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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/4/2019 4:45:17 PM
Heavenletter #6553 "Voila, This Is You, My Beloved!", January 4, 2019

God said:

Beloved, you radiate a vibration in the world. Fingerprints are said to be individual. There is not one other set of fingerprints in the world just like yours.

Even as all are One, One Magnificent One, no one individually radiates the same vibration as you do, and you do it so naturally without giving a thought to it. Naturally means without effort. It takes no effort for a rose to grow. It takes no effort for spring to become summer.

In terms of the world, your sole vibration may also vary. There are moments when your vibrancy is tip-top, and other moments when you may vibrate slower or faster.

No matter, I know how to pick you out in a crowd. I know you. It can be said that I single you out. No thought goes into it, you understand. I know you instantly. No thinking has to go into it.

“Voila, it’s you!”

You shine above the crowd. It is your vibration that dances to a different beat, slower or faster, or to a certain staccato perhaps. It doesn’t matter. It is you.

You, yourself, also feel your own tempo to suit yourself more than at one time than another.

It is your vibration dancing. Your vibration may be more charming one time or another. Still, it is you, My darling.

We could be talking about a grade of silk that feels a little different to the touch from the one next to it.

We speak of a certain scent of a rose almost indiscernible from another, yet it is you as One Rose like no other. Regardless of the fact that each soul is One, each soul has its own whisper.

Beloved, I would know you anywhere.

You do understand that I can pick you out in a crowd.

“Ah, this is you, My Beloved,” My heart says, and We embrace. My recognition is not even a heart’s breath away from you.

I do not have to think. I know.

You also know when you are picking up on a different vibration. It will come to you. Not that it has to, yet you do desire in the same way that you want to name this tune.

You may wonder whether life passes by only in thoughts. You turn a book’s pages, and so you think you read and live it.

In the sense of sight, there are colors. In the sense of hearing, there are sounds and tones.

In all senses, there are subtleties. There may be subtleties that you may discern yet may not be able to describe. You know indescribably. You may forget an intrinsic name in a thrice, yet you almost have its name and where it lives.

This is something like the way you can recall whether it is today or tomorrow on the days when you are not yet sure for one moment of abandon. Really, when push comes to shove, why do you have to know? Perhaps sense of time is having its fun with you.

Of course, the answer to what time is it – even without a clock, you can say NOW.

The answer to where are you is HERE.

The answer to where do you live is ON EARTH. The answer could also be IN HEAVEN.

If you are asked WHO IS YOUR FATHER? say GOD.

Beloved, what more do you need to know?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/5/2019 3:00:14 PM
Heavenletter #6554 Burst Into Love, January 5, 2019

God said:

Beloved, there are Great Spiritual Ones in all religions everywhere and, in fact, in great novels as well. Great spiritual people exist everywhere. Great wisdom exists from the ground up and on the mountain tops. I venture to say that great wisdom exists within you!

You gather wisdom from everywhere. You gather it from Me, and you gather it from within secret harbors within you that you didn't know you had. We can say that great wisdom lurks within you and pops up at the most remarkable times and places.

Okay, I will say that great wisdom of all kinds hangs out in you. What happens is you discover it the same way as when you were a child and might have discovered a nickel or a penny of shiny copper on the sidewalk.

Somehow or another, a coin like a medal drops into view before your very eyes, or your very heart, shall I say? Much in the same way as there is dew on the grass in the morning.

Such discoveries may astound you, yet, why are you surprised? You live in an endless world. Life has many tricks up its sleeve. Why be surprised?

Discoveries are commonplace. Such discoveries can come from deep within you. Are you so surprised when the sun shines?

No need to tremble when thunder rumbles and love abounds - even within your heart that you may have come to believe had grown cold. It's not like you can grab a little shovel and dig up Greatness on command. Nevertheless, Greatness can arise from your heart that you may have believed amounted to a piece of coal or shards of glass.

Beloved, I daresay you may be the last to know how great you are.

Like right now, you are delighted to discover some lit embers smoking up a storm in your heart. You thought your heart was wayward, yet this is not so.

You may ask yourself:

"From whence cometh love in my cold heart? I thought my meager heart was inured from love. Now, I stick up for my heart of love that You, God, gave to me for the sake of nurturing life on Earth. You gave me enough love to shake the rafters."

Beloved, it is safe for Me, God, to say that you haven't yet caught onto the depths and lengths that your heart can go.

I hear your heart call out to Me:

"Find Me, find Me, God, and plant Me everywhere. Throw Me to the winds. Make me shine like the Sun."

