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Myrna Ferguson

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Heaven Letters
6/30/2016 2:54:06 PM
I have been wanting to have a forum of all heaven letters. Todays looks like a perfect place to start. I hope you all find these as helpful as I have. Would love to have your feedback. Not everyday will they hit home, but one day it will just perfect for you.
Heavenletter #5697 Greater Than the Eye Can See, June 30, 2016

God said:

It so happens that this Heavenletter your eyes fall on now was written on Christmas Eve Day, December 24, 2015. That is, I whispered these words on Christmas Eve Day, and five or six months later, you are now arbitrarily reading My Words at a particular time and place.

This gives you an idea about the relativity and impossibility of time. What is written today is good to read any day. And when you read what you read today a second time or another year from now for the first time or tenth time, it may strike you as even greater.

Yes, time is an apparition.

And, yes, two thousand or so years ago, a Prince was born. He was a special Being with a special path. I would like to impart to you what I have said before, you are also a Prince or a Princess. Born in a later era, still you, too, are Royalty born with a special path to follow, a deed to do or word to say that illuminates.

It doesn't require fame for you to be important. Fame is of time and space. You are greater than fame.

We are speaking of greater than time, and greater than space, and greater than the physical. We are speaking of a Mightiness that surpasses all you can think of.

There is not one child born who does not have a special-one-of-a-kind purpose. Your purpose fits in. You are a puzzle piece shaped in a unique way, fulfilling something vital and that only you can fulfill. Whatever your conscious ambitions may be, your special purpose fulfills much more.

Be you a Prince or Princess in the world, applauded and acclaimed by the world, you are a fulfiller of greater than this. You simply don't know your purpose on Earth. You may well not know what it is, or when you fulfill it, yet you can know that you have a purpose to fulfill and that you do fulfill it.

Without all the possibilities that you cannot even imagine, you make your mark in the world for the edification of all. You do not know what revelations you may give or how much you may turn someone else's life around. You do not know what it is that you are supposed to do, and yet you do it, and nothing is the same.

Life may not be at all what you think it is. Your life is more than what you credit it to be. You may be no more than a string on a guitar, and, yet, you make all the difference to the world in the music that is heard.

Here We speak of a special blessing you give or impart. You are a key that fits in, and no other key is the same as you.

You are no small potatoes. Even if you may mistakenly find yourself un-redeeming, no matter, you play a significant part. Hero or villain, you set in motion some special reservoir in the world. You serve the world. You may be arrogant, and still you serve the world. You may be unable to lift your head, and you serve the world. There is no one on Earth who does not have a Great Purpose to fulfill. You may be the last to know.

Today We talk about individuality. There is no one just like you. There is no one who can replace you. It is safe to say that you have no clue as to what you contribute. All that can be said for sure is that you are a Prince or Princess.

You are Oneness Supreme, and, yet, in world time, you are prophetically fulfilling a Divine Purpose or more that you are the only one who can fulfill exactly as you do.

You chose this purpose. You volunteered for it. You also were chosen for it, not as in a lottery yet in a bigger whirlpool than you can imagine. You are a deliverer, and you deliver the right shipment whether you know it or not or whatever the wanton world might acknowledge.

No matter what, still you are My Divine Son or Daughter born to say something or do something that makes a difference to the world. Whether you are recognized or not, whatever your heritage or lack of heritage, I am your Father, and you are a Prince or Princess Who has come to the world to bear witness to that which is greater than the eye can see.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/8/2017 3:09:24 PM
This is so important in all our lives. These Heaven letters have helped me in many ways seeing my wrong doings and thoughts

Blessings to all.

Create Camaraderie in the World

God said:

There is no such thing as the poor, the rich; the beautiful, the ugly; the good, the bad; the worthy, the worthless; the white, the black; the guilty, the innocent; republicans or democrats; Christians or Muslims; the young, the old; the honest, the dishonest; the brave, the cowardly; the washed, the unwashed. Do you understand Me? Only in the world are there opposites. Do not call out a name that you cast as defamed. You are to create camaraderie in the world.

