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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/17/2017 1:47:21 PM
Heavenletter #6110 Accept Yourself, August 17, 2017

God said:

When you are extremely sensitive and tender to nuances, dear ones, do not see yourselves as lifted high above the crowd. Your sensitivity is not a raised flag in salute to you. Your sensitivity may be nothing to make you proud. Consider your sensitivity more like a rash.

By all means, wear lace and ruffles – that’s lovely – wear what gives you Joy – yet in terms of your interaction with the world and your response to it, wear hardy denim and no longer sensitivity on your sleeve. In relation to yourself, your sensitivity isn’t a badge of honor.

No longer boo-hoo about how Life and people treat you. How people treat you has to do with themselves and is not all that much about you, even if both you and the other party habitually think so. You tend to be all about you. Truly, if someone doesn’t like you and is rude to you, it’s about them and not about you at all. Dear Ones, it doesn’t behoove you to take offense.

From this day forth, take nothing personally. In this way you will no longer perceive affronts. You will be smooth satin and ruffled not at all. You will not entrap yourself. At present, you may prefer to notice affront and be ruffled.

Affront may be to you what coffee is for many. You may drink coffee because drinking coffee stirs you up. No longer rely on affronts to stir you awake. Have a longer view of Life. Attend to what you are feeling in a different sense. What you think about your life matters. What others may or may not think isn’t meant to be your difficulty. What others think belongs to them and not to you. Their thoughts are up to them. Give your concern a chance to settle down before you presume to raise your blood pressure.

When all is said and done, there are no opponents. It certainly isn’t My desire that you turn yourself into an opponent. See bigger. Raise your vibration. Do not respond with outrage. Go play badminton or ping pong or walk it off.

The world says: “Don’t burn your bridges.” This time the world is absolutely right.

The world also says to express yourself and not to repress yourself. Perhaps wait to express yourself, if you must, until you settle down. Wait until you don’t feel so disheartened as you felt at first. Keep Heart and mind open.

Sometimes, you may read what someone wrote to you in an email. You are fit to be tied. You have, on occasion, read your email again later to find that you hadn’t read the letter carefully. Hasn’t this happened to you? You may have read your email too fast and missed what the writer had really said to you. You may have been in haste to take offense. In any case, you misread what was there. You fumbled the ball.

Be sure that you, as a receiver of words, written or spoken, share a responsibility to communicate first by listening. Listen, and you may not take so much amiss. Don’t keep the fires burning within you. Don’t start them in the first place.

I, God, think the world of you, regardless of any guilt you may carry on your shoulders. You may have had practice in not being given credit. You may be quick to pounce, for you are not going to allow anyone to discredit you.

You deserve peace and comfort, and it is My desire – My Will --that you have it. No longer get fraught by what someone else thinks, anyway. Care more about Me and care more about yourself and what We think.

Mind Me, beloveds, and not struggle so much for wholehearted acceptance from others. Accept yourself.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/18/2017 2:29:43 PM
Heavenletter #6111 Wild Adventure in Life , August 18, 2017

God said:

In terms of the world, everything is important to you. Dear Children of My Heart, at the same time, note that everything in the world is fleeting.

Your feet may seem to be on the ground, yet the Earth you walk on stands in mid-air.

Life on Earth is, more or less: Now you see it, now you don't.

The world is wily. You can't quite keep up with the world, even as you go far beyond the world.

It is possible to say that the world is a mile a minute. It is possible to say that the world is preposterous. There isn't anything you can't say. There almost isn't anything you haven't said.

You Sing a Song of Sixpence, and you hang your Life on a Star. Now you are getting closer to the Truth of It All.

Life is a passing fancy, yes, and yet Life is far more than that. Life may seem to you like a commodity. What seems is not what always is. You are greater than you conceive. I conceive you great.

Join Me in this Wild Adventure in Life. You come across Life. You stumble on Life. You cognize Life. Life is a dream you have. Ah, what a dream. What a dream you dream. Yet there is more to your Life than you ever dreamed of. There is more going on than you fathom. Even as nothing is really happening, there is more to Life than what you dissemble. Hang your Heart on a Tree.

Much of Life is an attempt to be more than you think you are, and, yet, the Reality is that you are far more than you think you are.

You may imagine that you are a diamond in the rough. You may attempt to fake at being alert and alive when there is no necessity to fake at all.

Once upon a dream, you denied the Truth of Who You Are. You thought you were something you aren't, when you are something greater than all your dreams rolled into One.

You are a smashing Hit in Life. You are meant for Stardom. You cannot escape this. Whatever dissembling you may attempt, you are the Real Thing. You don't wander so far afield as you may think.

You are alive with the Sound of Music. You follow a tune you heard in the distance and don't quite notice. You, I, everyone, the Earth, the Heavens are One. Oh, yes, you play games, yet you are the Truth just the same.