The Sun shines actively somewhere around the world every single day. Love falls from the sky, and love rises from Earth. Love emanates from you. As you breathe, you breathe love. Love latches onto you and then flies away. Love is known, and you know it. Love pierces your heart so that love can shine from your heart. I give love all the life in the world to spread to everyone everywhere.

Love is yours for the taking. Take love and distribute it to the High Heavens. You are not tossing love away.

You are not supposed to hang on to love and save it. You are to spend love as if there were no tomorrow. Love is for now and near and far. Hang out love like stars on Christmas trees. String up love like Christmas lights on your mantel. Reach in for your love and scatter it to the far seas. Love isn't to be kept. Be a big giver of love. Contrary to what you believe, love cannot fade away.

There is no law that says love must be returned to you.

Toss love like snowflakes. Your love will score somewhere in bright lights.

Burst into love the way you sometimes burst into laughter.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/6/2019 5:08:43 PM
Heavenletter #6555 Yes, You are Meant for Love , January 6, 2019

God said:

Beloved, love has your name on it right here up front.

Send out the love identified as yours near and far. Toss out love from your heart like fairy dust into the hearts of all. World-made restrictions in the world may or may not be true. What is common sense to one may be folly to another. Life in the world is made of change. Not all change is growth. Not all caution is wise. Not all that the world honors must you also honor. You are free to think for yourself as well.

You cannot stow love out of sight. Love clings to you. Love is only a hop, skip, and a jump away from you. You are at the mercy of love. Love reaches you in the blink of an eye. You yourself are at the mercy of love.

Give love a good send-off.

Value your thoughts as well as others'.

I hear you say:

"Oh, God, how happy can I be in the midst of a day as I am when I am so full of love in my heart?"

Beloved, I say to you loud and clear:

No one is obliged to send love back to you personally. There is no keeping score. Love is sustainable. You are not to be the comptroller of any other's perceived love. Your own love isn't all under your jurisdiction either.

Beloved, you are not here on Earth to sulk about love lost. You don't have to worry about love. You are an eternal provider of love. At work or at play, you have more love to give. Be so busy giving love that you are lost in the love you give. One way or another, love will flow back to you of its own accord. You will be lifted up and disbursed to all four corners of the world.

Do you see how love echoes?

Beloved, you are full of love and no longer full of nonsense. Everyone is to follow his or her own heart.

You say you want to be happy. Are you so foolish as to hold fast your love and any other's? Love is to alight as it does. You cannot lock love into another's heart. All love has to be of its own will.

Now you are to transcend ignorance. You are to focus on love and growing and letting your love and all other's love free to itself.

Unhappiness is you with your eyes closed. Open your eyes wide and keep them open so you may see the dawn before you.

If your will must supersede your loved one's will, your dear tender love may have gone off track.

Remind yourself that Oneness is a far cry from loneliness. Oneness is filled with brotherhood, do you see?

Look up at all the stars in the sky. Out there in the night sky or in here in Oneness, the concept of loneliness can only be a misunderstanding of one kind or another.

You deserve the whole world. At the same time, the whole world is not yours to demand. Everyone chooses where to point his love. No one else's love is your quarry. No one steers another's love. You are not able to direct the love in your own heart - let alone in another's. Let love lie where it lies.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/7/2019 3:51:09 PM
Heavenletter #6556 Are You Real or Surreal?, January 7, 2019

God said:

Beloved, sometimes you may feel you are in a chamber of some kind where you cannot quite hear or see or be heard. There is not even an echo. You may not actually exist for all you know. What does it mean not to exist? Instead of added value, sometimes you feel nonexistent. Are you real?

It has to be you exist, yet perhaps you don't feel well-established at this time or established whatsoever. If you went past a mirror, would you see yourself in the mirror, or would anyone see you? Could you perhaps be in some kind of soundless chamber? How long do you have to wait before the sound comes back on, and what then?

What has happened or not happened, and what does it mean anyhow, and what can you do about it? You call out:

"Knock, knock. Anybody here?"

Apparently not.

Is this what Rip Van Winkle experienced? He fell asleep and then woke up 20 years later. Did he fall into outer space? Where was Rip Van Winkle all this time? Asleep? You can't say you enjoyed his story.

You wonder if it could ever be possible to sleep through life. On the contrary, can this be what everyone is doing, even as everyone is doing the best he can to stay awake?

Could the story of Rip Van Winkle actually be everyone's story? Goodness knows, there is enough that you realize you forget and perhaps forget again and again. You sure hope you don't forget what is important to remember. If you forget, how will you ever know? Is what you forget, is it forgotten forever?

