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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
7/5/2018 1:16:00 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6370 Caught Up in God, July 5, 2018

God said:

Beloved, there is a certain something about life that intrigues you. It's like life has you over a barrel. Life on Earth likes to have you all sewed up, going at a fast pace, keeping you on edge, faster and faster, keeping you running uphill and downhill, hurtling you through space, seemingly keeping you off-balance, hardly touching base, feeling far afield as if peace and silence are illusion instead of the real deal. You want the real deal.

Certainly, you are off to the races without end and have no idea what you are on to, what you are really doing and don't know what is going on, nor do you yet grasp what is to come. You feel reminiscent of Jack and Jill running up a hill to catch a pail of water, and then what happens? You come tumbling down and, as if I caught you in a poem. We dance off into Eternity, which turns out to be your address right along and now forevermore.

Oneness camps out and sleeps under the stars. Under the stars, you and I as One - Oneness catches on. That which you had thought of as you - you begin to get the idea that somehow you never missed a trick really that you have always been on a lark. No mistakes were taken into account or ever made or substantiated. You never fell by the wayside. In truth, you are essential to a symphony in a summer concert held in the park.

Every blossom on Earth falls at the right moment. The breeze blows the blossoms back up. Summer looms large. Truth be known, you were always on vacation. Ever were you a hummingbird humming in mid-air, dancing to the tune of glory in excelsius. You round curves and finally are caught up in God. You fly off and land in style and are unbounded and make home runs to beat the band to the tune of your heart.

You wake up to find yourself swaddled in more love than you can contain, yet always were you love alone. You are filled to the seams with love, yet you are seamless with love and God. There is no such thing as hindsight or foresight. Only beauty is to be seen, and you are beauty to behold. You cover the ranch. You take to the sky. You are whisked into Heaven. It is impossible to stay away. No one wants to leave. It dawns on you the miracle of your Self and Oneness and Beingness altogether. You are constant.

You discover yourself mid-air. You can't get out of it. You realize you have always been a beautiful mountain stream. You are all the beauty you ever thought of without cease. Let's face it! You are a dream come true. You are It - Oneness proliferate.

All you have to do is to touch your heart, and what you think appears. This has always been so. Now you are better at better thoughts, higher thoughts, thoughts worth thinking of. You twirl them in front of everyone. Oneness thinks of wonders alone, and wonders are.

Love exists. The only flower to pick is love. There are no quarrels, nothing to sort, nothing but love in all its bursting colors. Love takes over and turns Earth into simply Heaven. Love cashes in. Love is true. You are bursting with love beyond sentiment, love in good form, love melting into all there is, love joining hands and hearts on a picnic in the One World that can't help itself. Love is all, and love is grand.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
7/6/2018 2:42:21 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6371 Godwriting, the Real Goods I, July 6, 2018

God said:

Beloved, Godwriting is a fluid event. You aren't in charge of Godwriting. Hands down, I am the Godwriter. We can say you are an observer, something of a participant in the background, hardly aware, more as if your fingers move to a tune you almost hear. You are not the discerner of guidelines. You simply Godwrite and take it as it comes.

As a non-credentialed ex officio Godwriter, you are innocent regarding the process. Godwriting is a process that falls to you. You are open to it, yet you know nothing of what will come. You may invite Godwriting subtly, yet you have no say about it. You are subject to My Will. With all respect, the best you can do is to kind of get the hang of Godwriting. Hands off, beloved.

Godwriting is not a science. You don't become an expert. If you want to hear what I may be thinking, don't kid yourself that you have a say in it. Godwriting is not a technique of yours. Your intellect is outside the grasp of Godwriting. Your intellect is barred. To be a Godwriter, empty your intellect. Godwriting is My Will, not thine.

I invite you to Godwrite yet not at all to figure Godwriting out. Your intellect may tend to interfere. You cannot attribute rules and structure to Godwriting. This is not part of Our contract. Our Godwriting contract is more like:

"Be still. I am God."

Everyone may pick up the Art of Godwriting at the same time as everyone keeps his hands off. Write down. You may witness to your heart's joy a spree of Godwriting, yet the most you can be is a receiver.

Just as, in terms of life, I am the Doer, so am I, in terms of Godwriting, the Godwriter.

No one is an expert in Godwriting. Your role isn't to sum up Godwriting. Beloved, Godwriting is too simple for you. Godwriting is natural. Your place in Godwriting is to stay in the background. You are not to figure out anything. As soon as you may believe you are on top of Godwriting, you likely won't be Godwriting. There are no expert Godwriters. I, God, am the only Godwriter that exists. I happily lead you to Godwrite.

Godwriting can only come to you. You allow Godwriting to come to you only as you stay out of it. Leave to God what is God's.

Godwriting isn't your prey. You aren't to label Godwriting as your invention. You don't own Godwriting. Be open to what you sort of hear. Do not pry into what I say. It isn't for you to second-guess God. Let Me be.

