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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
7/20/2018 6:03:07 PM

Godwriting is Service You Do for God

God said:

Beloved, yes, I speak a lot. I sing a lot. Of thee I sing.

Yes, most of all, I am silent. I live in the halls of silence. My silence isn’t with My lips pursed, not at all. My silence is an embrace. In Godwriting, We embrace. My silence is love flowing out to you. You are included in My silence. You are not kept outside My silence. You are right here on the hearth of My heart.

At the same time as We embrace, We settle in. Our love doesn’t have to be over the moon, nor do We crave for Our love to be anything but what it already is. Our interweaving of love does not have to display itself as in great emoting. Simple love is present yet not on display.

We are down to business. We commune more than We communicate.

There does not have to be a big to-do about the presence of Our mutual love. We are by no means blasé about it either. Our connecting is a natural event and does not surprise nor overwhelm. We don’t have to have a crashing crescendo of waves announce Our love. We can take Our silent exchange of love as a matter of course. We are not out of Our minds in love. We ask nothing of Our love but to be simply how it happens to be. Godwriting doesn’t have to be a grand scene rocking the pillars. Simple awareness is good. Quiet is good. Quiet doesn’t obscure subtle joy. Subtle joy is good.

In Godwriting, we do not set up whopping requirements. There are no record-breaking requirements. This is in the same way as when you buy a car. You can be quite happy with a car that is not razzle-dazzle.

The arrival of Godwriting has a mind of its own. It doesn’t have to be record-breaking. Godwriting is what I give you. You do not set up requirements. Godwriting doesn’t have to appear as amazing. It doesn’t have to. What comes is what comes. You don’t call the shots. What arrives doesn’t have to be impressive. It may be, yet the Richter Scale rating isn’t your call. It can also happen that a specific Godwriting may not seem like anything at all to you, yet when you read it over again later, you see that more meets the eye than you saw at first glance.

Or the reverse – a line or two that at first dazzles you may no longer. There is no Godwriting that is obliged to be stellar.

Godwriting comes as it comes and isn’t looking for your say-so to be outstanding. It comes as it comes.

I, God, ask nothing of you but to receive what you happen to hear so faintly.

Everyone who Godwrites has his or her own filter. We are glad for this. There is more than one style of Godwriting. So be it. It isn’t for you to shake up what you hear.

Godwriting isn’t meant to be an ego trip.

In the Roman days, a slave rode behind a popular hero who was being cheered by a great throng. The slave’s express purpose was to remind the hailing hero: “Remember you are just a man. Remember you are just a man.”

In terms of Godwriting, remind yourself – even as you are One with Me – that at this moment of time in the world, you are simply a stenographer, and this is all I ask of You and no more. In effect, you are setting the table for Me. Just as you would clear the table for Me, you write down what you hear Me say. You require no more. You act in My Name. Thank you for your service.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
7/22/2018 1:49:20 PM

Rise to the Occasion of Your Heart

God said:

Beloved, the heart comes before the intellect. Does this disappoint you? I am the Heart of the Matter, not the intellect. The world seems to weigh in the favor of the intellect. Oh, sure, the heart can be maudlin and all that, yet the heart and consideration for all come before the intellect.

You have heard Me say: “Love your brother as your Self.”

You have not heard Me say: “Love your intellect as your Self.”

By all means, why not enjoy the intellect, yet never have I said that it is of the utmost to love the intellect with all your might.

I will go so far as to say to you that, had your heart always been left to its own vision and never been interfered with, it would well be on straighter than it often seems to be now.

As it is, you may give away too much of your heart, or you may hold your heart back too much. Likely, you go back and forth and left and right and are hard-pressed to get your heart on what you might call straight, that is, to be a natural heart as I made it without interference from one thing or another.

As it is, your natural generosity may have been contorted. Your heart’s natural appearance may have been imposed upon. The human heart isn’t intended to be interrogated nor to represent a consensus of the world. The human heart isn’t to be a hairdo that is to be given a permanent wave. There is no specificity that arises in Godwriting across the board.

Let go of the idea that the heart or anything is obligated to reveal itself only one correct way. There is actually only one natural way for your heart to reveal itself, and that’s the way it is.

What is natural in nature except as nature happens to reveal? Is blonde hair better than red or black? Human Beings have their favorites. Favorites may come and go in style – here today and gone tomorrow.

May freedom ring. Yes, please, beloved, let freedom ring.

Nature prefers what it prefers. What nature prefers is fairly clear. What the world prefers goes up and down according to a moment’s thought, perhaps not even a moment’s thought; more like a moment’s whim.