We share the same roots, We do. We surpass mountains.

You are a Celebrity of Mine who far surpasses your boundaries. I celebrate you. Hand in hand, We celebrate Life as the Great Occasion It Is, even as you doubt with all your Heart. The Truth is that you are Marvelous.

You celebrate Riding the Waves, so you think, when in Actuality you are the Stillness of Stillness. You may make a fuss even as you are a Supreme Dancer. You may think you stumble. You may think you do not Love, and you mourn this disability of lack of Love when the Pure Truth is that you are beholden and devoted to Love and to Me, the Source of All Love.

No longer deny the Love you are made of. Bet on your Self and not everything but your Self. You are a Star in the Firmament. You are wedged into the Magnificence of Life. Yes, you.

You are a Knight in Shining Armor. You are the Horizon of Life, and you are more than that. You discern Everything. You are Supreme. You and I, We fly together. We take off. You and I are not just fooling around. We are purposeful.

There is Vast Meaning to your Being Here on Earth, and you are more Lively than you dare say. Hurray for Life and the Great Meaning Life Holds. Think more of yourself, for you are a High Point in this Parade called Life on Earth. You excel, so mighty are you.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/21/2017 2:50:56 PM
Heavenletter #6114 Raising Yourself in the World, August 21, 2017

God said:

There is value in admitting ignorance. Admitting ignorance puts you way ahead. How truly wonderful it is for your brothers and sisters in the world to meet someone like you who doesn’t know all the answers in the world. What a relief!

It is better to be open than to be closed.

You are way ahead now when you can unabashedly say you don’t know all the answers. What a rare individual you are when you can excuse yourself from knowing everything. For one thing, this makes you rare and welcome, yes, indeed.

You are, indeed, one in a million. It is refreshing to meet with you. Hurray, you are setting a trend and serving the hearts and minds of many. You are the crème de la crème. Welcome to Heaven!

A refreshing face, a refreshing mind, a refreshing Heart -- all now established, all pre-set ahead of time – these are worth gold. You are just what I am looking for – a human Being ready to see anew and greater. Please, come sit at My right hand, and we’ll have a good time.

Dear Ones, now, let’s address a very human quality which gets in the way of happiness. This human quality is becoming attached. When you are attached, you are pre-set. You have decided how Life must be. And so you restrict yourself.

Great sensitivity regarding how you are treated in the world is something to come to terms with and to let go of.

Here is a tale:

There was a little boy whose main desire was to go to the circus. His father promised him that this year he will take his son to the circus. The very day before the circus, his father told the boy he could not take him after all because he, the father, had to go out of town on business. The father promised his son that they would go to the circus next year.

To not go to the circus as he was promised was too much for the child to bear. His whole Heart was wrapped up in anticipation of the circus. To the child, to not be able to go to the promised circus at this fictional Moment in Eternity was a tragedy.

The child read a whole lot into this disappointment, including that he is really not loved. If he were truly loved, he would be going to the circus.

The whole world is sorry that this child’s Heart was hurt. Many of the caring people hearing his story now would gladly rush to take the child to the circus to allay the child’s hurt, yet there is no going back, and, anyway, the child desired that his father take him to the circus. It doesn’t matter to the young child the reason why his father didn’t take him. Knowing the reason doesn’t reduce the blow to the child’s Heart.

The sense of hurt never leaves the boy. The memory may fade, yet not the impact. Beyond his disappointment, the long-lasting affect is a sense of abandonment, unworthiness, and a sense of not being loved or loved really.

Some people may notice that the child, now an adult, is quick to take offense. He may be seen as selfish, too centered on himself, and loving himself too much. On the contrary, now his heart holds on so tight to being given importance for the very reason that he doesn’t value himself enough.

When the boy, now as an adult, feels his heart sullied with a sense of being discounted, overlooked, forlorn, he may appear as egotistic. Yes, he holds on so tight to being well-thought of. What is his attempt to raise his sense of self-value is seen as ego. Ego whispers to him that he must be recognized as important and come first.

What are you protecting, Beloveds?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/22/2017 5:04:39 PM
Heavenletter #6115 A Page from God’s Book, August 22, 2017

God said:

You have every reason to be loyal to your heart. If you are not loyal to your own heart and well-being, to whom then are you loyal? This certainly does not mean that you are to be selfish and all that. It means it’s all right for you to include yourself as well. Of course, offer fealty to yourself while you are at. All you have to do is know this as your birthright. You don’t have to wave banners.

When it is your birthday, make yourself a cake. Beginning now, address yourself with all the respect you offer to others. Admit yourself to your own Well-Being.

Make yourself a candidate. Run for the Good of All. Remember to join yourself in this Voyage. Steer your voyage for you as well as for others. You may have crowded in mixed messages about yourself. Sometimes you act as if you are obliged to forgo inviting yourself. You know what I am talking about?

