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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
11/15/2018 3:26:47 PM
Heavenletter #6503 In a New Way, November 15, 2018

God said:

Beloved, you don't always want to be porous to new advice. You can well be fiercely independent, and, yet, at the same time, being fiercely independent may well be much like being fiercely dependent and unable to let go of the premises from which you have come.

From time to time, either way, you may miss the point. There are times when you look back, and you wonder if you had said "Yes" to a piece of advice you had said "No" to.

There is a time or two when you have slapped the side of your head and rued that you hadn't opened your ears to hear. Or do you remember a time or two when you followed some advice you would give back now as quick as a wink?

In either case, you berate yourself.

Mistakes in life are made. In the world at large, it is safe to say that no one is always right no matter how much he or she may like to think so.

In the long term, you are invincible in life. In the short term, you are not exactly always right. You may not always be so all-knowing as you like to think. Beloved, you are also fallible.

Know this: Your old ways of thinking can use some shaking up every now and then. To stick to your guns has a point, yet to forever insist on staying as you are may sentence you to stay with the same blockages that have already blocked you for too long. When you persist in having to be right based on a position you seem to be unable to veer from, you persist in keeping life the same as it has been for longer than you care to remember. This is your life. Perhaps you have become expert at not seeing the forest for the trees?

You create the course of your life. If something in your life has to budge, it likely is in your thinking.

To change one premise of yours about how you must persist in life doesn't make you a flibberty-gibbet. It may mean you are ripe to see a point of view that you hadn't seen before. Something may be right before your eyes, and you don't see it.

If you are certain that your view of things must be absolutely right as it is, you may refuse to see new possibilities. Something is askew. Being attached to one way of seeing may be your refusal to let in a new view. What might you want to change in your life that will bring you to remove your blinders from? What might you change if you could? Always being right is a hold-out that doesn't always carry weight.

In effect, you may be saying it is virtuous of you to always do as you have always done because you don't want to move an inch. If your life, as it is, isn't your preference, then it is incumbent upon you to see a new way. Wash the windows.

What if you could budge an inch, what new light might precisely enter your life to bless you with greater happiness than you experience now?

If I am not keeping you where you are, what then is keeping you in bondage?

Can it be that you, who care the most, may be the culprit?

See in a new way. Move in a new way. Do something in a new way, and your life will change of itself.

If you do desire a different direction in your life, let go of even one pattern you insist on keeping as it is. This is not rocket science. What makes you think you have to hold on with all your might?

Hello! Life on Earth is about change.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
11/16/2018 3:13:25 PM
Heavenletter #6504 Bless Instead, November 16, 2018

God said:

Beloved, there is an easy way you can personally help to bring about the world of Our dreams. The more citizens of the world who will do this, the merrier. There is a simple way to remove blockages to the enlightenment of every Human Being on Earth. I am amazed that you haven't already caught onto this. Perhaps you haven't been looking.

It can't be that you sit back and are waiting for Me to change the world before your very eyes. You haven't been impatiently waiting for Me, have you? Have you perhaps said silently to yourself: "Let God fix the world."

It beats Me why you haven't taken to My method on your own royally. I would like to see you clamber head after heels. It may be you want more splatter-dash and excitement - a more dramatic method like battles and astounding victories that carry a booming drum beat. Marching bands offer exciting fanfare!

I endorse: Yes, here's something more vigorous like The Battle Hymn of the Republic in those long verses that stir your blood, that get you eager for battle. Battle is war, Beloved. War seems patriotic. Yet war is also fraught with pain and bloodshed and is contrary to good will.

When you think about it, who in his right mind would run up to the front of the line to enlist his life and champion war unless there had been a battle cry and a young heart and mind and soul had been whipped up to a fervor before he could feel good about war until he didn't anymore? Everyone likes the idea of being a hero.

The Battle Hymn of the Republic is an example of a song that can stir you to defend your country. I was going to include herein this Heavenletter the Battle Cry of the Republic. This hymn can lead you to believe in the virtue of war. I asked Myself; Can a hymn truly be so militaristic?

This hymn talks about the wrath of God as if wrath were a glorious thing. When it came down to it, I chose to leave out the call to arms and include here now solely the chorus which speaks My language:

The Chorus of the Battle Hymn of the Republic:

'Glory! Glory ! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on!'

Of course, My way is the Way of Peace. My way will make no headlines - never the front page. My way is just too ordinary and requires daily follow-through on your part, and you get no spectacular applause or any special-acknowledgment.