A court stenographer in a courtroom takes dictation and doesn't presume to include his findings.

There is no jurisdiction over Godwriting. There are no rules and regulations except: "Leave that which is God's to God."

In terms of Godwriting, you are a nobody. Be glad to be a nobody. This is the most you can be as a Godwriter.

You are not on top of Godwriting. You aren't an organizer or jet-setter or sooth-sayer. You are a simple servant of God's. You are not a director or producer of My Words. Barely do you hear them. I whisper My Heart to you, and you jot down what you hear.

The Godwriting process simply is what it is when it is. No two Godwritings are alike. You receive what I give you to receive, and in some free way, you pick up what I say so quietly.

Beloved, here's the thing: (Smile.)

Godwriting isn't your fiddle-faddle.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
7/7/2018 9:44:24 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6372 Godwriting, the Real Goods II, July 7, 2018

God said:

Beloved, Godwriting is about impulse.

First, somewhere within you, a desire to Godwrite propels you.

Then, as you find yourself open to Godwriting, an impulse pulses. You are not sure that you are Godwriting. You may even be sure you are not. You don’t feel the Divinity you had your heart set on. You may feel sure you are not good enough to Godwrite at all when it takes no talent to Godwrite – only innocence.

Certainly, Godwriting consists of finding gems of My Words right out in the open for you and not hidden at all. They are yours for the asking, right out there for you and not hidden at all. Yes, there is a certain amount of divining to Godwriting itself that can be likened to dowsing with twigs as in seeking ground water and hidden gems by unsophisticated means.

Each time you Godwrite is new, for Godwriting, by its nature, sneaks up on you. Godwriting isn’t an orchestrated affair. Each Godwriting is a once in a lifetime experience. Each Godwriting is its own impulse. It cannot be reconstructed. Why, Godwriting has hardly been constructed in the first place. Can you say that a fruit-bearing tree is constructed?

In Godwriting, you experience spontaneously. At the same time as a Godwriting may come sentence by sentence or even as one word at a time, a Godwriting may also seem to appear as all at once – Godwriting in one fell swoop! In the world, only is time interspersed.

Your experience of Godwriting may seem slow and steady to you. A Godwriting that arrives may also seem to reach you at the speed of light, something like a mountain stream as it flows to you, a foregone conclusion falling into your lap, a miracle experience that you have again and again, yet no two alike – the same, and not the same at all – remarkable, and yet returning in light to you and yet in different light not at all of your own making.

Of course, there is no demanding Godwriting. There is calling it to you. You have a yearning for it.

There can also be somewhat slow-stepping Godwritings. There are no two Godwritings alike, yet a variety may arrive often. Godwriting isn’t bound to rhyme or reason. Godwriting can just be as it comes. This is the case with life itself, is it not?

Each time you Godwrite, it is as if for the first time. Godwriting is new, and yet Godwriting may seem to have been always. Godwriting feels like a surprise yet may not be a surprise at all. It may be old hat. Certainly, Godwriting is a revelation to you.

Godwriting may be like dribbling a basketball, or Godwriting may be like popping the ball into the basket as if on its own. Surely, Godwriting is destined. Somehow or another, you too got to be in the mix. This is a far cry from the life you had been used to. It may be a vast contradiction. There is nothing too amazing in life, even as life is all amazing – it is incredible, incredible that you partake of Godwriting and a fraction of life handed to you in the Glory of God.

Whoever dreamed you would be a Godwriter? Nope, not even dreamed of until Godwriting swept you up. This is even too good to have been dreamed of. Or had you somehow made a contract for this very thing?

Suddenly, you find out you were born to Godwrite. Who would ever have believed that you, you of all people as you see it, would one day actually become a knower of reality as an offshoot of Godwriting. You hadn’t imagined that you were ever intended to reach beyond the horizon. Who could have guessed this idea – let alone reach it?

Even so, the Hand of God reached out for you, and you accepted God’s Hand, knowingly or not.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
7/8/2018 7:21:17 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6373 Godwriting, the Real Goods III, July 8, 2018

God said:

Beloved, Godwriting is so simple, so easy, that it can escape you. Godwriting is like love - nice and easy when it volunteers itself. Godwriting can come to you, yet you cannot make Godwriting happen. You can't achieve it. You don't force feed it, nor can you necessarily bear to stop it. It's a mutually agreed upon process, and you have fallen in love. Which comes first? I suppose My thoughts come first, yet My desire for your Godwriting keeps pace.

Look, Godwriting is a lot like falling in love or like cherry blossoms that fall where they may, and, yet, still, you can shake the tree. The season for Godwriting is in your heart. Your consciousness is the wind that blows the cherry blossoms. Godwriting delights you, and you delight in it. Gathering Godwriting isn't a project. It needs no introduction. It simply comes about and falls into place.

