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I REALLY Did NOT Spend a Penny !!!!
6/11/2016 10:40:57 PM
As of this post, 2 days short of my 1st Anniversary of my WEEBLY SITE, I have not spent a penny.

As of this post my weebly site has been visited by dozens of countries and over have of the states in the United States of America.

Any visitor can click any FLAG to view visitor history.

I will be happy to share how I did it.

Just comment to my 1st blog post and I will send an invitation to my private ALP community forum.

This is the 1st blog post:

John Priestley

481 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
RE: I REALLY Did NOT Spend a Penny !!!!
6/12/2016 7:51:16 AM
Hi Jaz,

Thanks for the update. How much time so you spend each day on this and can you quantify the results? We are always interested in facts that can help us in making our decisions as to how invest our time and effort.

Best regards and looking forward to hearing from you soon, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
RE: I REALLY Did NOT Spend a Penny !!!!
6/12/2016 6:49:08 PM
I just post and invite social game players to visit. The flag widget sort of gives visitors history data and any visitor can view that. I have not expanded my networking, yet so visitors are either from this community or my social game community.

My alexa data; thus, far only has three natural associations, one is #babyshots

I have not used any rotators to viral programs, the only ad for my blog is in this community.

The only other 'outside' help I have is my network partner, who ask iPhone users to look up my blog in the BING search engine ... I also do this too

My partner occasionally share my blog posts on a community page on Facebook

The point I STREESS with those who have not tried

is that it is FREE and EASY


... just drag and drop text or image box into posts
... images can be loaded directly from your computer or URL

... I am no longer in competition for "PUBLISH FREE" because my site has earned enough referral credits for full functions

  • embedding codes (videos, banners, ...)
  • linking URL to graphics
  • adding my BRAND to my site.

WEEBLY launched about seven years ago and does not rely on 'cookie technology'

WeeblyI have published at numerous sites in the past 11+ years; no previous site beats the ease of publication and SEARCH ENGINE hit return in like WEEBLY

Hi Jaz,

Thanks for the update. How much time so you spend each day on this and can you quantify the results? We are always interested in facts that can help us in making our decisions as to how invest our time and effort.

Best regards and looking forward to hearing from you soon, John.
John Priestley

481 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
RE: I REALLY Did NOT Spend a Penny !!!!
6/13/2016 7:59:04 AM
Thank you for that. I am not quite sure that I understand it, though. Has anyone else here tried it out? I would welcome some additional feedback from other users.

In the meantime, have a grand start to the week, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
RE: I REALLY Did NOT Spend a Penny !!!!
6/13/2016 9:03:29 AM
Only one community member did, she only placed a 'sign-up' post to her weebly ... something I learned in a forum ... weebly do not like ... not sure if the community member still works her 'one post'