The domestic equity benchmarks continued to witness roller-coaster ride for the second day in a row on Thursday, but the BSE S&P Sensex pared much of the losses after opening the day with a deep cut. After starting the day about 350 points lower, the Sensex recouped about 500 points to erase the losses and trade in the green. But the benchmark indices again slid into the negative territory towards the end of the session after the European markets opened in the red.
The 30-stock pack eventually ended the day at 24,772. 97, down 81.14 points, or 0.33 per cent. NSE's Nifty50 index closed at 7,536.80, down 25.60 points or 0.34 per cent.
HEADLINES OF THE DAY Infosys surges on strong revenue guidance, Q3FY2016 performance Tata Steel down as S&P downgrades December WPI Inflation comes at -0.73% Vs -1.15% expected
The crucial resistance for Nifty SPOT is now seen at 7610 and above this 7752.Support for the immediate term is now placed at 7487 and next support will be 7440.