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RE: The Battle For Survival of the America We Love
3/28/2016 5:53:04 PM

Hillary Clinton

A Career Criminal

Thanks For Stopping By My Friends,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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RE: The Battle For Survival of the America We Love
3/30/2016 12:09:26 AM
John Hawkins

Liberals do a poor job of defending their beliefs with facts, logic or debate, but they have become unparalleled masters at keeping their opponents’ side of the argument from being presented at all.

We have kids who are never exposed to conservatism in high school who go to college where the professors are liberal; then they graduate and get their information from their local paper and all TV outlets except for Fox which are liberal, and they watch ostensibly non-political Hollywood-produced liberal movies and TV shows that reinforce left-wing viewpoints.

As if that isn’t enough, liberals go to great lengths to convince people that their opponents are so cruel, evil, racist and despicable that their arguments are tainted by default and shouldn’t be considered at all. The few conservative speakers at colleges are often met with protests meant to block their speech while conservative students, groups and professors face open discrimination. Taking a non-liberal position can cost an actor his career, a professor his tenure and a scientist his grants. On top of all that, they’ve attempted to simply make topics that are uncomfortable for liberals “out of bounds” via political correctness.

Noam Chomsky once wrote a famous, but perfectly ridiculous book called “Manufacturing Consent.” If you REALLY want to see what “Manufacturing Consent” looks like, look at what the Left has done in America.

You don’t think that’s true? Then why don’t you regularly see liberals being forced to grapple with questions like this as often as conservatives are expected to discuss largely irrelevant topics like the Confederate flag, evolution and the non-existent “war on women?”

* Is it okay for members of the #Blacklivesmatter movement to block traffic? Are their violence and threats acceptable? Pretty clearly, this group hates the police and could fairly be said to encourage violence against cops. Do you feel the same way about the police and if not and you’re a good person, why aren’t you speaking out against their behavior? Doesn’t the hostility generated towards the police by the #Blacklivesmatter movement particularly hurt black Americans in bad neighborhoods who desperately need to have the police safeguarding them from criminals? How many black Americans are dead today because the police felt pressured to pull back from black communities because of the #Blacklivesmatter movement?

* Given that America has a large deficit and an unsustainable level of debt, shouldn’t we balance our budget and start paying off our debt before we consider any new non-essential spending program? How long do you think Social Security and Medicare can survive in their current form and if the answer isn’t “indefinitely” (And I can assure you it’s not), what are you going to do about it? Right now, liberals are blocking every change that could make either program solvent. So, are you willing to take 100% responsibility for all the good people who will be hurt when we can no longer pay senior citizens the money they’re expecting?

* Why do you support legally persecuting millions of Christians who quite correctly believe that they cannot live in accordance with their faith if they participate in a gay wedding? Who’s a worse person, a Christian cake maker who happily serves gay customers, but believes it’s wrong for her to cater a gay wedding or a gay couple that deliberately searches out a Christian cake maker who can’t participate in their wedding so they can sue her? Why should little girls be forced to share a bathroom with grown men who claim they “feel like” women? What about their safety? What about the fact that many of them don’t feel comfortable sharing a bathroom with someone with male genitalia? Are you helping people or hurting them by falsely telling them they can change their sex and encouraging them to mutilate themselves through surgery instead of encouraging them to get psychiatric treatment?

* Does it matter if anti-poverty policies work? If programs don’t work, shouldn’t they be abandoned? Is it good for people to be on welfare and food stamps long-term? Does it matter that the number of people on disability is so historically high that a significant percentage of the people receiving it almost have to be doing so fraudulently? Are we fulfilling our responsibility to the taxpayers to make sure their money is used to TEMPORARILY help people who really need it?

* The real world is not a “safe space” and very few people want hypersensitive weenies who complain about microaggressions around them. So aren’t liberals setting students up for failure by coddling them so much? When you set up kangaroo courts in colleges that are heavily slanted against men accused of rape while allowing women who make false accusations to avoid punishment, aren’t you setting up an environment that guarantees many young men will have their lives ruined over lies? Why should an illegal alien get in-state tuition when an American citizen from out of state has to pay more?

* Cities like New Orleans, Detroit and Flint, Michigan are run entirely by liberals and have been for a long time. Liberals are wonderful at shifting the blame to conservatives, but what are the liberal responsibilities for the problems those cities have? Of the eight states that are closest to bankruptcy, seven of them have been generally controlled by liberals over the last few decades (Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, California and Kentucky – which was largely controlled by Democrats until the last decade or so). What have liberals done wrong in those states? What do they need to do to achieve financial stability, especially given that California, New York and New Jersey already have some of the highest taxes in the nation?

* How many Americans are out of work because illegal aliens have taken their jobs? How many Americans are on government assistance either because they’ve lost their jobs or because illegals have driven down the wage they can be paid? How many millions of Americans have been robbed, raped or murdered because we refuse to secure our borders? When you encourage this kind of lawbreaking, what message does it send to legal immigrants? What message does it send about how meaningful the rule of law is to ALL AMERICANS?

Of course, we could go on and on like this for thousands of words because there are so many obvious questions that should be asked about what liberals are doing to America. Since liberals don’t have good answers for these questions, they do everything they can to avoid answering them and more importantly, to keep them from being asked. You’re not going to see a discussion about this on CNN, you’re not going to hear it in a college classroom and Hollywood isn’t going to make a new TV show that talks about how awful it is that Christians are persecuted for refusing to cater gay weddings. Unless liberals are forced to account for the poor performance, injustice and immorality of the policies they’ve been so successful in advocating, it will eventually destroy this country….and “eventually” may be a lot sooner than most people think.

