On Tuesday, Liberty GB, a group calling itself “Britain’s most outspoken political party,” posted an article by REELTalkRadio show host Audrey Russo that minced no words in its harsh criticism of Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton. So sharp was his criticism that Russo headlined his piece, “Hillary Clinton: Islam’s Whore.”
Russo starts by calling Clinton “the most corrupt politician to run for the White House.” And, he adds, that’s “before ever being elected.”
He then called out the so-called “mainstream media,” known here as the “Democrat-media complex,” for giving her cover throughout the campaign.
He provided a somewhat abridged list of her many scandals, including her work covering for her husband’s many affairs by “defaming and harassing…” them. Naturally, he mentioned her role in Benghazi, “her involvement and cover-up of Vince Foster’s death,” and her current email scandal, among others.
He added:
This is a candidate who would most likely throw anyone under a bus (literally) who stands in the way of her becoming the first female president. (Of course, gender has nothing to do with the qualifications for the highest office in the Free World – but character does, and on that basis she’s already disqualified.)
He was far from finished, observing that her foundation has had no trouble accepting large sums of money from Muslim countries ruled by Sharia Law:
• Algeria donated $250,000 to $500,000
• The Nation of Brunei donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
• Kuwait donated $5,000,000 to $10,000,000
• Sultanate of Oman donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
• Qatar donated $5.8 million
• Saudi Arabia donated up to $50 million
• United Arab Emirates donated up to $11.5 million
• Morocco-owned OCP, a phosphate exportation company, donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000