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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/19/2018 2:44:35 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6446 Wake Up to Life as If It Is to Your Own Making, September 19, 2018

God said:

Beloved, you're going along fine, when suddenly nothing seemingly goes the way you would like it to. Life is no longer your cup of tea. How can this be? You even ask yourself what could have changed but you?

Where joy was joy, now joy has flown. You want to get your joy back, yet you don't seem to know how to get peace and joy back. This seems to be more than you can figure out how to deal with.

You know better than to feel the way you feel, yet you don't feel better. You are aware that there has to be more to life than your taking an aspirin and getting up and fulfilling responsibilities that you may no longer feel like fulfilling. There has to be more to life than fulfilling needs that may not rank first place with you.

Surely, there is also more to life than having to put your own needs aside and put others' needs before yours. Certainly, Beloved, as well, there is also more to life than lingering self-indulgence.

Yes, Beloved, try looking at life anew. Beloved, is it possible that you have put yourself into the position of saying yes, and now you don't want to go along with going along any longer really?

Now, beloved, how you feel may not be the most important thing in the world any longer. Hello!

Grow to where you don't have to be pleased. Now may be the time for you to choose responsibility instead of leisure. Sometimes you may not be able to sing the song you would most like to. Perhaps you don't have to pin yourself down so fast in the first place. Life may not always be the song you prefer to sing.

Did you really think life has to suit you in the mingled world at every given moment? You don't have to be a sleeping dreamer or the fulfiller of your own dreams and not another's according to how you happen to feel.

Alas, all of life doesn't have to suit you or anyone all the time. Long ago and far away you dreamed a dream, and then life changed your point of view.

Within your dream of your dream in the waking world, someone or something is opening your eyes for you. It could be time for you to open your eyes wide and get out of bed.

Hey, you still have weekends and vacations. Still, life has the right and privilege to ask more of you. Where did you get the idea that life is to do your bidding? Serve. Serve happily!

Beloved, be thee in faith within yourself. Go ahead. Jump in! The water is fine.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/20/2018 1:23:23 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6447 Death is Like a Debut, September 20, 2018

God said:

Beloved, you may have always welcomed good ideas about death. You have heard that you have had the experience of death a time or two before, yet you don't recall, and you may want to avoid the subject of death altogether. You are inclined to put it off. You hesitate about what may proceed death more than the actual moment of saying goodbye this time around.

Truly, you have had the tendency to hoard life. You are reluctant to turn life in. Given a choice, you might hold onto life forever. You would teeter on the precipice of death as long as you could.

You may not have loved every moment of life. Still, You don't want to sign off and let go of your toe-hold.

Although there may have been times when you theoretically would have liked to sign off on life on a trial basis, you never did take the step. You might not now even if a trial basis happens to be available.

Look, you haven't trusted life, and you don't quite trust death either.

Of course, concerning death, the burning fires may be rumors or hearsay. You've also heard that the bad place may actually occur in life on earth anyway.

What you could look forward to is mingling in Heaven with Christ and Buddha and all the others of note and God Himself, of course, and the angels and seeing once again all who in life meant so much to you and you have longed for with all your heart to see and catch up on old times. You wonder if you really have to continue with crying. You like to think that God could provide less than sadness surrounding death.

What makes the first entrance into death so difficult is that, at least initially, it's all or nothing. So, in this sense, you take your chances. Another life may not be guaranteed a golden one to you. Ouch, there are no money-back guarantees.

You don't know, for a fact, that you are given choices or even a complaint department to go to. If there were a complaint department to go to, it might be so full, and it might take a lifetime before you would reach your turn in line.

Given the odds, you might give up on dying and just roll over and go back to sleep before going through any more thinking it through.Tomorrow is another day.

You do wish you could think of death as a beginning rather than a departure. Your situation is that you just never know. Death might come with a blank slate.