Have A Terrific Tuesday,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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RE: The Battle For Survival of the America We Love
3/30/2016 12:41:36 AM

It’s been well documented that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are not the best of friends. But as Democratic establishment figures, they seem willing to do just about anything to protect each other from legal harm.

And now the Obama administration is keeping under wraps a number of draft criminal indictments targeting Clinton.

In fact, the Obama administration seems willing to do everything in its power to keep the content of these indictments from ever going public — including fighting for Clinton in court.

The Clinton indictments, all drafts, involve older allegations that she withheld evidence from federal investigators to conceal her role in the Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan scandal, which involved an Arkansas financial company whose collapse lead to multiple criminal convictions.

Clinton represented Madison Guaranty as an attorney at the Rose Law Firm. Critics say she illegally misused her position to profit while there, but she ultimately avoided indictment for her involvement.

Draft indictments over the scandal were drawn up, and the political watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to expose them publicly.

But they’ve been stonewalled by the Obama administration at every turn. The National Archives and Records Administration is refusing to release the information.

According to the Obama administration, the indictments are too personal — and Clinton’s right to privacy is more important than the public’s right to know what’s in the draft indictments.

“While there may be a scintilla of public interest in these documents since Mrs. Clinton is presently a Democratic presidential candidate, that fact alone is not a cognizable public interest under FOIA, as disclosure of the draft indictments would not shed light on what the government is up to,” the National Archives said in a statement.

The Obama administration’s move has critics furious — especially because the public has a right to know how close a presidential candidate came to facing criminal charges and possibly jail time.

“It is absurd for the Obama administration to argue that Hillary Clinton’s privacy would keep a draft indictment from the American public,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton in the group’s press release. “One can’t help but conclude that the Obama administration is doing a political favor for Hillary Clinton at the expense of the public’s right to know about whether prosecutors believed she may have committed federal crimes.”

Have A Wonderful Week My Friends,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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RE: The Battle For Survival of the America We Love
5/9/2016 1:43:37 AM
Here's One That I Love!

Never Hillary is how some would vote if only they could.

Remember Benghazi!
“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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RE: The Battle For Survival of the America We Love
5/9/2016 2:51:59 AM
Stopping Hillary #1 Reason For Voting for Trump

Well, the number one reason why voters will vote for Donald Trump is to stop Hillary Clinton. The problem is that on the other side, the main reason they’re voting for Clinton is to prevent Trump from moving into the White House. So, while there may have been reports about Democratic turnout being lower in the primaries, more importantly, the drop in enthusiasm - it would appear Mr. Trump might be the antidote.

About 47 percent of Trump supporters said they backed him primarily because they don't want Clinton to win. Another 43 percent said their primary motivation was a liking for Trump's political positions, while 6 percent said they liked him personally.

Similar responses prevailed among Clinton supporters.

About 46 percent said they would vote for her mostly because they don’t want to see a Trump presidency, while 40 percent said they agreed with her political positions, and 11 percent said they liked her personally.

The April 29-May 5 poll included 469 likely Trump voters and 599 likely Clinton voters. It has a credibility interval of 5 percentage points.

But the negative atmosphere is likely to reign, says Alan Abramowitz, an Emory University professor who has studied the rise of negative partisanship in America.

Both campaigns probably will decide their best strategy is to work even harder to vilify each other, he said.

A 2014 study by Pew Research Center found that Democrats and Republicans have shown increasingly negative views toward each other over the past few decades. In 2014 more than a quarter of Democrats, and more than a third of Republicans, viewed the opposition as "a threat to the nation’s well-being."

So, there may be some who argue that this is a detrimental aspect of Trump winning the GOP nomination. Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders are going to be bitterly disappointed when he loses the Democratic nomination to Clinton,about a quarter have said they won’t vote for Clinton in the general. Yet, while it’s interesting discussion, don’t put too much stock in it. A Sanders supporter isn’t going to stay home to show their disgust of Clinton, only to see the country be takeover by Trump. And anti-Trump supporters aren’t going to stay home and allow Clinton quarterback a third term of Obamaism. As Guy and Katie pointed out, some GOP heavyweights are lining up behind Trump. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry is endorsing the real estate magnate—this is a man who called the billionaire a "cancer", Romney, Bush 41 and 43 are sitting it out, but Vice President Dick Cheney announced today that he's on the Trump train. In fact, while Trump is trailing Clinton by double-digits, though he’s starting off with 82 percent of Republican voters backing him. I’m going to assume that figure is going to rise a few notches as we enter the general election phase of 2016.

The Supreme Court, the Second Amendment, and a multitude of other key issues (Clean Power Plan/coal) hang in the balance with this election, so I’m hoping the pro-Second Amendment takes a hard look at the road ahead. We all know what Clinton is going to do. For those who are worried that Democrats will destroy their lives with their war on coal, I hope they do the same thing. Both candidates are admittedly the worst of the worst this cycle, but there is one question that should give the anti-Trump wing pause. My friend and colleague Larry O’Connor, who’s neither pro nor anti-Trump, mentioned this in a conversation a few days ago: would you rather have a Clinton presidency with a Democratic Congress, or a Trump administration working with a Republican one? I hope that question permeates the rest of the GOP electorate who are still skeptical of the billionaire. It’s going to be a clothespin vote this year, but I’m hoping most might be jolted into action by the thought of President Hillary Clinton. It’s a debate I’m wrestling with at present—and yes, Clinton in the White House, with a Democratic Congress that could, among other things, place two anti-gun jurists on the Supreme Court absolutely terrifies me.

Have A Terrific Week My Friends,

“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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