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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
6/15/2018 1:56:34 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6350 What Wondrousness Will Today Bring?, June 15, 2018

God said:

Beloved, is it possible that you, a Child of God, wake up each morning, and the first thing you ask yourself is:

"What is the biggest difficulty I face today?"

If you answer, "Yes, God, this is true." - you well know I will tell you to cut that out.

Reverse your early morning strategy. Wake up and think more along these lines:

"What is the most wonderful thing that could befall me today?"

"Once upon a time, or even today in a country that may be war-torn, my answer would clearly be: ‘An end to war.'

"If I am blessed to live where there is no war, I will celebrate.

"I have an opportunity to set a better timbre to my day, and so I do. I anticipate a windfall. I take it to heart.

"What I most want is Peace on Earth, Peace on Earth today.

"May everyone on Earth eat a good meal today.

"May everyone on Earth be blessed today and know that they are blessed.

"May everyone bless everyone today.

"May everyone be grateful to be alive this day.

"May everyone who is alive today bless himself and everyone he meets or thinks of.

"May I make room in my heart for everyone I meet or think of.

"May I say silently today to everyone I meet or think of: ‘Have a good day. Be blessed. Thank God.'

"May I say over and over again: ‘Thank God. Thank God. Thank God.'

"May I think like God and open my heart to all. May I break open my heart and remove all debris.

"May every step I take today bless the Earth.

"May I be One with God and plant only seeds of love today.

"May I inspire even one Soul, and most certainly my own.

"What I have to know today is that God is.

"If my heart aches today, my heart will start opening itself again tomorrow.

"If the Sun has not yet dawned, I know that it will.

"If I set the tone of my day, I also set the tone of others' days.

"There is only one tone for me to set. I ring the bells of love and laughter.

"I am an emissary of God alone. God has entered my heart. God lives in my heart. Trouble and worry do not.

"My life and heart are full of God. When God fills my heart, what lack in life can there be? Oh, and no more room in my heart for hurt or hard feelings. They have to go. There is too much love in my heart for anything else to exist. My day is full of somersaults and rejoicing. I learn joy well. I throw joy to the world like cherry blossoms. My joy reaches high and far and wide. My love lands on everyone - including myself.

"Every day I learn new ways of thinking and feeling and pursuing all that is good for all. The Sun shines on me. The Sun accompanies me. I will say that God precedes me, and God helps me to keep up with Him. I progress toward God. God is with me, and I am with God, and what can I do but smile?

"My cup is full, and no matter how much I drink from it, it is never empty. In fact, how it works is that my cup spilleth over. All hearts are full. All hearts swell with love overflowing. There is love to spare.

"God hears my every word. God loves me. There is no me any longer. I am all and, therefore, One with All and One with God. So help me God."


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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
6/16/2018 1:17:19 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6351 Bird Song, June 16, 2018

God said:

All aboard! Beloved, today is about to begin. We are taking off for Heaven today. Today is a day secured with blessings. A blessing here, a blessing there, blessing, blessing, blessing everywhere. Sweet blessings all day long. What else but blessings? Blessings are Manna from Heaven, and Manna from Heaven is for you. I leave a trail for you of Manna from Heaven to bring you to follow Me today. Manna from Heaven replaces bread crumbs. Follow Me. Sing a Manna from Heaven song.

Why not? You don't have anything better to do. That you are busy doesn't excuse you. This morning, birds are busy singing. Birds are intent upon singing. Birds are meant to sing, and so are you. No more from you like:

"Aughh, it's too early to get up." No more putting the pillow over your head. Get up, Bucko. Sing and dance into your day. Have something you look forward to getting up for.

Today is a new day for you to greet. Hop to it.

Today has come all the way from Heaven for you. Are you really meaning to push this Fresh from Heaven Day back? There is no holding back the dawn from where I come. Wake up today with Me. How about it?

Take Me with you as you go about your day. Show Me what you can make of your day. Take me on a tour with you. Let's add a sparkle to your day. Take Me with you as a visitor today. Show Me the town. Wake up to Me, and away We go.

Point out to Me the joy spots in your day. This is for real. This is no ordinary day. We are thinking of an extraordinary day. Let the unexpected happen. We will light a spark into your day. We cannot miss.

Look, you may have forgotten that today is not just another day at work. Every single day you are setting off for your Destiny. This way to your Destiny. Hop on. A good start to your day is a good start. Happy beginnings bring happy endings. Give Me a good time on Earth. What else is there for you to give Me? Darling, I already am steeped in Happiness. It is you We want to engage in happiness. This isn't hard. Here, take My hand. Maybe I will point out what to look at on Our way.

