
Wally Pieper

90 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
12/29/2015 5:01:43 PM

Every self-help pitchman I ever heard …..including the MOST very famous ones, quote the study from Yale done from 1953 – 1978. In that study, it shows that 3% of the people had written goals and the other 97% did not. The 3% they claim had a collective wealth that dwarfed the other 97%. Their marriages were better….kids did better, etc…..They base their entire presentations [A.K.A. setting the hook for the big upsell] on this study……pretty well known study…..quoted all the time, referred to constantly, even in MLM training manuals from companies.

Houston, we have a problem.

….the study NEVER took place. These guys and gals are lying. One of the top 5 CD-self-help peddlers stated when confronted about the study being false….said. “Well, it should have“…..huh?…..and business as usual. Gurus with ‘situational ethics’ …..gee, now there’s a stunner.

Goals will not build our businesses. Don’t take my word for it. Read Think and Grow Rich.


Network marketing is and always will be a skills based business. And all the pep talks and warm fuzzy thoughts do nothing to help a person who does not know what to say.

Prospects ask questions. Your new reps get beat up. Pep talk….quoting Robbins…..Tracey…..Maxwell…..

They talk to some more people. More questions.

More getting beat up….more pep talks…..cycle repeats…..

You tell them they ‘just gotta find the right people’ …’s false but you tell them anyway…..they believe you….cycle repeats….last step… they quit.

The truth is, our recruits have to be taught what to say …..not how to think. Positive results are the best damn motivator on the planet.

Let’s face it…..motivational speeches are like warm baths……they feel great for a while but in a short amount of time we’re sitting in COLD DIRTY water….hmmmm

If we are going to make money, we are going to need to learn some skills… then put the skills to use.

I learned a simple skill… and taught it ….team learned that simple skill…and taught it… result… faster team growth … higher retention…most importantly… bigger commission checks.

Skills, not dead animal body parts….[eye-of-the-tiger, heart-of-a-lion] ….will build our businesses.

I am not alone in my wish that people would spend as much time calling as they do reading re-hashed drivel based on a lie.

I have two industry leaders on whom I rely upon for my guidance and inspiration and though they use totally different techniques to communicate their message, the message is virtually identical and wholly ethical, which was my attractant. If success in this industry is your goal, I suggest you seek out an honest, ethical leader, not interested in you as customer for their books, cd’s, or their own opportunity, but are doing nothing more than dispensing solid, accurate useful information that is easy to understand and is easily transferable to your downline.

Don’t let 2016 slip into 2017 doing the same things you did in 2015 and before, getting the same mediocre results. Take the time to find that one or two “gurus” who are dedicated to your success and not their own self interest AND have a proven success record.

If you’re happy in a business, that’s great! If you are looking for the right online business and mentor, I would love to share what I’m doing with you. Click here and let’s explore the possibilities.
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