When it comes to God and nature as they matter to date, the sun invariably rises in the east and sets in the west. Nature goes by its own accord and doesn’t waffle.

There is consistency in nature, and typically nature doesn't charge a fee based on a profit motive.

You might say that a flood or earthquake could cost you your life. This happens. Mostly the sun shines through the leaves, the sun warms you and the winds cool you, and of course, the night comforts you after the sun goes down.

Life generally offers you its best, by far. You may not always see it this way. Regardless, it’s a good idea that you stop a moment to say: “Thank You, God!” This is to remind yourself of God’s grace and bounty and all the beauty I do generously bestow upon all.

There are mulberries to pick in season and all kinds of fruit to gather and other delicious crops to pick. There are plenty of opportunities to pick one blessing after another.

Sometimes, bend down to thank God for the fun of it.

Today, thank God for a blue sky. Tomorrow, thank God for a cloudy sky or even a thunderclap out of the blue.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
7/23/2018 2:06:25 PM

Success is for All

God said:

Beloved, breathe and calm down in life. You are not intended to gasp. You are not required to be so tense as you may find yourself. Not at all are you meant to be the lord and master of tension. In tension, you pull yourself up tight. Calming down amounts to letting go of tension. Tensing up isn’t a requirement. Tightening is tightening. It isn’t refreshing. To soothe life means to let go of holding on so tight as if you had to hold on for dear life itself. You may well think the stakes in life are high, yet, of course, everything in the relative world is relative. Arise to your Self. In no way does rising high mean you are to be high-wired. Live life equitably as it comes. You don’t have to hold your breath.

To be sure, your ambition is to go beyond ambition for gain’s sake. This includes going beyond even spiritual gain. It is My desire that you come close to Me. This is also your spiritual desire. We furrow the fields for all.

When the Wright brothers desired to create a flying machine, they liked the idea of success for themselves, yet there was something deeper in their ambition than a mere coup for themselves.

There is also desire for the world at large. Yes, of course, thoughts of making your mark in the world bring you joy, yet joy only for yourself doesn’t fill your crofters.

Markedly, when Gandhi desired freedom for India, he sought greater than personal freedom and favor. Personal favor doesn’t go far enough – not that anyone’s outside critique is theirs to be shed on you, nor is it fore you to judge the entirety of anyone’s heart.

By and large, everyone is learning more than from the casual eye to see. A seeming other’s life isn’t your call. Nevertheless, ring out success from the church tops. Seek success for everyone’s heart. Everyone’s heart is to carry your pledge. This is what it means not to covet. Letting go of coveting means to contribute to success wherever it lies. Enjoin all hearts as your own. What is the difference? Verily, all success is Mine. All success is greater than for itself. All success is also yours. This must be so. There is no success that is not yours.

Success is not exactly a victory. Success isn’t a victory over anyone. Victory comes down to a gift for Oneness.

Success that belongs privately as yours is no success at all, or, at best, it is stingy success. Ultimately, success belongs to many if not all. How many souls row a boat? Whom do I single out? I favor all naturally, for you are Mine. I favor everyone as One. I make no distinctions. What do I care what denomination you call yourself? You are more than your denomination. You are more than any nomenclature you assign to yourself.

You are not your name. You are not your body. You are not your career. You are not your happenstance. You are not your successes, nor are you what you call your failures. You are not your money in the bank. You are greater than these. You are greater than the country you live in. You are greater than the automobile you drive and the street you live on and the house you live in. You are greater than the words you say. You are greater than even your dreams. You are as great as I say. I speak highly of you. I do not pan My art. I extol My art.

You are My pride and joy. I say this humbly. I do know what I have wrought, and I don’t mind saying so.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
7/23/2018 2:07:38 PM

Did You Ever Deny Your Own Truth?

God said:

Beloved, when you do not live up to your own integrity, when you offend a friend with disavowal of the truth of love, when you discover yourself to be less of a friend than you would ever believe yourself to be, when you needlessly hurt a friend’s heart – you would never ever do that, yet you did – then you wonder whether this was truly a slip of the tongue.

Is it possible that your belying your friendship could actually be a subterranean solution? Were you playing a game of “Let’s Pretend” that all is well when all is not well?

If you had not been so distraught, might this relationship have ended sooner and more honestly, and now you wouldn’t bear the sense of faithfulness you carry?

You mean to be true to yourself. On this occasion, you weren’t true to yourself or to your loved one and not even to Me, which is the same as to say you were being untrue to yourself.

You never meant to be untrue to anyone, and, yet, somehow, you fell right into it.

Yes, being straightforward in life is not always as easy as you thought it would be. Somehow you got entangled as though you were someone without a shred of loyalty.

