I have read messages like this before, but something here spoke to me. Thank you I needed this.
Something I have not shared, No Money required. My mother in law just had a massive heart attack, and was forced into by pass surgery. The doctors were going to just do 4 by passes, but when they got in there, she needed 5. After the surgery she became very ill, and teetered on death for several days. I gathered my moxy, and asked my grandma to pray with me. She said no need to pray for her, we will just thank God for her getting better. We did. Last night my mother in law impressed even the doctors. She was sitting up and joking this morning.
Seeds do not have to be cash. They can be faith seeds. When a person plants a seed of faith hope can grow on the vine. I pray I am like Stevie. I pray I can look past the dollars, and see the sense.