If you find your boss crabby, are you going to introduce your boss to Me as crabby? I am not suggesting you fake an introduction. In how many ways can you introduce your boss to Me? There must be something good you can say about the people you work with and the work you do.

Consider that I am taking you on a tour. May your words and Mine be good dance partners. We will show Our Stuff. For one thing, We will confer happiness on everyone We look in the eye and greet. We will dance the light fantastic. What else should We be involved with?

Can you possibly imagine that We could be together and go anywhere without joy? Take Me with you wherever you go. Don't leave Me behind. Why would you want to go anywhere without Me?

I am not meaning that you show off or move toward an extra-special performance. Not at all. We can call Our day a peace-walk. What else is there to do anyway?

What do the birds say as they sing but Good Morning, Good Morning? The birds pull up the shades on your windows and let some light in along with their singing. Perhaps the birds' lyrics are:

"God Morning, God Morning. God Day, God Day as We walk around the block."

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
6/17/2018 3:47:07 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6352 The First Moment You Godwrite, June 17, 2018

God said:

In terms of Godwriting, you begin to get down to Godwriting the moment you write the two words God said. This affirms your place in the scheme of things. Of course, with Godwriting, there is no scheme of things whatsoever. Nothing is planned. You are open to what comes, whether you see where it's going or not. This is the extent to which you, as a Godwriter, go.

This is how you signal God: "Okay, God, I'm here ready with pen in hand (or computer at the ready) to jot down whatever You would like me to hear. Let's do it.

The experience of Godwriting is simple receptiveness to come what may. I do not hold out to you that when you Godwrite that I will simply whisk you away to an amazing state of grace, as if your first stab at Godwriting will be the greatest moment in your life, and you will be writing the most exalted Godwriting known to man! There may be these moments, yet there also may not be.

Beloved, it's better that you don't expect to receive utterly stellar Godwriting. What comes, comes. Nothing extra special has to come. Godwriting is more like a simple treasure hunt. Be laid back when you're Godwriting. You are not on stage. I AM.

Nothing is at stake. Yes, you care. You don't want to let Me or anyone down. Bear in mind that no one is an accomplished Godwriter besides Me! No one knows ahead of time what Godwriting will come forth from Me through you at a particular moment. To the extent of your desire, We could possibly call your first Godwriting as God-writhing! Smile!

Godwriting isn't your accomplishment. When it comes to Godwriting, innocence wins the day. "When you least expect it..."

Beloved, you as a Godwriter are not the Lion's Roar Himself nor the Cat's Meow.

Godwriting is not your doing. No matter how vast or slim you may feel your chances are at picking up God's thoughts, you are not the director of God's Godwriting. Naturally, you desire to hear My thoughts, and just so, so does everyone else prefer to hear My original thoughts over their own or yours or anyone else's.

No one grades you in your experience of Godwriting. I come through you as I happen to come. If you have a great breakthrough, it arises through your innocence.

Many new Godwriters at first don't believe they are actually Godwriting. Their internal critic tells them they definitely are not Godwiting. No one is a star Godwriter across the board. There also is no one who cannot receive My Words.

Look, Beloved, I can do whatever I want when I want. There comes a point when you draw a breath and it sneaks up on you that you hear My Breath so naturally, that hearing Me is no big deal. Sure, you write down what you hear, yet you are still you and not on Broadway.

If I, God, exist, and I do exist, then I exist within you and everyone, and I am blessed to Godwrite through you. I am well-pleased. Godwriting is an easygoing event, something like floating on the Ocean Deep. Who cannot do it?

Mostly, I take you unawares. You are, in effect, the humble pen I happen to pick up to write with. You are an instrument. You open your heart to Mine, and We let My Godwriting roll. Every time you sit down to hear My Words, it is as if for the first time.

Que sera sera, what will be will be.

"Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be."

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
6/18/2018 2:52:41 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6353 Be Happy to Run Around the Block with Me, June 18, 2018

God said:

You always have had the option to Godwrite. Sometimes your internal attraction to Godwriting is so strong and fervent, you don't have any choice about it. Your goose is cooked! Welcome! Welcome!

Of course, never do I stand over you and say like a drill leader: "You MUST Godwrite or else!"

I am not a militant kind of God. The theme of Free Will runs through Me and runs through you.

The world will not vanish if you don't Godwrite. You will not vanish if you do not Godwrite. There are no have-to's when it comes to Godwriting except to hear Me when this is on your plate. You may carry so strong an inborn instinct that when its time has come, you are Godwriting, and that's it. It is as if you had called out and perhaps forgotten:

"Gimmee gimmee, God. Gimmee Godwriting or Godspeaking, because I gotta have Your words the same way I gotta have the air You give us to breathe, the same way my once baby hands had to grasp whatever was near and my little voice had to babble its sounds the way every baby has to explore the world by putting everything into his mouth. Innate depth and height of desire ensure Godwriting in the same way as an artist must paint or a bird to sing."

