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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/15/2018 5:38:36 PM
Heavenletter #6533 Like the Sun in the Sky, December 15, 2018

God said:

Beloved, I say that I love, and love is all I know. Rather, love is all I AM. This is also true for you, yet you may bypass love. Stick with love. You are meant for love, and this is it! Your ticket in life says love and love alone. Your purpose in life is love. Love alone. Naught but love. Your path is love.

You ARE love. Your DNA is encoded in love. You are for naught but love. There are no two ways about it. Love Alone.

Love to be alive. Choose simplicity.

Listen, you are not on Earth to prove yourself. You are My child on Earth. Is there something better you can be? There is no need for you to stand on a soapbox and orate! You are not here on Earth to collect accolades nor to explain yourself. You are here on Earth simply to be you. You delight Me. I do not question you. It is you who has questions. You have questions about Me and about yourself.

I say you are worthy. Let My Word be good enough for you. You are balanced in Heaven and on Earth. You come from Heaven, and you have a foothold on Earth. You are not a surprise to Me. You are My fulfillment. You cheer Me.

I behold you, My own true child. Your heart and My Heart hang out together. We are pinned together. We speak in the same language of love.

We are made for each other. We are each other. There is no other. One is One and not two. You have a heart of gold. I embrace your heart, and you embrace My heart. We are each other's guest. Oneness is. We don’t seek Oneness. We live Oneness. You may seek Oneness when and where Oneness already is.

We are free to be One. We can’t be anything else. Oneness equals Oneness. Oneness is a given. We are One. There is certainly nothing else you can be. You need no special costume. All you have to do is to be. There is nothing to seek because Oneness alone is.

Come to the party I give in celebration of Oneness.

Of course, Oneness is IT. Oneness tells the whole story of life from A to Z. No polls need to be taken. No countdowns. There is no contest. There is no competition nor pretense. Oneness. Oneness can’t be prevented or go unnoticed.

What about stars in the sky? How many stars equal the Sun?!

Let's make clear that We are speaking of the Essence of Oneness. Not singularity, but of Oneness pure and simple – Oneness beyond measure. There is no adding up. Oneness is a Union of Souls. It is Unity. Oneness counts. Oneness matters. Yet Oneness isn’t made of matter. Oneness trips lightly off the tongue. Oneness is wondrous.

You are joy to My Heart. Welcome to joy, My Beloved. Together as One, We, I, encircle the Universe. Welcome yourself. You are My pride and joy. Be still. I am God, and you are One with Me.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/16/2018 4:31:03 PM
Heavenletter #6534 Keep Your Heart, December 16, 2018

God said:

Beloved, it isn’t exactly that I say. It is more that I AM. I express Myself. I AM. I am not in arrears. I am current. I am instantaneous. Never have I been unspoken. On the deepest levels, always you hear Me deeply.

On the conscious level, you may not hear so clearly, yet you hear just the same. Never have I not been heard on the silent levels. I am known. I shake the rafters. You may not recall My exact words.

Words are secondary to Being. I am your very Being. I am not unknown to you. I am your very premise. You go deep. In truth, you do not miss a trick. All that I know, you also know, or We would not be Oneness, do you see?

It is inevitable that We are One. There are no two ways about it.

You can factor Me in. We are One. Oneness is. There is naught but Oneness. Never can Oneness be not. Never cannot there be Oneness. We are the One and the same. Known as the day is young or the day is old, We have always existed. Oneness is nothing new.

We never were even twins. We have accompanied each other eternally. Never were we apart. We have always been One emboldened Splendid Whole.

Never were you, the so-called you, separate from Me or I separate from you. Eternally One. Inevitably Oneness. You are not a branch of My Tree – more like the sap of My Tree you are. You are not an add-on. You are not an after-thought. From before the beginning, We have been one planting. We are One savory whole.

It is illusion to miss out on Me. You were factored in before the concept of time was contemplated. Time is after the fact.

It can be said that Oneness is born every day, yet ever We have been One. There was no waiting for Oneness, for never were We cleft in two.