To the best of your knowledge, there are no try-outs, no dress rehearsals, no choosing beforehand. You just take your chances. There are no signed guarantees. How do you really know that death can be sweet? In death, there are no bibliographies, no order forms, and as best as you can tell, no trying on or refittings on request. It appears that there are no refunds. You just don't know.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/21/2018 11:13:46 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6448 From Whence Cometh Peace on Earth?, September 21, 2018

God said:

Beloved, is peace a yearning or a fact of life? There do seem to be eruptions of less than peace at home and afield.

Is peace a requirement on Earth? Certainly, upset tends to be seen as a violation. Maybe there are some who yearn for confrontation and upset, as if confrontation and upset could hold salvation therein. Perhaps there are some who admire friction, because friction may bolster them with a sense of control, and anger seen as power prevailing.

Certainly, Oneness desires peace in abundance. Oneness doesn't sit around thinking of offenses to fend off.

What causes the disruptions and frustration of uproar? Is there a cure? Is there a dissolution? What would make power so important that some in the world would risk everything on war?

Nothing is as complicated as it appears. At the same time, it would seem that nothing is as simple as it may appear either.

Nevertheless, every vote does count. Count yourself in. You do cast your vote. Don't feel powerless and frustrated, for then powerlessness is your vote.

The fact is that you do have a horse to ride, so get up and ride. One way or another, you vote. Vote consciously.

My vote is inevitably for peace.

In this case, I certainly understand how you find it intolerable that you don't see Me pro-actively taking the bull by the horns and doing something about it.

Peace and lack of peace also both seems to be a factor in life. You wonder why then I don't step to the fore. You don't see Me as helpless. If I opened all the keys to the world, then surely peace would be a no-brainer.

Why would a God in Heaven sit around when I could declare peace today all over the world and in every home? Why on earth would a God in Heaven take a back seat? And why would you or anyone?

What if every peace-loving person on Earth would also declare peace? Let's do this then. Let's see what happens.

From time to time, it seems someone declares less than peace and foments war. Many speak out in furor.

I am suggesting that deep in the silence of your heart, you call out for peace. May the silence of peace speak out out for peace more deeply and lastingly than any parade.

Unite in silence for peace from your heart of hearts. Cheer for peace from the gullies of your heart.

From peace, no tallies need be kept. Silent inspiration goes far. Simply cast your vote with every thought and breath.

You don't have to go to a precinct. You don't have to make a check mark or join a political party. Pull back on a bow of love straight from your heart. This is declaring peace, and that peace already is and is available now. Be Peace.

Remind yourself that We are love, and love is what We give.

There is no necessity for anyone to give consternation nor pity.

Strengthen. Cheer. Peace.

And you are My envoys. You are My house of representatives. You are My spokesperson. You are My press. You are My faithful. You are My honor-bound. You are My advanced guard. You are My messengers to the world.

Hark, you are My Herald Angels. You are My hands and heart and voices given to the world. You are a Chorus of My Heart in song to the world. You are My bells tolling to the world.

Be the Peacegiver.

Foremost, be My angel of Peace.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/22/2018 3:22:44 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6449 Enrich Your Life, September 22, 2018

God said:

Beloved, toss out your worries. What do you need them for? What good do they do you? Find other things to think about again and again.

Think how fortunate you are time and time again and again. Look at the blessings you have stumbled on. It's time to recognize how blessed you are to be alive on Earth. Imagine, you go this way and that, and blessed be to have the privilege to sing and dance on Earth.

If your thoughts are to be worthwhile to you, choose inspiring thoughts while you are at it!

If you are going to redecorate your living room, you would choose a color you like, wouldn't you? You wouldn't choose a dingy color, especially over and over again. Why then would keep repainting your mind with darkened thoughts again and again? Why keep muddying up the passages of your mind? Whitewash your mind this moment instead.

If a friend were going on a journey today, you wouldn't give him a send-off that includes: "Watch out for the bogeyman."

You would say: "Bon Voyage! Have a good time. See you when you get back!"

Beloved, Beloved, life is the biggest voyage you will ever go on. Give yourself a good send-off. Have the best of times.

Of course, you are going on a journey today. The journey's name is Life. You may see it as an installment. Give yourself a good send-off with balloons and beribboned bottles of champagne. Live Life with a capital L. Live Life to a T.