Certainly, don’t set up boundaries. Instead, create the boundless. Without a glance, you may flaunt the use of words with opposites. Without even looking, you may tend to categorize people without a care in the world. You may, in fact, feel smug about your position as though you are the end of a see-saw that goes up when someone goes down.

I say categorically that everyone is a mixed bag. Even the beautiful do not always appear beautiful, and someone you might judge as ugly may grow on you. It is ugly to identify anyone, including yourself, as ugly. Which is worth more -- good feelings or good looks? You are choosing every minute of the day.

Your mind plucks the idea of groups. People themselves may don cloaks, yet there is no such collection of people, no such union. There are only people. Stereotypes are made up rudely. There are people who wear maids’ uniforms or nurses’ uniforms or clown outfits or blue jeans. Underneath all the names and clothing are simply people of all kinds, and no two are alike. Each one has a heart that beats. Each yearns for something more.

No longer can you stuff individuals on a shelf and leave them there. What a dismissive way to narrow opportunity.

The world is made of assorted people. Every fingerprint is unique. Every person is unique. People can be lumped as prisoners or guards, diners or waiters, masters or slaves. The thing is they are people, and people grow. Open your eyes.

Close your eyes if you want to make less of people, yet recognize that you are intended to see the identities of people far more deeply than by name-calling. Who are you to proclaim what another human Being is or is not? When you make such calls, you make yourself small. Self-righteousness isn’t righteous at all.

When you limit another, you limit yourself. You cut out your Heart and offer your Heart to an altar of ego.

What do you think I mean when I say: “Hallowed is thy name.” This goes for everyone.

If you want to be a name-caller, there are many beautiful and wise names to choose from. What you call another, you hear. What you hear, particularly what you hear again and again, may well become a vibration you really don’t want to acquire. There is no way you lower another without casting yourself down. Don’t be quick to limit any other.

When you call someone else a fool, who is the fool?

If you want to build yourself up higher than you are, if you have this need to be greater, to this end, build others. Let uplifting others be on your mind, for so as you treat others, so do you treat yourself. If you want to grow bigger by making others smaller, forget it.

When you help others to see themselves as I do see, you help yourself, others, and the world. If you desire to make a mark in the world, this is the mark you want to make.

When you make the world a better place to live in, then the world you live in becomes a better place for you to live in. What you serve others, you serve yourself. What you do reaches you.

It is no sacrifice to love one another. This is the Open Sesame to Heaven. Raise Earth and you raise a wonderful world. I am not the only One Who Creates the world. You have a hand in it too. - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/9/2017 3:11:04 PM

Adrift on the High Seas of Life

God said:

I hear you cry out from the wilderness:

“Dear God, I write to You during February, the month of St. Valentine’s Day. God, do You give us Life on Earth so that we will experience becoming attached? A hazard of Life is that we hold on tight. And then You sprinkle death around so that we will learn not to become attached but rather to free ourselves from attachment.

“In all due respects, God, this is like a trick, and the joke is on us. St. Valentine’s Day came and went and left so many of us high and dry. Our hope is so great we fall for it every time.

“Certainly, You want us to Love, and we want to Love, yet in this world, we seem to only know how to grab on even when the grabbing on is on the mental plane.

“And, then, when our loved ones leave for one adventure or another, our whole foundation seems to shatter and scatter. We are adrift until it seems we build a certain crust or scab on our hearts. We try to make our hearts more stern, more above it all. The despair we find ourselves lost in is too painful to bear ever again. Alas, to be vulnerable to Love and not find Love again.

“We understand very well that there are no replacements for our deeply-loved ones. If we are lucky, we have a father and mother on Earth. Yet one way or another, they leave, and we are left behind, or we leave, and they are left behind.

“There can be other Hearts we Love, yet never others quite like the ones who have gone onto greener pastures.