When you accept the practice of Godwriting, be as content with what you hear as you were as a child to whatever mud-cakes your hands made and with all the shades of paint colors you came to paint on newsprint. So, Godwriting is yours to simply be what it is. Godwriting isn't anyone's to criticize or compare, not yours or anyone's.

Beloved, your Godwriting comes as it comes, and so does everyone's Godwriting come as it comes. No one is to praise himself nor to smote himself, nor is anyone to critique another's Godwriting. Godwriting comes in all shapes and sizes. Remember, the Godwriting you receive is from God. In this sense, all Godwriting is hands-off to what you may make of it. If I were to give a solid instruction on how to Godwrite, I would say: "Hey, welcome the Godwriting I give to you."

Your very first sample of Godwriting doesn't have to be a marvel, for then you might set up high expectations when, as a God receiver, you are meant to be an impartial receiver. Your purpose isn't to favor one Godwriting over another. Certainly it's not your business to qualify or disqualify what you hear Me say.

Yes, you will have your favorites. No one will disbar you from Godwriting because you do. No one says that the Godwriting that comes through you has to be the best Godwriting ever. Be a happy receiver of whatever you hear Me say. Godwriting isn't your talent show. Love what you love, and be open to what I give you.

I am not a racehorse that you egg on to beat previous records. Simply be happy to run around the block with Me. The process of Godwriting is for you to hear Me - plain and simple. You are not looking for fame or fortune. The personal gain that is yours is to hear Me. No pedigree has to come with it.

Godwriting is simply what it is. Godwriting isn't a process whereby you show off for ego's pleasure. Be at peace with Godwriting. Write for the joy of hearing what you hear. Beloved, you are here right now to serve Me. You aren't here right now to look for the pride of the litter. Be My pride and joy and no less nor more.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
6/19/2018 2:19:07 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6354 Truth in Dreams, June 19, 2018

God said:

Beloved, you have heard Me say that life in the world is all a fantasy. You wouldn’t mind this idea at all if the fantasy you live in could be made of a real-live fairy tale fantasy. You wouldn’t mind a life of Fairy Godmothers and Princes with golden coaches and dreams of the highest, and where you regularly get swept off your feet in a world where dreams, of course, come true before your very eyes.

You are not exactly asking for Paradise – more the sort of thing where if you must ride a subway every day back and forth to work, you could ride a subway where no one would have to stand and be crowded, and, where, as a matter of course, riding the subway could be a quiet delicately well-mannered treat, and, before you know it, a princely figure helps everyone off the subway and sincerely wishes everyone a good day.

Is this asking for too much? A subway where there is no noise or dust or anyone hungry, and there is no rushing – only a serene kind of life that rises to the occasion. Oh, yes, there would be the singing of blue birds and no need for trash receptacles, and no one’s feet would ever hurt, and no one would have to stand up and hold onto a strap, for every gentleman graciously gets up and offers you his seat.

I am aware that you are not asking for Heaven but rather for a polite fantasy where everyone is a lady or a gentleman, and dreams come true once and for all. You wouldn’t mind some of this or a lot of this.

Certainly, you are also aware you have had such moments in life when you were serenaded, and when you were secure that you and life truly were meant for each other, where traffic jams and hornet nests and pesky flies do not exist and no one’s feelings ever get hurt, and where there are no such things as headaches or upset stomachs or feeling ill at ease and long wondering how you ever landed on Earth as if Earth is all there is to life, and when the day would come when you would never feel off-kilter again. Is this asking for too much?

If fantasies are imagined, could it be that they actually are lived somewhere, and everyone is exactly where he wants to be and no one misses his train or gets off a boat without anyone to greet him, and school is a happy place for children, and all is well with the world?

In this case, you would like to sign up.

Meanwhile, there are some good movies and books to read and good people to meet and good times to be had and love to look forward to here and there, where trains do run on tracks, and there are good things to think about and marvel at, and you are here. You understand that I say that anything is possible, and you are perfectly willing to see some of this great stuff. You would gladly wait in line and accept all possibilities of happiness and joy and to know that love is unqualifiedly King, and that you and everyone are eligible.

Meanwhile, you are grateful for nighttime and sleep even as there are those times when you might rather wake up somewhere else where you could know for a fact that you and I are holding hands, and where you know you will see Me before your very eyes, and know for a fact that all is well forever and forever and anon.

Sweet dreams, Beloved. Oneness is. You and I exist in Oneness. All grace and tribute to you in life and love abounds, and all is just as you knew it would be.

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