Take a train if you like, fly a jet, row a boat, paddle a canoe. What matters most is what you make of life in this moment.

How you feel becomes the life you reward yourself with. If you desire a new excursion, be new to yourself. Be open. You are the frequenter of your life. How you see your life affects your very life itself. You are, in effect, your own emcee. You are your own interpreter. You connect the dots of your life. You wind your life around by your little finger with your thoughts.

You are the teller of your tale. You name it. You set your life's tone of voice. You bring your story home. To some degree, you tug life toward you.

If your story could be considered a voyage, you are the one who sets off on a raft, a tugboat, a sailboat, a speed boat, or the Queen Mary. You have some say on the story you reveal.

It is your vision. It is for you to set the tone of your life. Celebrate your life. If you cannot celebrate your life exquisitely, for Heaven's sake, stop complaining about it.

Make peace with your life. Be circumspect about it. There is some merit to your life. Rejoice in it. Acknowledge what your life does hold for you. Look from a different angle. There is a thing or two to be glad about. Don't clomp around grumpy about your life. Be
not miserly about your life. Begrudge not your life.

Don't throw your life down the river. Be glad enough that you have a life. You don't have to be the Queen of the May.

Somebody would be glad to have your life to spare today. Why not you?

You also don't know all you may reap from this day. Don't give up on today. It may hold treasures for you. This day may yet hold great joys for you. Confess that you don't know today's outcomes. Awake!

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/23/2018 7:51:01 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6450 The Real Goods and No Less, September 23, 2018

God said:

Beloved, there is an aspect of you that doesn't require being handed answers. You don't have to look something up or be advised. Everything is known within your very Being.

True instructions are built into you. All that which is true lies within you. Of course, go ahead, take all the courses you want, yet True Knowledge lies deep within you and from within Me and not necessarily from anyone else.

Because certain advice is just right for your friend doesn't mean it's just right for you. Nevertheless, you may be led off course. How important it is to set yourself straight. Not everyone knows better than you by a long shot. Know thyself.

Odds are you are well able to acquire first-hand knowledge as it grows from within you. Unless you find this knowledge inside you, you may think you can order it from Amazon or you acquire it somehow from outside you. Perhaps it is bootlegged or simply tossed at you as a bone to a dog.

All that lies within you alights on you. When knowledge lies outside you, it may not quite be the Living Truth. You don't have to check out a book from the library. You are free to heal yourself right here and now.

You may indeed feel better just from the idea of healing from the honest to goodness lighted-up truth of your own. Despite what you've been told, Coke isn't the real thing. Get your water from the Source.

Nor do you have to be in a hurry to cure all that ails you. Take a breath. You don't have to read up on everything, You can simply reach for the truth within you as you desire. This is a lovely place for you to come from. Be authentic.

You know the difference between homemade bread and white Wonder Bread and between margarine and cultured homemade butter. You know the difference between the real aged bubbly and an aerated look-alike.

You know the difference between fresh air and stuffy air. You know the difference between a hand-knit sweater and a sweater off the shelf.

You know the difference between home and a motel. You know the difference between fresh ground coffee and instant coffee.

You don't have to believe everything you read.

If you're really lucky, you may find true love, and you may give true love. You know when something adds up, and you know when it doesn't. You know when all is right with the world and when it isn't. You know what is solid truth and what isn't. You know when you get to your wedding on time. You know when you're stood up or when you have stood someone up.

You know when you are sorry. You know when you've said so, and you know when it's time to say so.

What a difference in the day a word makes.

There are two matters we talk about now - good intentions and making sure you stand on solid ground. Intentions aren't everything by a long shot.

Where do you go from here? A lot depends upon your being clear and no less. And, ah, yes, that the floor is solid under your feet. These questions aren't small potatoes.

Yes, your intentions and your feet on the ground in sync matter. Less isn't good enough. Pie in the sky isn't good enough. Be clear that the least you have to do is to emerge in the full light of day, Beloved.

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