You had an occasion to learn this lesson once before. You were sorry yet didn’t learn the lesson the first time, and you’re not sure about the second time either. Oh, no, that you would fall such a distance from your heart – you cannot believe this.

You recall a children’s rhyme which goes:

“Did you ever tell a lie? Yes, you did. I know you did. You broke your mother's teapot lid.”

When you were a child, you understood the rightness of owning up to the truth of the broken teapot lid to your mother. You knew you owed the truth to your mother, yet you were not, even at the least, true to yourself.

The hurt of your own heart now is enormous.

Back then in your childhood, you had a clear picture of your position. Denying your own truthfulness is the scourge that breaks your heart in two.

You were not honoring your true feelings of love. You had not been true to yourself. You denied your love. How deeply you rue your hasty denial of love as did Peter in the Bible, who publicly denied his loyalty to Christ. Oh, the misrepresentation. Oh, the heartache. Oh, the shame.

In regard to Peter, you wonder if you, as an individual, are possibly meant to feel the depth of Peter’s guilt, and somehow that your hurt is to expiate him from the intensity of his guilt.

Which of My children can really say he is innocent? In one sense, everyone is responsible to everyone else for everyone and everything. In another sense, everyone is innocent.

Perhaps your name is superimposed onto Peter’s name so you can belatedly carry some of his burden. Is this possible? Who knows the extent that the unworthy sense of guilt is to be shared and reduced?

If you were asked, in retrospect, to relieve Peter’s agonizing pain, would you say a vehement no? Would you really? Would you say that his error or his weakness belongs to him alone and not to you whatsoever?

You and your brother are already One. Guilt is already yours to remove from the face of the Earth. What a waste of time guilt is. Beloved, don’t put your attention on guilt. Guilt, be gone.

By the same token, is it not in your good grace to cast stones upon any so-called other. There is no other. There is One.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
7/24/2018 4:41:47 PM

Invite Your Dreams to You

God said:

Beloved, alas, it would seem you see a greater proportion of struggle in your life on Earth than you take joy home with you after work as a gift for the kids.

Everyone knows the expression: “Chin up!”

This expression bears taking a look at. How did this conjunction of two words come into existence? Is it possible that literally positioning your chin up has an effect on you that leads you to greater joy? It can also be possible that putting your chin down equates to feeling less hopeful.

Long in the world have you been told to sit up straight! It is likely that such common well-known expressions in your language set the tone of your day.

Take the expression: “Don’t be down in the mouth.” Not being down in the mouth may correlate with fewer wrinkles. Why not? There are smile lines and frown lines. Take your pick.

Do eyes lowered convey the opposite of eyes that look up? Look up, and you may feel more hopeful. Keep looking Heavenward. Is this asking too much?

Keeping your eyes wide open encourages you. What a good idea that you encourage yourself to be encouraged. What would I want you to be but inspired to go for higher? How about it?

Of course, holding your head up carries a meaning of alertness.

Shake a leg. It’s possible that the actual act of shaking a leg wakes you up and gets you going.

I gladly give you more choices to choose in the world. Take your choice.

Stand on your toes. Why would you want to be down in the heels?

There are certain simple ways within the mind and body that will make you more flexible. This isn’t startling news. It has long been thought that the Moon and other planets affect your moods. There are such things as pressure points that can relieve pain, and, who knows, perhaps even turn your life around.

You are a conductor of self-change and self-healing more than you credit yourself with. How powerful are your thoughts! What an effect music has on you! What cannot affect you? And no matter from how far away!

Make change happen. When you smile, you beam. When you smile, you are telling the world it’s okay being alive. Perhaps smile first, and you will feel better afterward.

Wear a pretty outfit, and you may quicken your step.

It’s no secret that exercise can uplift you. This isn’t a new thought.

Think of your hair as your crowning glory, and how do you feel? You have a choice of what thoughts to think. Choose.

How do you feel when you say you are flying high?

How do you feel when you say you are taking it lying down or you feel heartened or disheartened? Or that you are rising to new heights? Or that you are falling heads over heels in love? Or that you are riddled with fear or that you are overwhelmed with joy? Remind yourself that dreams do come true before your very eyes. Invite your dreams to you.

Will you accept once and for all that how you think about your life makes a difference to your life itself?

Beloved, hark to the herald angels! Be your own angel. Be somewhere over the rainbow. Be your own star in the firmament. Go ahead, fly to the moon. Take leaps right and left. Further your own progress. Set your own dial.

Enlighten yourself. Dance to your own tune. Sing a song of sixpence. Introduce yourself to your Self. Hop to it!