When was music not? Music was ready to be played and to be heard. Always music was ready to begin and your heart eager for it. Music is in the air. Your ears are ready for the first key to be played and life to begin. In this sense, there is nothing new under the sun, for you and music and delight ever have been in tune.

You are My Supreme Cadence. Never were you squeezed in as if a Soul can be squeezed. DNA isn’t squeezed. DNA is complete. DNA isn't a last minute thought. Beginning was all at once, more like a starburst. Everything falls into place all at once.

After your Origin, there is no need for you to fool around with resentment – not even once again.

Remember there is room for everyone at the Inn, and everyone is you. How you treat the least, as you may or may not see it, there is no so-called other. Do you deign to oust yourself from the Kingdom? You battle yourself when you are intended to embrace. Oneness already is for all time.

Everyone maintains his own heart, Beloved. Be the most you can be. Keep your heart intact.

There is no flock. There is Oneness. Come back to your true nature, which is love.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/17/2018 5:23:21 PM
Heavenletter #6535 The God's Honest Truth, December 17, 2018

God said:

Beloved, keep the honesty of love in your heart secure. Let it be. Give your heart leeway as well as another's. Trust your heart. Your heart requires your truth. Dare to love! Dare to object! Sometimes all life takes is your speaking up and being heard. The world may not be so rough as you have thought. Speak your truth.

Try it. Express God's Honest Truth.

Express yourself forthrightly in as few words as possible. You can't always agree with your employer, for instance. You don't always adore, nor can you always roar. Represent yourself. Your words do not always have to be borrowed from a How-to book.

You don't have to be just right. Just speak your truth. You have a mind and heart and a mouth to speak with and ears to hear with.

Everyone is sure he is right is right from his or her point of view. And you are right from your point of view. Be honest and direct. Get somewhere. Much matters to your heart and soul, not from ego. No need to try to convince others. You speak truth that rises in your heart.

Be bold. Your own thoughts do not have to be kept a secret. Represent your truth. Speak up. You have a heart and soul. Speak your piece. Don’t tiptoe. Don’t placate. Don’t convince. Speak your own sweet truth, Beloved.

You are aware that many carry their own baggage and repeat it. The root of anger may well belong to early childhood and not so much to the person in front of you. No, not necessarily the person in front of you.

Don’t accuse. Don’t blame. Use few words. Move forward. You may surprise yourself.

Speak in a few words. I am telling you now something powerful in a few words.

Here, be forthright. Forthright means simple. Say what you have to say in a few words. Especially, in a disagreement, be amenable and hold your horses.

You do not lecture You are quick, time-saving, and to the point. Enough said. You speak. You do not dissemble. You stand up. Stand tall. There is no point in trying to be other than you are.

Speak your own sweet truth. Tension leaves. Mutual respect rises.

Simple honesty works so well that arguers can become good friends who value each other and let it be known.

It is good to make a friend. It has been known to happen. Where there is discord, there can be accord.

Bravo! You can be heard. Bravo. You are straight, simple, and clear. Speak in few words. You are here to live life. Be honest. Don't always court favor.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/18/2018 4:23:45 PM
Heavenletter #6536 Be True to Your Self, December 18, 2018

God said:

Beloved, see how you grow. I see you grow right before My eyes. You may have had a hang-up or two. Life may seem to have been handed to you. You may focus on what you see in yourself as lacking. Better to believe Me, as I believe in the truth of you, Beloved.

You may have bought inaccurate handed-down pictures of yourself - ill-based rumors that you are not much at all.

When will you accept that you are an amazing Human Being soaring to Heaven at the speed of light?

Old biased pictures painted of you may never have been true. Still, you may have lived by it. No matter how untrue a portrait painted of you is, you tend to carry it round with you as proof of what? Inadequacy?

For eons, someone painted an under-rated portrait of you. That portrait continues to set your limits, when now it is for you to look at the true portrait I paint of you that is true to life. Your old portrait was sketched by someone blinded to your beauty. Alas, once upon a time, you were maligned, and you still take that scribble of you to heart as if it were tattooed into your memory.