It seems to you that possibly you have heard Me say: "Nothing is ever forgotten." Hmm, what does this mean? Whatever are you supposed to make of that? Now you see it, now you don't. What is the meaning of meaning?

It does certainly happen that you doze off. There are times when life and/or people in life seem decidingly unkind. It would have been wonderful to sleep through it or turn it off or be deaf, dumb, and blind for an assigned time or to be reassigned altogether. There are some walks in life you don't want to go on; must you?

You don't always want to be on the beaten path. You might not mind having to start over. Would you turn out differently if this could be something you might have a choice about, more like choosing certain chapters in a book?

Of course, life does seem to be, for the present, one whirl at a time. No second chances in the short run. Why not some quickie choices? Could it be possible to choose between entr'actes?

There was a old movie in which the leading actor started over every day yet did not really change his role, just relived the exact same role, and, drat it all, not get beyond it.

You don't want to go through it all again at the same time as you don't really want a second chance. It doesn't seem possible that you can get a fresh start. How do you possibly know what all the possibilities are or whether you could surmount them or even get through by the skin of your teeth? You really don't know how much more you can possibly go through in order to find out that you are not yet free. Is there possibly a way where you can just sit out the dance? Or is life simply a fait accompli?

You had your chance in the Sun, and you don't want anymore, not that, as it happens, you are being given another chance anyway - or are you?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/8/2019 4:42:31 PM
Heavenletter #6557 Bein' an Old Cowhand, January 8, 2019

God said:

Beloved, Beloved, hands down, hip-slapping, you choose the sun. The sun does seem to be your natural habitat, yet you prefer not too much sun in your eyes. It can be too bright as well. Sure, to be in the world seems to require adjustments, and adjust you do again and again whether you want to or not.

Of course, you prefer clear sailing. You don't always want to be on alert. Sometimes you like to while the day away without a care in the world, strumming your guitar, pronouncing it "gueetar."

There is plenty of off-hand wording in the world such as: "Take it easy." You take it to heart.

Sure, you've daydreamed, yet, I, God, never said you were a sluggard. You contemplate a new position in life now and again. You haven't accomplished it all as yet. You have gotten taller lately. You also have wondered if you have ever gotten wiser, yet you can say for sure that you have had some fun in the sun.

You begin to hear an old song rumbling through your head. Here's how it goes:

"I'm just an old cowhand."

Oh, step aside, y'all ornery tender feet
'Cause I'm about to sing my song
I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande
But my legs ain't bowed and my cheeks ain't tan
Well I'm a cowboy who never saw a cow
Never roped a steer 'cause I don't know how
And I sure ain't fixin' to startin' now
Yippee-i-o-ki-ay, hey yippee-i-o-ki-ay

I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande
And I learned to ride before I learned to stand
Well I'm a ridin' fool who is up to date
I know every trail in the Lone Star State
'Cause I ride the range in a Ford V-8
Oh, yippee-i-o-ki-ay, hey yippee-i-o-ki-ay

Look out, I'm gonna show y'all how to ride now
Here we go
I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande
And I come to town just to hear the band
I know all the songs that the cowboys know
'Bout the big corral where the dogies go
'Cause I learned them all on the radio
Oh, yippee-i-o-ki-ay, yeah yippee-i-o-ki-ay
Now my story's almost done, so listen up!
You ain't got much longer now

I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande
Where the west is wild round the borderland
Where the buffalo roam around the zoo
And the Indians make you a rug or two
And the old Bar X is the Barbecue
Oh, yippee-i-o-ki-ay, hey yippee-i-o-ki-ay
Hey yippee-i-o-ki-ay
I'm just an old cowhand

Above lyrics accredited to varied lyricists.

The following is new a little at the beginning as well:

Sometimes it may seem to you that you never really get down to learning anything so much fun like that, yet you have a go at it.

There are different kinds of success. One success is being good-natured and content. No complaints. So, be as you are. Live up to your own promise.

You play the guitar, an' if you play this song, you laugh and you smile, hey yippee-i-o-ki-ay.

You make hay while the Sun shines. You are on your way, not someone else's way.

Content instead of strivin', right now you have your day in the Sun.

Oh, yippee-i-o-ki-ay, hey yippee-i-o-ki-ay
Hey yippee-i-o-ki-ay

You are an old cowhand, strummin' your old guitar.
This is good enough for you, an old cowhand. Ain't you happy more or less day in and day out?

This is mighty good bein' an old cowhand.

Oh, yippee-i-o-ki-ay, hey yippee-i-o-ki-ay
Hey yippee-i-o-ki-ay

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