Tra la la! Here it is my way: Beloved, from this day forth, complain not once more. Find no fault, not even about the weather.

The weather is one of God's gifts to you, whether you personally favor a day's weather or not.

Let it rain, let it rain.
Let it rain down on me
Let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain rain rain

I, God, say to you: Complain not. Just stop. Complain of no teacher, no friend, nor yourself. Get past it.

If you want to uplift the world, come from a higher vibration. Fault-finding, no matter how brilliant, pulls you and the whole world down.

Remove complaint from the face of the Earth, and the world rises, and you lighten an enlightened world.

Bless instead. Remember to bless.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
11/17/2018 2:45:20 PM
Heavenletter #6505 Open Your Eyes, November 17, 2018

God said:

Beloved, it isn't just that you can expand your vision. It isn't just that you can see differently from how you presently see. If you want your life to change, then change.

Unless your life is consistently as you pretty much want it to be, then it behooves you to change. Otherwise, you tend to cut yourself off from the life you desire. Get away from how you presently see. There is something in your landscape to change. You may have a blind spot. Turn the lights on.

You see this easily in others, yet you hang on to the idea that you are being cheated from the outside.

There is something in your thinking, despite how realistic you believe you are, that is shut down. You are glued to how you have always seen. Frankly, most of My children are sure that they have been denied from the outside. You don't see what you don't see.

One of the greatest mistakes - and virtually everyone carries this as the same error dressed in different array - is that you see yourself as the exception, as if you already see all there is to see, that you see the only right way to see in your circumstances. Of course, you cling to this because this is the way you have always seen. It's easy to see how others may be off base. Others do not see the errors of their ways - but, no, not you! Yet not even you, as yet, notice your own dust bunnies.

See farther and wider than you presently see. Go at it. Wait no longer. Save yourself from resistance from that which will remove obstacles from your life if you would but see and dare to change.

Do not take this to mean that if only you will open your eyes, you are being promised instant success. You may well receive great beneficial change right off the bat, or you may not. I do not promise you startling success. Nor must you think you are owed all you desire.

Promise yourself to detach from what you are attached to. It is not so easy for you to put your long-held ideas aside. Your long-held ideas are not your backbone. They may be your downfall.

You will find new insights rising on your horizon. A new dawn will rise yet may not appear overnight. You have resisted for a long time.

You will expand. You will come closer to thinking anew. A new dawn will dawn. You can become the new cream of the crop. Life may seem to perform like a new miracle. One change in how you see, and your whole life is up-ended.

Surprise yourself. Allow the possibility of greater than you have heretofore allowed yourself. Leave room for more. What suddenly may you see right before your eyes?

Beloved, change your thinking, and your life will change. Your life doesn't have to change all at once. Let more good news in. Be gracious to the Universe. Thank Me, God, for even small favors. You are going to see great changes in your life when you let change in.

Life is not all about what is thrown at your feet. You can also reach up for the stars in the sky.

Whatever you do, do not accept yourself in the role of a martyr. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Is this where you have been all along the way? Don't do it. Think along the lines of what more you can allow in. Do it. Give more to yourself. Think more along the lines of what you want. Begin!

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
11/18/2018 3:02:20 PM
Heavenletter #6506 Come Closer to What You Want, November 18, 2018

God said:

Beloved, so many Thou Shalt Nots have I given unto you. Turn as many Thou Shalt Nots around to Thou Shalts as soon as you can. That's the ticket!

Recently, I mentioned that Thou Shalt Not Blame, Thou Shalt Not Complain, Thou Shalt Not Feel Sorry for Yourself. Now Thou Shalt Open Your Mind to New Ways of Thinking, that is, if you want areas of your life to grow, thou Shalt Be Open rather than closed, Thou Shalt Be Sure to open your mind and heart and, therefore, your life.

Thou Shalt Open Your Eyes and so bestow more blessings on yourself. Thou Shalt Be Generous with Money and on Spending Money on Yourself. Start thinking you are worth spending money on. You tend to be worth more than you presently see you are worth. Take a new look out of the loop you have been thinking in.

Maybe you don't need to paint your house. Maybe you deserve to hire someone to paint your house for you. Open new pathways. You don't want to be footloose and fancy free with your money, yet, it may be time for you to trade in some money for your time and your sense of well-being.