“It seems, dear God, that to Love with all our hearts means that the Ultimate Destination of Loving is the sense of loss.

“And, yet, even when we are strong enough to allow our hearts full freedom now, Love is not always so easy to come by. We don’t always find Love waiting on the corner for us. We accept that our Deeply Loved Ones are irreplaceable, yet sometimes we don’t meet anyone to love again, or, despite our own wishes, our range of Loving comes to a standstill, and there is no object or subject of Love for us again.

“Granted, God, You are Love and always loving us, still we - I -- yearn for a special human Being to love again. All dreams do not come true. It’s like I wait for a ship that never comes in. April Fools’ Day stars in my Life.

“Trying to Love doesn’t work. Or, I don’t know how to begin. Truly, I don’t want Love for the idea of it, but for the Truth of it. God, I have come nowhere near.

“You have said that our Love will arrive like the Lighting Dawn. I wait for the Dawn. I understand that my Life does not depend on this, nevertheless. I feel adrift. I feel that I am not Love, and will never again Love with All My Heart.”

Ah, beloved Child, Beloved Children, you still have Life. Life Itself isn’t nothing. It could be true that you have had your last Big Love. You may not find a Great New Personal Love again, yet still you have Life, and Life is before you, and you can Love whatever lies before you. A personal Love isn’t everything. Even if you have a New Love, a New Love may well not be enough to take away the various urgings in your heart. When all is said and done, a sense of indwelling loneliness may still follow you no matter what.

It is clear now that you must love yourself. How about loving yourself as you are in this moment of fictitious time? In Truth, there is no time, so it cannot be true that time runs out. Love is True, and that’s it.

Just Love the Day Before You. Despite your convictions, there is no telling what tomorrow brings.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/10/2017 1:22:17 PM
Heavenletter #6103 From Where Cometh Joy?, August 10, 2017

God said:

Where is your Heart going? Do you go with your Heart, or do you doubt the direction of your Heart? Do you follow your Heart all the way to your Destiny? Or are you under the subjection of your mind? Your mind may keep you stilled in place. Often, your mind follows a trodden path.

But, ah, your Heart. Your Heart roams. Your Heart takes you places where the Specialty of the Love within you flourishes. This is not pinning your Love on an object outside of you, not even to a Soul Mate. The Love We speak of is deeper, more like the art or music of your Soul. What makes your heart tick?

Your mind, as beautiful as it is, seems to corner you. The mind sure seems like a safe haven, yet, within the mind, ego may lurk. To be sure, ego carries its emotion, and your face goes red with it. No matter how strong mighty ego may propose to be, ego fears to let Love come out of hiding, for Love gets in the way of ego.

See your Heart as the Captain of Your Ship. See your Heart as the Truth of you. Your Heart isn't a wild card that leads you astray. Your Heart isn't synonymous with ego. Heart is strong. Ego is full of bluster because it is weak and has to pump itself up. No, don't mix up ego with Heart, not even once.

In your Heart, you are in your element. Ego is something like a particle of grit caught in your eye. It momentarily blinds you as you seek to see. Ego clogs your Heart. Ego is by no means the key to your Heart. Love is.

With all honor to accountants, for they belong in Life, your mind is given over to accountancy. Your mind likes to keeps count. Your mind stores records. Records are right on the surface. Records are like a ship's log.

The Heart is more like the ship's rudder, hmm, perhaps steering wheel.

You may have thought of your Heart as a bit grungy. Not so. Your Heart is unlimited. Your True Heart has no boundaries. Therefore, your Heart may well be more capable than your mind.

Your mind may say to you:

"What is in your best interest now? What will lead you to the most gain in the world? Be sensible now."

Your True Heart sings out to you:

"What in the world fosters your joy, my matey?"