In one sense, you have no idea how Godwriting comes to you. At the same time, why sit around waiting for it?

If you are going to elope with Godwriting, you don't have to leave it to chance. Pull up in a golden coach, and take off for the hills.

You can give a nudge to even that which is destined. You can grab Godwriting by the neck and not wait patiently for Godwriting to run off with you. There is you, and there is God. You yourself are not just part of the scenery hanging around. You don't have to wait to be lassoed. You can get down to it. Godwriting is whatever you happen to find out it is.

When you desire to swim, jump in the water. When you desire to dive into the water, dive.

Godwriting is initiated from above, yet you also get into the swing of it.

When you desire to be a guest, it is incumbent upon you to knock on the host's door.

This region of Godwriting is forever, yet why wait forever? Do the deed. Beloved, sometime isn't soon enough.

Wonders simply come to you. You can also beckon wonders to you.

When you are invited to a feast, sit down with fork in hand.

As for Godwriting, sit down with pen in hand... or keyboard in hand... or stick in sand.

May I, God, beckon you with sweet nothings,

You are not required to be the best Godwriter in town. Simply be someone who jumps in. Come to Me! How many times and ways must I invite you?

If you desire to be a great Godwriter or a dazzling Godwriter, you are putting the cart before the horse. Let go of the idea of being the fairest of all. Godwriting isn't about looking in the mirror at all.

Be glad to be a Godwriter with or without renown.

My ambition for you is simply that you hear Me. This is your ambition as well, is it not?

You give Godwriting in service to Me. Of course, in serving Me, you are also served. Did you forget that We are not two but One? In any case, Godwriting is gonna fill your heart.

Beloved, go ahead and take a chance on yourself. Dare to Godwrite. Well, hey, what do you have to lose? Go ahead and lose a little ego if you must. What kind of loss is that? Go ahead. The water is fine. The day is splendid.

You and I, We are destined to make great music together. Let's start! 1, 2, 3! 1, 2, 3! 1, 2, 3! May the good times begin.

Love, God

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
7/9/2018 4:22:44 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6374 Wonderfulness is on Its Way to You, July 9, 2018

God said:

Beloved, welcome to life and all the treasures that wait for you as you wait for them. You have many dreams yet before you ready to arrive in this lifetime. To think of it! More than you know. I mean dreams made to come true in this lifetime. Royal dreams. Dreams that long have been awaiting you. Now the time is at hand. Be eager. Be ready. Fill your heart with readiness now. Make room for what has long been yours to make room for.

Life has given you many blessings, yet, life, by no means, has finished with blessing you. Some dreams have been too long waiting. Even as you have had many dreams fulfilled, many more dreams are yet panting to appear in full bloom. You are just beginning to visualize an avalanche of good fortune on its way to you. Not that you have to be dazzled with what is on its way to you, yet I say you will be bedazzled. You will be blown away by the dreams that now will be handed to you right and left and that you will accept with gusto. No longer will you continue to overlook your Self. No longer will you whisper even once more:

"This Good Luck is for me? Really? This is for me?"

Hot Diggity, Beloved, you are going to be happier than you ever dreamed possible. This isn't daydreaming I speak of. This is fulfillment I speak of. Here it comes. Here you go! You are meant for joy and not for less. Have you perhaps missed out on this point?

If you have experienced less than fulfillment - and I realize you have - I now announce that not reaching your mark is just about over once and for all. Great truth is lining up to enter the arena of your life and take you higher, way higher, off your feet into a realm you have long deserved and did not claim as your troth. You thought yourself lacking. Wake up!

Consider yourself beginning to reach the height that your life is rising to. Yes, your life is just beginning. It has begun, and more is coming forth toward you over hill and dale. You are ready. Take a breath, because blessing upon blessing is upon you. Your life is going to spill over with splendor. You have been waiting when you didn't have to wait so long at all. You were waiting here for the culmination of your and My dreams for you. You have just begun. Your waiting days are about over. You are past waking up as a hurdle. You are beginning to wake up once and for all. You may have thought you were impatient. You have been too patient.

I don't tell you to cook up a storm. I suggest you just open your eyes. You are! You are getting ready to accept abundant goodness and know that all this readying goldenness is meant especially for you. Let's call this your Own Awakening for what you are born for, yes, for you.

You have been waiting for a Pot of Gold from God to arrive to you now splendidly. You have been waiting for what I, too, have been waiting for you to receive. Now life will unfold beyond your dreams. You have dreams waiting to catch up to you. This is a foregone conclusion. You have dreams that are just about to become Earthen. Pick them up.

I speak of dreams beyond the ordinary. You have always been worthy, yet you haven't quite grasped this at its full value yet. Probably, you have read and listened to off-putting ways. No longer. Let's shake hands on this.

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