Make sure you are not being tight from a habit of thought. Your money is your money. Your money may be worth spending on yourself rather than arbitrarily automatically drawing in the reins to prevent you from spending what may actually be within your range.

It can well be that you don't have to go to an extreme and pinch money. Of course, as it is in the world, this is your money. You feel justified to spend it on one thing you see as a necessity and on another thing you consider a luxury - even when spending within your means may well benefit your life. You may tend to base your choice too often on a habit of thinking. Your choice today may follow a path of denial to yourself. You just may not like to spend money when you don't have to.

Who says you don't have to spend $'s on your well-being? A penurious grandfather?

I don't tell you to be a spendthrift. I also do not tell you that you must always scrape by and be hard on yourself. Beloved, you don't have to feel you are at the edge of a financial cliff. Certainly you are not someone who has a habit of overspending. Consider yourself then as a guest and be generous to yourself.

There are poverty-stricken people in some countries who repeatedly feed a guest when it may mean that the householder and his entirely family themselves do not eat that evening. Recognize an innermost desire to give - even to yourself.

Generosity is an overt custom in a hungry land in which some folk live. Beloved, you are not impoverished. You will not regret a burst of generosity to yourself. There may will be so many worse off in a country that some people live in. Their heritage holds a strong custom of loving their brothers and sisters as themselves.

Of course in their land, the one who has meager food comes from his own internal will to serve. He's not trying to impress anyone. He comes from his desire to serve with all his heart and not to impress himself either. He cannot do otherwise. He cannot blind his eyes. Some may, yet he cannot. He is not trying to be a hero. He cannot do less. His heart is glad that he has that which to give no matter how little.

Open up to yourself, Beloved. Be loving to yourself as well. Loosen your heart strings. Your country may be in a depression, yet you don't have to be.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
11/19/2018 7:15:28 PM
Heavenletter #6507 Beyond Daily Life, November 19, 2018

God said:

Beloved, make life easier for you and all those near you as well as those who are said to be far away from you in time or space, neither of which exist except in illusion. Of course, illusion can only appear to be seen, or it wouldn’t be illusion.

Personally and superficially, you seem to exist as if in a body. In earth terms, that which is not seen, such as soul, you cannot draw with pen and ink.

Nevertheless, souls are Infinitely sensed and Infinitely known to be true. Very young children who are just learning to speak have a sense of awe as soon as they hear the word God, as if they can tell that the written word God deserves to be capitalized. Children also catch the meaning of the word death as it is thought of on Earth.

You, too, understand that all Human Beings share the One World and the Heavens, Earth, and the air and soil and water, as if the Earth, light, the elements, the sky itself, Middle Earth and the Sun, Moon, and Stars – as if everything is Infinite Vast Consciousness and that you tip your hat to all with pleasure. How do you understand this without the words to say it in? You just do. You catch on.

The same way it all rings true to you that all Beings are dreamers and seekers, that all seek to join and recognize their Union with God, and all that which life encompasses in your Awareness of Soul and your extended inborn desire to be great and to recognize all to be great, to reach the height of Heaven, to also be recognized by God and to recognize God in all, to clasp God’s hand, and be blessed by God and to recognize that all men and women are divinely joined as brothers and sisters who share one family and one Infinite love.

What are you here on Earth for unless to awaken to joy and to deliver joy in every heart you are blessed to come near? Every heart you meet, you are destined to meet the way the sun meets the day, to deliver the sky and the Sun to each other. Value the Heart, the Magnificence Heart.

The Heart is the Flame. The mind is a bookkeeper.

Your heart is here to give the mind reason for Being. The Heart, in Our case, is metaphorical. A big heart and eyes, the light of life has One Universe at Our disposal.

And music, music, music, and dance and dance. Beat the drums. What majesty is this world We live in! The world is greater than you may accept and give it credit regardless of its misperceptions and arguments and other sundry ways of wasting time.

At the same time, something great is going on. All the beauty of nature and the fact that babies are born and are born with love and are loved and are dependent and then grow beyond dependence.

And no matter how bedraggled the world may appear, you have a world, and you live in it. Somehow you got here in this world that is also beautiful beyond words. Everything seems to be a miracle, even when some miracles seem like mistakes. You live in a world where anything can happen, where it is even arranged for you to leave this world, often taken unawares.

It is bespoken that you get out alive and dropped off in Heaven. Well, why not?

Now you release attachment. Now you are once again a rose in bloom forevermore as you always were and didn’t quite see beyond an old vision of daily life.

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