Your Heart is not thinking of a reward, although, of course, following your Heart is great reward. Your Heart isn't calculating. It is does not parry with questions. Your Heart has one question:

"What is in my Heart? Where is the Stream of My Love? How do I find this Love? How do I express it? What fills my Heart to overflowing? May I discover where my Heart is drawn at its depths. When I find the venue of My Love, all this Love will spill out and nourish the world. I must know what my Love looks like, and what makes it flow."

This is not quite the same as taking measurements, you understand. Love is much more an Undertaking of Great Proportions. It is finding out the Essence of your Heart and going further. Love certainly is not staying where your mind happens to be or where someone outside you has relegated your Love to be.

Honestly, your Love is looking for what truly lies within.

Love doesn't seek for itself with a profit motive. Love seeks to express itself. Love will out. The Love within you wants to know what its avenues in the world really are.

Does the Love in you ride in a gondola? Does the Love in you live in a glade? What beckons the Love in your Heart?

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/11/2017 3:24:01 PM

Heavenletter #6104 There Is a Preciousness in Life, August 11, 2017

God said:

As you keep climbing in Life, you wonder when you yourself will reach the peak you have been waiting for, or if you ever will.

Surrender, beloveds. Just climb. Keep going higher. You desire to reach the peak. You may well have reached it, and you find that beyond is another peak and another peak. Life features climbing. Peaks are incidental. The achievement is climbing. Life is made of climbing. Reaching peaks feels wonderful for a while. After awhile, reaching the peaks isn't enough any longer.

Reaching peaks is a point of view. Reaching peaks is incidental.

Achievements are like mile markers on the road. You keep going. When you reach a peak, you keep going. No matter if you slide back, you keep going, one foot after the other.

The process of climbing matters. You are not setting out in Life to make a record. To be a high achiever is nice, yet this is not your purpose. Going forward is your purpose, not what the world may or may not make of you.

No matter what, look high. The Sun, Moon, Stars follow you. Let your eyes follow them and the Sky, the Blue Sky, Gorgeous Sky, Rainy Sky, Cloudy Sky, Thunderous Sky. While you are on Earth, be glad for all Earth's Gifts. No matter the appearance of the Sky, the Sky is yours. You don't have to ask for the Sky, nor are you ever without the Sky Above. Even in blindness, you know Sky exists. All this is already yours without fail. Notice all your free gifts that abound.

When an advertisement comes in the mail, and you can get something 50% off, you pant to have it. Alas, all that is free is not always valued.

Here on Earth you have values of million of dollars, and they are free to you. You already have them. Name the value of a Million Stars and Galaxies and Moonbeams and Sun's Rays.

Never say that Life is not worth a nickel. You don't mean it. You look at picture after picture in a magazine when, all the while, you have Infinite Images right in front of your eyes wherever you look. There are prize photographs of slums and one leaf or one pair of eyes or one baby crying. What about your hand? Isn't it a magic thing, your hand? Your hand can write. Your hand can type. Your hands can wash dishes. Your hands can embrace. Your hands can soothe away a child's crying.

Of what value are your hands, your feet? What do they mean to you? What would you insure them for? Confess, you do love them. You love all they do for you.

There is preciousness in Life. What is not precious? Only that which you take for granted and do not really look at. Start looking with Eyes of Love.

Ah, yes, you take a lot for granted.

If a dish breaks, thank that dish for all its service.

All of nature rushes to serve you.

If you have ever said that Life is not worth living, take your words back.

Let the advice: "Count your blessings," have a new meaning for you. Who are you to be a cynic? I swear to you, you are not meant to be a cynic, a scoffer, nor a dilettante, a complainer, a victim or anything else but a Child of God. Smooth the world for all. Smooth the world for someone else and, by golly, you smooth the world for you.

Just between Us, have the idea that you are here on Earth to be its public relations director. Oh, yes, you are here for more than one purpose. Stand with your shoulders straight and chin up. You are definitely here for something. You are not here for nothing.

But never mind all this. Do what is in front of you to do, and, c'mon, smile!

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.


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