If others want to seat you last, that is their privilege. In the scheme of things, it is not really all that consequential. You and I both know that.

Now I am making a power statement to you: Have in mind what My preferred placement for you is. Then, when you get accustomed to knowing that you are on My List, high on My List, when you accept this as a matter of course, then you don’t have to feature yourself. Of course, a main part of your job is to get many others nearer to the front of the line as well.

Look! Do you see right here? Here, I have put your personal ongoing invitation to Heaven in gold ink. No one is less. If you think you or anyone is less, think again. Remember, you heard this from Me. Keep moving up. Get the hang of My Will.

A first lesson for you is to know your value to Me in the world. Drink deeply of the ambrosia I give you to drink. You are not just a show of something. You ARE something. You are the real thing. You just may not have noticed. Notice now.

What did you think it was about when it was said: The first comes last and the last comes first and all that? It means I want you to know Who you are and the radius you reach. No longer are you to lie low. Now you reach deeper within and further afield, and this is fitting, and this is right. Now you are really getting down to it -- the Kingdom of Heaven and your place in it. No one is to miss this experience. No one. As a good guest, you oblige your Host.

Hail, hail, the gang’s all here. All for One, and One for All. Take this to Heart. This is one of My Biggest Refrains. Take a lesson out of My Book.

You have Great Reason for Being. Teach this to yourself and to your children. This is your inheritance. I accept no excuse. I do not exempt you from this wide-open opportunity. I declare you My Holy Son or My Holy Daughter. There are to be no arguments from you. Don’t waste your time or Mine. Your position in My Heart is already a fait accompli. Don’t vote on it. The votes have already been counted. The debate is over. We all win. There are no two sides on this.

Victory is Ours. Of course, We are One, and We triumph over anything less than Oneness.

So I have said, and so it has been spoken.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/23/2017 2:14:10 PM
Heavenletter #6116 Let Freedom Ring!, August 23, 2017

God said:

Beloveds, you are all My Beloveds. It is through My Will and Love that I give you Free Will for the asking. Free Will is your Divine Right. I ask you to make it your responsibility to take care to refrain from seeing others as needing your advice. It is not your business to supervise others. What would make you think that you are to change others into what you want them to be? If you must reform, reform yourself, and let others be unless they ask, and sometimes even then.

When We get down to it, the only person you have any chance of changing is yourself. Much of the time it is nigh on impossible to change to rectify yourself. Is this not true, My Dumplings? Confess.

It is your business who you are. When you are perfect in lifting Life to its Highest and Deepest, then, only then, would I ask you to straighten out anyone else. HA HA! Meanwhile, it isn’t all that likely that this day will come when you as I are to show others how to live, now, is it!

When you are perfect, throw the first stone indeed. Meanwhile, mind your manners. How do you benefit the world when you take it upon yourself to amend others? Looking out for others doesn’t mean you are to usurp others’ rights.

I have not ordained you to remake anyone. I ask you to Love and to Free all. It isn’t exactly wise of My Children to view themselves as all-wise. A self-estimate of yourself as being idyllic betokens folly. Come now, yes, make Room at the Inn for all. I haven’t yet appointed you the nay-sayer of the world.

You who crave freedom give freedom to others. Life orchestrates, Beloveds, not you. It isn’t for you to changes others’ lives. You are not the guardians of the world. It is not for you to relegate others to what you think they ought look like, act like, and be like.

Where anyone is to learn from is not usually foretold. You cannot foretell from whom and when you yourself are to learn.

Certainly you are not to be holier than thou. Make the world a better place, not just for you, but for all.

This is how you make hallow-ed thy name.

Come closer to Me, Beloveds. This is how you will become beloved.

Just as you throw breadcrumbs to feed the birds, give freedom to all. You are not the enforcer of the world. Perish the thought. Set yourself straight.

Beloveds, come now, what jurisdiction do you have? By natural right, you have freedom, and you have independence. Grant to all the same freedom that I give to you. It is this: To make up your own mind.

I do not tie you to the masthead. What I give to you, I ask you to give to all.

And what I give to you, I give to you from My Free Will.

What good is anything without freedom? Certainly, imprison no one in My Name. Do not impose. Freedom is for the good of all. Anyone can make rules. Peace does not control. Peace gives.

Set all Hearts free. Deep breaths are to be taken. Deep breaths expand you. Share the freedom and free expression that you yourself desire. Your freedom does not give you the freedom to hack at another’s freedom. Let go of imposing your will on any other.

We come to good hearts and good actions. Expand all hearts. There is room for big breaths to be taken. Breathe in Freedom, and breathe out Freedom. There is no payment to be enacted in order to allow everyone to breathe.

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