have you ever noticed how they claim they love Mother Nature? They just love it! They don't like humanity much because humanity destroys Mother Nature. But they love Mother Nature. But then when Mother Nature does something nasty, like give us a drought or give us a hurricane, it's not Mother Nature's fault. No! It's our fault. It's mankind's fault because man has brought about climate change.
And Mother Nature is merely another poor victim of capitalism and uncaring, unfeeling, mean-spirited, extremist human beings. I just... I look at what has been reported about this hurricane, what was reported before it hit. By the way, for those of you wonder, we dodged the bullet as I knew. Well, I didn't even any... I look at the models yesterday and the forecast, and I was telling everybody that was asking, "Look, it's gonna go enough away from us that we're not gonna get the brunt of this," and it did. We had some damage where I live...
Well, no damage. There was one down tree. This is another thing. I got an email, "There's a tree down on your property!" I said, "Oh, no, really? A tree down? Should I go home?" So somebody sent me a picture. It was the neighbor's tree and about two feet of it was in the street. So everything is fine. I'm not able to get back home yet for a couple of reasons, but we should be back to normal on Monday up and running. If not, it doesn't matter, folks. We'll be here wherever we are. It doesn't matter where "here" is. We're here and I will be here
But, as of yesterday's program, we spent a lot of time talking about how there's a lot of variances in what we're being told about the high winds, various place like Nassau and Haiti, and then we had on-the-ground reports from those places that were not at all consistent with what we were being told the high and the wind gust and the sustained winds were. So I mentioned this, and at the Huffing and Puffington Post...
You know, folks, you heard me on this program yesterday. You have to be a special kind of stupid to write... (interruption) What is that? Is somebody farting? What is that? (interruption) It sounds like somebody farting, or putting makeup on, whatever. (interruption) You're not hearing it? (interruption) There it is again. You didn't hear that? (interruption) All right. Well, I will try not to be distracted by it. I mean, it's not overwhelmingly loud, but it sounds like... I'm telling you what it sounds like.
It sounds like William Shatner's in here, okay? Well, he's known for that. On purpose. It's part of his act. You have to be a special kind of stupid, and actually you can't blame... (interruption) There it was again. You can't blame the Huffington and Puffington, 'cause their source here is Media Matters, which has defined a special kind of stupid. Here's how the Huffing and Puffington Post story begins: "Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh suggested this week that the National Hurricane Center was playing games with its forecasts to cause false alarms and scare people.
"'It's in the interests of the left to have destructive hurricanes so they can blame it on climate change, which they can desperately try to sell,'" they quote me as saying. "While Limbaugh admitted that Hurricane Matthew was a serious storm..." Of course, that doesn't matter. I "admit" that it's a serious storm. "...Limbaugh also claimed that it was the first of its kind in more than a decade." It is! It's the first major hurricane -- and it hasn't struck land yet, by the way, which is not good 'cause it's not weakening that way.
It's traveling up the east coast of Florida. "While he was correct that no storms in that time period were major, the so-called hurricane distraught was misleading, according to Weather Channel senior meteorologist Jonathan Erdman." This is... Anybody honestly assessing this... Who uses the term "hurricane drought" anyway? We just haven't been hit by any major storms. It's inarguable. (interruption) Are you hearing that? Okay, somebody just started playing music.