
Devasish Gupta

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Incredible Power of Forgiveness & Tapping Technique to Radically Transform Your
2/7/2016 4:38:41 PM
Incredible Power of Forgiveness & Tapping Technique to Radically Transform Your Life!

Hysterical Wayne Dyer Story...

The "plane story" that best-selling author Wayne Dyer tells in this exclusive interview with Nick Ortner (at about the 20th minute) is hilarious! :)

Let's just say that it involves Wayne coming out of a bathroom on a plane covered in sweat from head to toe, and I'll leave the rest for you to hear right from him.

Sadly, Wayne passed away in August of last year, but although he is gone, his message is still changing the world.

And this video, and the hilarious story he tells, is a classic example of how heart warming, life-changing and inspirational his message was...

Watch the Video:

The story is just one part the thought-provoking interview with Wayne, which is presented as part of the pre-event video series for the upcoming 8th annual Tapping World Summit, an event that had over 500,000 attendees last year. If you don't know what Tapping is, you'll want to learn about it during this event.

Some of the other things that Wayne discussed in this video include:

- How to use the power of forgiveness, towards both yourself and others, to truly transform your life.

During this part he tells an eye-opening story of his visit to Biloxi, Mississippi at the age of 34, when he went to the the grave of his father to literally "pee" on the grave. (There's a lot more to the story. You'll understand why that was his intention after you hear it from Wayne, and why it was so powerful and life-changing).

- The importance of the physical body in our spiritual experience.

- Why self-acceptance, although oftentimes difficult, is so critical in our lives, and how you can get to a place of self-acceptance faster.

- The transformative power of giving and how you can use it to improve your life.

- And much more.

I hope you take a few minutes to watch this video and I highly recommend attending the 10-day Tapping World Summit. This event has had over a million people attend it over the past 5 years. It is a huge, life-changing, no-cost event.

Make sure to check it out:

2016 Tapping World Summit

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