Come close to My memory of you. Take a look at the true portrait I paint of you, and never forget it. You are made in My Image. You are precious gold and nothing less. You are the cream on top. Wake up to the truth of you.

Once, years ago, I saw a beautiful little boy on a bus. It could have been you. The little boy's nanny or granny sadly kept saying to the little boy: "No, you're bad. You're bad."

The little boy said: "No, I'm GOOD. I'm GOOD." He was right.

What game was the caretaker playing?

The little boy was right. The granny was mistaken and tried to steal the light from the child's good heart.

If you were not appreciated as you deserved, a crime was perpetuated against you, and now you are to stand up and throw out that old story and tell a new story that I certify as true. Right this minute, get those old stories out of your head. Erase them from the face of the Earth once and for all. You are GOOD.

Get that tattered portrait out of sight. Never may such a false story be told - not even once. Some memories are not to continue. Recognize truth when you see it. Come to the Source of Truth and lock arms with Me. Throw out the trash and remove it from the face of the Earth once and for all. It never was true.

That which is golden and uplifting is true. Align with truth and be done with all the rigamarole.

You are destined for Greatness. Catch up to yourself. Catch up to Me. Holy are you. You are good. Very good. I should know. I do know. Learn from Me and not from hearsay on the street.

Once upon a time, you were at the mercy of the world. Now you are at the will and mercy of My heart. Now My music rings true for you forevermore. Keep your ear set to truth. No longer listen to human error. Listen to God's Truth. Spread My Truth around on Earth. Serve Me, and life on Earth will do a tailspin!

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/19/2018 4:50:57 PM
Heavenletter #6537 How Do Human Beings Stay in Love?, December 19, 2018

God said:

Beloved, We don’t make trades, you and I. Life isn’t about I wash your back, and you wash Mine. We go deeper. Sad to say, sometimes, life seems to be a deal breaker.

Life isn’t about getting away with saying: “You love Me, and I’ll love you.”

Love isn’t a promissory note. Life doesn’t always seem to be a fair trade.

There is a reciprocal aspect of love. May love always be in full bloom.

Life often seems to be something like this: You are playing cards. You receive four aces straight up! No matter how fine your hand is, you don’t get a guarantee that you will get four aces again tomorrow or ever again. You can’t seem to guarantee love from yourself to another either, no matter how much you would like to. You may be out on a limb. You declare there must be more to true love than you know – if, indeed, true love is.

Everyone seems to seek true love. What is the secret to finding it? Can it be possible that you walk right past true love?

You seem to be at the mercy of love. Clearly, you crave more. You don’t want to tally up love like a bookkeeper, yet you have always wanted more love.

You have also deeply desired more love to give. Frankly, love in your heart has not been steadfast. You have not received enough, nor do you give even a facsimile of enough. Perhaps you have been left holding the bag, or you never really had love in your corner – not even a facsimile of love.

You wouldn’t mind a credit card made for love, to be able to stop at an ATM where you can fill up on love whenever you want.

Bewildering seems to have been the main theme of love for you or plain empty-handed. What if, in this lifetime, you never know true love or come close to it?

If life is not love, what then is it?

Maybe someday you will write a bestseller: “When Does Love Come Knocking at My Door?” Or: “Does True Love Really Exist?” Or: “Many People I Know Know Love from Novels.”

You see, you haven’t been much good at love for the long haul – perhaps not much good at love for the short haul either. Alas, either you can’t be pleased with anyone that long, or no one keeps on loving you. Where does this leave you?

To fall In love is another story. Easy as pie. A little sweet talk, and you’re gaga.

You wonder if you really have shaken hands with love.

“What’s It All About?” goes an old song.

Ask yourself a question about love across the board, and you might might answer:

"How would I know what is true and what isn’t? I know the questions but not so much the answers."

You wonder if, in life, you have ever been real at love, or have you just been playing at it and never quite getting there? You may have assumed you were real while you handed yourself some lines to speak out as if you had a clue as to what you really feel. Did you string yourself along? Were you a con artist of some kind? If so, you conned yourself. Yes, sadly, you conned your own heart a time or two .

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